See the|%program page%|% for presentations and|%photos%|%. The presentations of this meeting are available at the|%EuroTcl site%|%. ---- %|||% &|When|June 29-30, 2019|& &|Where|Nuremberg, Germany|& &|Email Contact||& &|Site Chair|[Reinhard Max]|& &|Program Chair|[Paul Obermeier]|& ---- 31 Tcl'ers from Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States attended the meeting. 3 TCT members attended the meeting: Donal Fellows, Brian Griffin, Jan Nijtmans. 1 TCT member emeritus attended the meeting: Richard Hipp. ---- The following Tcl'ers gave a presentation. %|||% &||%Csaba Nemethi%|%|On the scrollarea Widget and Scrollable Widget Containers|& &||%Richard Hipp%|%|Wapp - A super-simple yet power, secure, and robust framework for writing web applications in Tcl|& &||%Michael Kaelbling%|%|SPMC: SISLIDY Presentation Markup Compiler|& &||%Michael Kaelbling%|%|Queue: A ‘list’ extension package (Lightning Talk)|& &||%Michael Kaelbling%|%|Tcl Digraphs: Emacs T;c;l Minor Mode (Lightning Talk)|& &||%Rene Zaumseil%|%|OO class like widgets|& &||%Uli Ender%|%|Solar installations on my balcony and Tcl |& &||%Brian Griffin%|%|Tcl and the Qt Event Loop (Using Tcl in a Qt Application)|& &||%Axel Nagelschmidt%|%|Using Tcl in various places - A talk from a not so active Tcler|& &||%Christian Werner%|%|A new video driver for undroidwish (and other goodies)|& &||%Gerhard Reithofer%|%|Barcode interface to an existing ERP system using TCL and Androwish|& &||%Harald Oehlmann%|%|(Professional) Android Bar Code device application|& &||%John Buckman%|%|Coffee Without Java - Making an espresso machine which runs on Tcl|& &||%Jan Nijtmans%|%|Full Unicode support in Tcl 9.0|& &||%Johann Oberdorfer%|%|DBM - A new task management tool|& <>Tcl Conferences | Category Community