Version 6 of 1K

Updated 2014-03-26 00:27:17 by HJG

HJG 2014-03-25 - Work in progress / GUI + Demo

This is a nice little game with numbers, also suitable for small displays, e.g. mobile-phones.

Like 15-puzzle and sudoku, only numbers are used, and like tetris, the goal is to merge those numbers.


  • The playfield has tiles with numbers.
  • With the arrow-keys all tiles move.
  • Tiles with the same number merge.
  • The goal is to reach a high number, e.g. 1024 or 2048.
  • After every move, a new low number eppears on a free tile.
  • The game is over when there is no free tile to create a new number.

There are several variants, some of them only for iOS or Android:

There is also a portable version at .

With a download-size of nearly 18 MB (as it contains the node-webkit browser engine), this strikes me as quite a bit of bloat.

So, I decided to try a more frugal version in tcl.

When finished, it would be nice to make this into a selfcontained starkit.

# 1k-p07.tcl

# A small game with numbers,
# like 1024 by Veewo Studio, 2048 by Gabriele Cirulli, or Threes by Asher Vollmer.

  package require Tk

  global Prg

  set Prg(Title)    "1K-Puzzle"
  set Prg(Version)  "v0.07"
  set Prg(Date)     "2014-03-23"
  set Prg(Author)   "Hans-Joachim Gurt"
  set Prg(Contact)  [string map -nocase {: @ ! .} gurt:gmx!de]
  set Prg(About)    "Combine equeal numbers, to reach 1024"
  set Prg(Msg)      "Press up/down,left/right."

  proc Start {} {
      # Fill_Test
      # after 1000  { Fill_Zero }

  array set colors {
        0  white
        1  PeachPuff1
        2  Goldenrod1
        4  Orange2
        8  Salmon1
       16  IndianRed1
       32  FireBrick1
       64  PaleGreen1
      128  MediumSpringGreen
      256  Green1
      512  SteelBlue1
     1024  RoyalBlue1
     2048  DeepPink1 
     4096  SlateBlue1
     8192  Gold1
    16384  SpringGreen1
  # ...
  # MistyRose1  Azure1  SlateBlue1  RoyalBlue1  DodgerBlue1  SteelBlue1
  # DeepSkyBlue1  SkyBlue1  LightSkyBlue1  SlateGray1  LightBlue1
  # LightCyan1  PaleTurquoise1  CadetBlue1  Turquoise1  Cyan1
  # DarkSlateGray1  
  # AquaMarine1  DarkSeaGreen1  SeaGreen1  PaleGreen1  SpringGreen1
  # Green1  Chartreuse1  OliveDrab1  DarkOliveGreen1
  # Khaki  LightGoldenrod1  LightYellow1  Yellow1  Gold1  
  # Goldenrod1  DarkGoldenrod1  
  # RosyBrown1  IndianRed1 Sienna1  BurlyWood1  Wheat1  Tan1
  # Chocolate1  FireBrick1  Brown1  Salmon1  LightSalmon1
  # Orange1  DarkOrange1  Coral1  Tomato1  OrangeRed1  Red1
  # DeepPink1  HotPink1  Pink1  LightPink1
  # PaleVioletRed1  Maroon1  VioletRed1  Magenta1  Orchid1  Plum1
  # MediumOrchid1  DarkOrchid1  Purple1  MediumPurple1  Thistle1
  # ...
  proc Fill_Zero {} {
     for {set r 1} {$r<=4} {incr r} {
        for {set c 1} {$c<=4} {incr c} {
            .b$r$c configure -text " " -bg white ;# -bg SystemButtonFace ;# -bg grey83

  proc Fill_Test {} {
     set cNr 0
     for {set r 1} {$r<=4} {incr r} {
        for {set c 1} {$c<=4} {incr c} {
          SetCell $r $c $cNr
          if { $cNr==0 } { set cNr 1 } else { set cNr [expr $cNr+$cNr] }

  proc Fill_1 {} {
  ## TODO: random start
      SetCell 1 1  1
      SetCell 1 2  1

  proc Ping1 { r c } {
  # set v 99
    set v [.b$r$c cget -text]
    set ::Prg(Msg)  "Ping: $r $c = $v"
  proc Ping { r c } {
    set v [.b$r$c cget -text]
    set ::Prg(Msg)  "Ping: $r $c = $v"
    if { $v == " " } { set v 1 } else { set v [expr $v+$v] }
    if { $v == "16384" } { set v 0 }
    SetCell $r $c $v

  proc SetCell { r c v } {
    set color black
    set val " "      
    if { $v > 0 } { set val $v }      
   #puts "SetCell $r $c $v "    
    set color $::colors($v)
    puts "SetCell $r $c $v : $color"
    .b$r$c configure -text $val -bg $color
  proc Move { dir } {
    set   ::Prg(Msg)  "Button pressed: $dir"
    puts $::Prg(Msg)
## TODO ...

    if { $dir == 3 }  { SetCell 1 1  2;  SetCell 1 2  0;  SetCell 2 3  1 }
    if { $dir == 2 }  { SetCell 4 1  2;  SetCell 1 1  0
                        SetCell 4 3  1;  SetCell 2 3  0;  SetCell 1 4  1 }
    if { $dir == 4 }  { SetCell 4 1  0;  SetCell 4 4  1;  SetCell 2 2  1;
                        SetCell 4 3  2;  SetCell 1 1  0;  SetCell 4 4  1 }


  proc InitGUI {} {
      global Prg

      wm title . "$Prg(Title) $Prg(Version)"
      puts       "$Prg(Title) $Prg(Version)"
      frame .f0 -background grey                  ;# Outer frame
      pack  .f0  -padx 10  -pady 10

      label .lb_1 -text         $Prg(Title) -width 10 -bg DeepPink1 -pady 8
      label .lb_2 -textvariable  Prg(Msg)   -width 30 -bg grey      -pady 8
      # rows:
      frame .f1  -background red
      frame .f2  -background yellow
      frame .f3  -background green
      frame .f4  -background blue
      frame .fJ  -background grey80  -pady 8     ;# Joystick-Buttons

      frame .fB  -background cyan    -pady 2     ;# Start/Quit-Buttons
      pack .lb_1            -in .f0 -pady 5
      pack .f1 .f2 .f3 .f4  -in .f0
      pack .lb_2            -in .f0 -pady 5
      pack .fJ
      pack .fB
      option add *Button.width  4
      option add *Button.height 2
      for {set r 1} {$r<=4} {incr r} {
        for {set c 1} {$c<=4} {incr c} {
          button .b$r$c -text " " -command " Ping $r $c "
      option add *Button.width  1
      option add *Button.height 1
      button .b1 -text "^"  -command { Move 1 }
      button .b2 -text "v"  -command { Move 2 }
      button .b3 -text "<"  -command { Move 3 }
      button .b4 -text ">"  -command { Move 4 }
      label  ._  -text "+"
      option add *Button.width  6
      option add *Button.height 1
      button  .bt_start -text "Start" -command { Start }
      button  .bt_quit  -text "Quit"  -command { exit }
      pack .b11 .b12 .b13 .b14  -in .f1  -side left -padx 0
      pack .b21 .b22 .b23 .b24  -in .f2  -side left -padx 0
      pack .b31 .b32 .b33 .b34  -in .f3  -side left -padx 0
      pack .b41 .b42 .b43 .b44  -in .f4  -side left -padx 0
      pack .b1 -in .fJ -side top
      pack .b2 -in .fJ -side bottom
      pack .b3 -in .fJ -side left
      pack ._  -in .fJ -side left
      pack .b4 -in .fJ -side right
      pack  .bt_start .bt_quit  -in .fB  -side left -padx 18 -pady 2

    # bind all <Return>   { Start }
      bind all <Return>   { Fill_Test }     ;# Test
      bind all <Escape>   { exit  }
      # Cursorkeys:  
      bind all <KeyPress-Up>    { Move 1 }
      bind all <KeyPress-Down>  { Move 2 }
      bind all <KeyPress-Left>  { Move 3 }
      bind all <KeyPress-Right> { Move 4 }
      # Keypad-Cursorkeys:
      bind all <Key-KP_8>       { Move 1 }
      bind all <Key-KP_2>       { Move 2 }
      bind all <Key-KP_4>       { Move 3 }
      bind all <Key-KP_6>       { Move 4 }

# bind all <Key-F2> {console show}
# catch {console show}  
# catch {wm withdraw .}
