'''[JOB] - 2017-01-23''' Here is an example code which shows, how to render a html file - styled with css. Although nothing brand new, the Tkhtml3 widget works surprisingly well with html-code + e.g. bootstrap.css framework. I find it very convenient to have a lightweight html widget available, which might be used as a docu-reader, help-viewer, etc... Since the interface between tkhtml-2 and tkhtml-3 changed, it took me quite a while to figure out, how to render a page with Tkhtml3. ====== # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # html3widget.tcl --- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (c) 2016, Johann Oberdorfer - Engineering Support | CAD | Software # johann.oberdorfer [at] gmail.com # www.johann-oberdorfer.eu # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This source file is distributed under the BSD license. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the BSD License for more details. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Purpose: # A TclOO class implementing the html3widget megawidget. # Might be usefull as a starting point. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TclOO naming conventions: # public methods - starts with lower case declaration names, whereas # private methods - starts with uppercase naming, so we are going to use CamelCase ... # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # for development: try to find autoscroll, etc ... # set this_file [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]] # where to find required packages... # set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file join $this_file ".."]] package provide html3widget 0.1 package require -exact Tkhtml 3.0 package require scrolledwidget # replace http package with native Tkhtml functionality: catch {package require http} namespace eval html3widget { variable image_dir variable image_file set this_dir [file dirname [info script]] set image_dir [file join $this_dir "images"] set image_file [file join $this_dir "ImageLib.tcl"] variable cnt 0 proc LoadImages {image_dir {patterns {*.gif}}} { foreach p $patterns { foreach file [glob -nocomplain -directory $image_dir $p] { set img [file tail [file rootname $file]] if { ![info exists images($img)] } { set images($img) [image create photo -file $file] } }} return [array get images] } proc html3widget {path args} { # # this is a tk-like wrapper around my... class so that # object creation works like other tk widgets # variable cnt set obj [Html3WidgetClass create tmp${cnt} $path {*}$args] incr cnt # rename oldName newName rename $obj ::$path return $path } oo::class create Html3WidgetClass { constructor {path args} { my variable hwidget my variable widgetOptions my variable widgetCompounds set image_file $::html3widget::image_file set image_dir $::html3widget::image_dir # --------------------------------------------------------------- # read images from library file or alternatively one by one # --------------------------------------------------------------- if { [file exists $image_file] } { source $image_file array set widgetCompounds [array get images] } else { array set widgetCompounds [::html3widget::LoadImages \ [file join $image_dir] {"*.gif" "*.png"}] } # --------------------------------------------------------------- array set widgetCompounds { dummy 0 } # declaration of all additional widget options array set widgetOptions { -dummy {} } # incorporate arguments to local widget options array set widgetOptions $args # we use a frame for this specific widget class set f [ttk::frame $path -class html3widget] # we must rename the widget command # since it clashes with the object being created set widget ${path}_ my Build $f rename $path $widget my configure {*}$args } destructor { # adds a destructor to clean up the widget set w [namespace tail [self]] catch {bind $w {}} catch {destroy $w} } method cget { {opt "" } } { my variable hwidget my variable widgetOptions if { [string length $opt] == 0 } { return [array get widgetOptions] } if { [info exists widgetOptions($opt) ] } { return $widgetOptions($opt) } return [$hwidget cget $opt] } method configure { args } { my variable hwidget my variable widgetOptions if {[llength $args] == 0} { # return all tablelist options set opt_list [$hwidget configure] # as well as all custom options foreach xopt [array get widgetOptions] { lappend opt_list $xopt } return $opt_list } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} { # return configuration value for this option set opt $args if { [info exists widgetOptions($opt) ] } { return $widgetOptions($opt) } return [$hwidget cget $opt] } # error checking if {[expr {[llength $args]%2}] == 1} { return -code error "value for \"[lindex $args end]\" missing" } # process the new configuration options... array set opts $args foreach opt_name [array names opts] { set opt_value $opts($opt_name) # overwrite with new value if { [info exists widgetOptions($opt_name)] } { set widgetOptions($opt_name) $opt_value } # some options need action from the widgets side switch -- $opt_name { -dummy {} default { # ------------------------------------------------------- # if the configure option wasn't one of our special one's, # pass control over to the original tablelist widget # ------------------------------------------------------- if {[catch {$hwidget configure $opt_name $opt_value} result]} { return -code error $result } } } } } method unknown {method args} { # # if the command wasn't one of our special one's, # pass control over to the original tablelist widget # my variable hwidget if {[catch {$hwidget $method {*}$args} result]} { return -code error $result } return $result } } } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Public Functions / implementation of our new subcommands # -------------------------------------------------------- oo::define ::html3widget::Html3WidgetClass { method get_htmlwidget {} { my variable hwidget return $hwidget } method getfile {html_file} { my variable hwidget my variable html_basedir if { ![file exists $html_file] || ![file readable $html_file]} { return } set html_basedir [file dirname $html_file] set fp [open $html_file "r"] set data [read $fp] close $fp $hwidget reset $hwidget parse -final $data } # -------------------- # Private Functions... # -------------------- method GetImageCmd {uri} { # see as well: # http://wiki.tcl.tk/15586 # my variable html_basedir # if the 'url' passed is an image name if { [lsearch [image names] $uri] > -1 } { return $uri } # if the 'url' passed is a file on disk set fname [file join $html_basedir $uri] if { [file exists $fname] } { #create image using file image create photo $uri -file $fname return $uri } # if the 'url' is an http url. if { [string equal -length 7 $uri http://] } { set token [::http::geturl $url] set data [::http::data $token] ::http::cleanup $token image create photo $uri -data $data return $uri } } method StyleSheetHandler {node} { # # implementations of application callbacks to load # stylesheets from the various sources enumerated above. # my variable hwidget my variable html_basedir my variable stylecount set href [$node attr "href"] global "$href" # the variable contains the content of the css set fp [open [file join $html_basedir $href] "r"] set href_content [read $fp] close $fp if { ![info exists stylecount] } { set stylecount 0 } incr ::stylecount set id "author.[format %.4d $::stylecount]" $hwidget style -id $id.9999 $href_content } method ImageTagHandler {node} { # puts [$node attr "src"] my GetImageCmd [$node attr "src"] } method ScriptHandler {node} { my variable hwidget # not implemented } method ATagHandler {node} { my variable hwidget if {[$node tag] == "a"} { set href [string trim [$node attr -default "" href]] if {[string first "#" $href] == -1 && [string trim [lindex [$node attr] 0]] != "name" } { # console show # puts "href: $href" # puts "attr: [lindex [$node attr] 0]" $node dynamic set link } } } method Build {frm} { my variable widgetCompounds my variable hwidget set f [ttk::frame $frm.wmain] pack $f -fill both -expand true -side bottom set sc [scrolledwidget::scrolledwidget $f.sc] pack $sc -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 2 -pady 2 # -------------------------- # html 3 widget goes here... # -------------------------- html $f.html \ -mode quirks \ -parsemode "xhtml" \ -zoom 1.0 \ -imagecmd "[namespace code {my GetImageCmd}]" pack $f.html -side left -fill both -expand true set hwidget $f.html $sc associate $hwidget # register style sheet handler... $hwidget handler "node" "link" "[namespace code {my StyleSheetHandler}]" $hwidget handler "node" "img" "[namespace code {my ImageTagHandler}]" $hwidget handler "node" "a" "[namespace code {my ATagHandler}]" $hwidget handler "script" "script" "[namespace code {my ScriptHandler}]" } } # --- # EOF # --- ====== ====== # for development: try to find autoscroll, etc ... set dir [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]] # where to find required packages... set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file join $dir ".."]] set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file join $dir "../../00-lib"]] package require Tk package require TclOO package require -exact Tkhtml 3.0 # html3widget dependencies: # replace http package with native Tkhtml functionality: catch {package require http} package require scrolledwidget package require html3widget # -------------------- # demo starts here ... # -------------------- # catch {console show} set w [toplevel .test] wm withdraw . wm title $w "Test" wm geometry $w "800x600" wm minsize $w 400 200 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "exit 0" set ft [ttk::frame $w.top] pack $ft -padx 4 -pady 4 -side top -fill x ttk::label $ft.lbl -text "Tkhtml-3.0 widget test!" pack $ft.lbl -anchor center set fb [ttk::labelframe $w.bottom -text "Browser:"] pack $fb -padx 4 -pady 4 -side bottom -fill both -expand true set html3 [html3widget::html3widget $fb.html3] pack $html3 -fill both -expand true set html_file [file join $dir "demo_doc/index.html"] set html_basedir [file dirname $html_file] $html3 getfile $html_file bind all { set w %W while { $w != [winfo toplevel $w] } { catch { set ycomm [$w cget -yscrollcommand] if { $ycomm != "" } { $w yview scroll [expr int(-1*%D/36)] units break } } set w [winfo parent $w] } } ====== <> Category GUI | Category Object Orientation | Category Widget | Category html