Version 15 of A New Megawidget Library

Updated 2004-02-26 02:56:59

There have been lots of Mega-widget libraries written at different points in time, and all of them have their merits. I am currently thinking of writing a new mega-widget library which would be a re-write of all the BWidget code into a SNIT framework. I think the BWidget widgets are great. I just think making them leaves something to be desired.

Does anyone think this is worth the time and effort?

How would you go about writing a new mega-widget library?

What widgets would you include?

My hope is that this discussion could bring about a mega-widget library (and possibly a framework) which could become the benchmark for Tk. I want this to be the widget library you can't live without (currently BWidget for me). How would you do it?

RS 2004-02-24 - First of all, "in contrast to Megahertz and Megabytes, a megawidget is not worth a million widgets". BWidget offers some popular things, like ComboBox, NoteBook etc., but custom "megawidgets" are often required. So make it easy on composing things - and best don't waste namespace names like BWidget does... For one-off usage, I often just pack or grid two or more things into a frame. Well, if it's the simplest thing that works...

DC 2004-02-25 - I don't see making a mega-widget framework without using namespaces. That's pretty much the clearest way to store information about a widget. And if it happens that we have a new namespace for each widget created, what's wrong with that? It will be destroyed when the widget is.

I did some preliminary testing by porting the BWidget ButtonBox to SNIT. The process was extremely painless, and I had the whole widget ported to a SNIT framework in about 10 minutes. This shows promise, as the whole BWidget library could be moved to SNIT with very little effort.

The only thing that might stop me is that when testing the two implementations, I found the BWidget actually faster. Not by much, but faster. About 500 microseconds per iteration faster. Anyone care to comment on that?

RS Namespaces are well and fine, but BWidget (and any successor) should claim a single ::BWidget namespace, and create child namespaces in that. Currently, after "package require BWidget; noteBook .n", the following are created:

 ::GlobalVar ::Widget ::DynamicHelp ::BWidget ::BWIDGET ::ArrowButton ::NoteBook

which is a bit much for me

Bryan Oakley 2004-02-25 - if it were me, I'd not base the widgets on snit. Snit is wonderful, but I personally believe megawidgets would be more universally accepted if they didn't depend on an external library.

As for namespaces, I think there should be a single toplevel namespace (eg: ::megawidget) with additional namespaces below that (eg: ::megawidget::combobox, ::megawidget::notebook, etc). Why? Good top-level namespaces are already being used by some widgets, and placing them all under an umbrella namespace will limit name clashes.

I've also found it convenient to create a namespace per widget but that's just my coding style. I tend to write code like this (not exactly, but this captures the spirit):

    proc mywidget {name args} {
        namespace eval ::mywidget::instance::$name {
            variable options 
            variable widgets
        <create the widget...>
        interp alias {} $name {} ::mywidget::proxy $name
    proc ::mywidget::proxy {name command args} {
        if {$command eq "configure"} {
            eval ::mywidget::configure $name $args
    proc ::mywidget::configure {name args} {
        variable ::mywidget::instance::${name}::options
        variable ::mywidget::instance::${name}::widgets
        $widgets(frame) configure -background $options(-background)

I don't know if that's the most efficient way, but it works well in practice and means I don't need a large object system.

And yes, I know that snit is a wonderful mechanism to implement all the details of namespaces, instance variables, etc. I still find standalone widgets preferable to something that has external dependencies on an object system I might not otherwise require.

DC 2004-02-25 - Well, the idea is that whatever we end up with will become part of a core mega-widget library that can ship with the core and be depended-on to be there. I don't see any problem with SNIT being a candidate for that. If I write a mega-widget library from scratch, it's probably going to resemble SNIT in a lot of ways. Albeit, a lot smaller.

As of this writing, I've already gotten most of what I need done in about 11k of code. This mimics almost all of the SNIT functionality that we would need for a mega-widget library. Of course, someone will have an objection to distributing an extra 11k (probably 20k by the time I'm done) with the core. I just think we need mega-widget support as part of the core.

Isn't the new 'ensemble' stuff in Tcl 8.5 supposed to make all this easier? Shouldn't we be using that? If it's not quite adequate, shouldn't we extend it until it is? I also think a megawidget library would get more acceptance if it didn't rely on any specific object-model (of which Tcl's has a dozen or so, by now). Vince

DC 2004-02-25 - Well, that's what this page is for. What are the requirements of a mega-widget framework? I'm willing to do the leg work and make the library once we (those of us who develop mega-widgets, not just use them) decide what is required. We've all said that some amount of code at the core level is necessary to truly implement this kind of thing (IE: Adding -class options to all widgets, etc...), but I want to get something going now.

Maybe the ensemble code could be used. Is there a working patch of it anywhere?

I definitely like the idea of a single namespace and everything else is a child of that. That's kind of what got me started on a lot of this. Once the framework is in place, I plan to port BWidgets to the new framework as a starting point. My hope is that the framework itself would be distributed with the core, while the widget sets would be separate.

Peter Newman 2004-02-26: I don't know whether we need a new megawidget collection or not. But what we do need is inheritance and reusability. By that I mean that Tk widgets should be designed in such a way that there is a standard and well-documented method of adding new features, or replace existing features, of existing (core or complying,) widgets.

Take the button widget for example. Heaps of people have complained about the fact that you can't set a text only button's width/height in pixels (only in characters/lines). But rather than designing a new button from the ground up (as BWidgets and many other megawidget sets have done), a Tcl programmer should be able to correct this by either; adding a new (say) -pwidth/-pheight option to, or; replacing the existing -width/-height options of, the existing Tk button.

I realise that there are hacks to do this with current Tcl/Tk. But really it shouldn't be a hack. It should be a standard feature of Tk. Hopefully the "frameworks" and "object-oriented extensions" being talked about above, will include and make possible this sort of thing.

For example, I should be able to go:-

 button .mybutton -label {Hello World} ;
 pack .mybutton ;

 '''proc MyPixelWidthOptionHandler { ...whatever... } { ...whatever... } ;
 proc MyWidthOptionHandler { ...whatever... } { ...whatever... } ;
 .mybutton optionadd -pwidth MyPixelWidthOptionHandler ;
 .mybutton optionreplace -width MyWidthOptionHandler ;'''