
Sarnold 2009-09-20 - Yet another week-end fun project: parsing S-EXP to Tcl.


 lispy::parse string
% source lispy.tcl
% lispy::parse {puts (* (math.atan -1) 4)}
puts [expr {atan(-1)*4}]

Lispy syntax

Each command starts with a command name and continues with arguments. A simple word (which starts with a letter or a colon) is taken as value (token becomes $token) if it is not the first word of the command. As in Lisp, parentheses match nested commands:

 add (mul x y) (mul z t)
 -> add [mul $x $y] [mul $z $t]

To give expressions, you can use the following commands/functions:

 * + / - % ** < <= == != > >= >> << & && | || ^ ~ ! lt? gt? eq? ne? in? ni? ge? le?

and the math functions defined by expr are accessed via math.funcname

 (+ x (math.sin y)) => expr {$x+sin(y)}

Expressions expected by commands such as if, while, etc. are to be prepended with a question mark:

 (if ?(< x 0) (begin (puts "x is negative")))

Numbers are put verbatim

 1.2 -> 1.2

Options are put verbatim, as with command names starting with special chars.


To start the command with a variable value, you will have to put a dollar sign in front of it.

 $widget 'add 'circle 1 1 10 10
 -> $widget add circle 1 1 10 10

String interpolation is possible with double-quoted strings which are put verbatim.

 puts "Hello my $friend"

Lists are built with (single) quotes in front of parenthesized expressions, and can be nested.

 lindex '(1 2 3 4) 0
 -> lindex {1 2 3 4} 0

Blocks are built with the special prefix "begin":

 if ?{> d 0) (begin (puts "Success"))
 -> if {$d > 0} {
    puts "Success"

Comments are allowed but they start with semicolons and end at the end of line.Commands are not required to fit on one line.

package provide lispy 0.4

namespace eval lispy {}

proc lispy::hasescape string {
        expr {[string length $string] - [string length [string trimright $string \\]] % 2 == 1}

proc lispy::lexeme code {
        foreach {regex token} {
                {\-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?} number
                {".*"} string
                {[a-zA-Z_:][A-Za-z0-9_:]*} var
                {\$[a-zA-Z_:][A-Za-z0-9_:]*} dvar
                {'[a-zA-Z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*} tag
                {[+\-\*/\!=<>%\|&A-Aa-z_:\.][+\-\*/\!=<>%\|&A-Aa-z_:\.0-9]*} cmd
                {'\(} list
                {\?\(} expr
                {\(begin} begin
                {\(} open
                {\)} close
                {;.*\n} comment
                {[\t ]+} blank
        } {
                if {[regexp ^$regex $code match]} {
                                        if {$token eq "string"} {
                                                while {[hasescape [string range $match 0 end-1]]} {
                                                        set rest [string range $code [string length $match] end]
                                                        set i [string first $rest \"]
                                                        if {$i < 0} {error "unfinished string"}
                                                        append match [string range $rest 0 $i]
                                                return [list $token $match]
                                        if {$token in {close comment blank expr begin open list}} {return [list $token $match]}
                                        if {$code ne $match && [string index $code [string length $match]] ni [split "); \t" ""]} continue                                                
                    return [list $token $match]
        error "invalid syntax at: '$code'"

proc lispy::ismath x {
        if {$x in {* + / - % ** < <= == != > >= >> << & && | || ^ ~ ! lt? gt? eq? ne? in? ni? ge? le?}} {
                return yes
        return no

proc lispy::ismathfun x {
        set prefix math.
        if {[string range $x 0 4] eq $prefix} {return yes}
        return no

proc lispy::math x {
        if {$x in {lt? gt? eq? ne? in? ni? ge? le?}} {return [string range $x 0 1]}
        if {[string range $x 0 4] eq "math."} {return [string range $x 5 end]}
        set x

proc lispy::make-parser {name body} {
        proc parse-$name var [string map [list %body [list $body]] {
                upvar 1 code $var
                set res ""
                while {$code ne ""} {
                        foreach {tag string} [lexeme $code] break
                        set code [string range $code [string length $string] end]
                        if {$tag eq "comment"} continue
                        switch -- $tag %body
                return $res

lispy::make-parser command {
        blank - number - string - dvar {
                # put verbatim
                append res $string
                return "$res[parse-arguments code]"
        var - cmd {
                if {[lispy::ismath $string]} {
                                        append res "expr {[join [parse-expr code] [lispy::math $string]]}"
                                        return $res
                                if {[lispy::ismathfun $string]} {
                                        append res "expr {[lispy::math $string]([join [parse-expr code] ", "])}"
                                        return $res
                # put verbatim
                append res $string
                return "$res[parse-arguments code]"
        expr {
                        error "expression not allowed as command"
        tag {
                append res [string range $string 1 end]
                return "$res[parse-arguments code]"
        open {
                append res [parse-command code]
                return "$res[parse-arguments code]"
        close {
                return $res

# start subcommands for math expressions
# (+ 2 (* 3 4))
#       ^
lispy::make-parser exprcmd {
        blank {}
        string - dvar {
                        append res $string
                        return "\[$res[parse-arguments code]\]"
        var - cmd {
                if {[lispy::ismath $string]} {
                                        return "([join [parse-expr code] [lispy::math $string]])"
                                if {[lispy::ismathfun $string]} {
                                        return "[lispy::math $string]([join [parse-expr code] ", "])"
                # put verbatim
                append res $string
                return "\[$res[parse-arguments code]\]"
        tag {
                append res [string range $string 1 end]
                return "\[$res[parse-arguments code]\]"
        open - expr {
                append res [parse-exprcmd code]
                return "\[$res[parse-arguments code]\]"
        close {
                return $res

lispy::make-parser block {
        blank {
                append res \n
        number - string - var - cmd - tag - dvar {
                error "block expected"
        open {
                append res \t[parse-command code]\n
        close {
                return \{$res\}
lispy::make-parser arguments {
        blank - number - string - cmd - dvar {
                # put verbatim
                append res $string
        tag {
                append res [string range $string 1 end]
        var {
                append res \$$string
        open {
                append res "\[[parse-command code]\]"
        expr {
                                append res "{[parse-exprcmd code]}"
        close {
                return $res
        list {
                append res [parse-list code]
        begin {
                append res [parse-block code]
# math expressions
lispy::make-parser expr {
        blank {
        number - string - dvar {
                # put verbatim
                lappend res $string
        tag - cmd {
                error "cannot handle tags in a mathematical expression"
        var {
                lappend res \$$string
        open - expr {
                lappend res [parse-exprcmd code]
        close {
                return $res
        list {
                lappend res [parse-list code]
        begin {
                error "cannot have begin in mathematical expression"
lispy::make-parser list {
        blank - number - string - cmd - var - dvar {
                # put verbatim
                append res $string
        tag {
                append res [string range $string 1 end]
        close {
                return \{$res\}
        list - open {
                append res [parse-list code]
proc lispy::parse code {
        lispy::parse-command code