Version 1 of A file properties dialog

Updated 2002-10-29 13:55:07

[L1 ]

Richard Suchenwirth - Another Sunday night fun project, a toplevel that informs on the properties of a file and allows to toggle the -archive, -hidden, -readonly, -system attributes. Usage:

 fileprop $filename

Approaches the look and feel of Windows Explorer file property dialogs (minus notebook, detailed file type, and icon), but written in pure Tk so should run wherever.

 proc fileprop pathname {
        set padx 6
        if {$pathname=="."} {set pathname [pwd]}
        set pathname [file join [pwd] $pathname]
        set checkbuttons [list]
        file stat $pathname a ;# may error out if no such file
        set w .[clock clicks]
        set ::$w\(dir) [file dir $pathname]
        set ::$w\(file) [file tail $pathname]
        toplevel $w
        wm title $w [file nativename $pathname]
        wm resizable $w 0 0
        set textual [list Name [file tail $pathname]  \
                Directory [file nativename [file dir $pathname]] \
                Type [file type $pathname]\
                Size "[file size $pathname] Bytes"\
                Created [date,time $a(ctime)]\
                "Last modified" [date,time $a(mtime)]\
                "Last accessed" [date,time $a(atime)]\
        foreach {name value} [file attr $pathname] {
                if [regexp {^[01]$} $value] {
                        lappend checkbuttons $name $value
                } else {
                        lappend textual $name $value
        set n 0
        foreach {name value} $textual {
           grid [label $w.${n}n -text $name:] [label $w.${n}v -text $value]\
                -sticky w -padx $padx
           incr n
        grid [hr $w.$n]  -sticky we -columnspan 2 -padx $padx -pady 6
        set n0 [incr n]
        foreach {name value} $checkbuttons {
           incr n
           set ::$w\($name) $value
           grid [checkbutton $w.$n -text $name -var $w\($name) -borderwidth 0]\
               -sticky w -col 1 -padx $padx
        grid [label $w.att -text Attributes:]\
            -row $n0 -sticky w -padx $padx
        grid [hbuttons $w.b [list \
                OK     "fileprop:apply $w;  destroy $w; unset $w" \
                Cancel "destroy $w; unset $w" \
                Apply  "fileprop:apply $w" \
        ]] -col 1 -padx $padx
        wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w; unset $w"
        focus $w
 proc fileprop:apply {w} {
        upvar #0 $w a
        set cmd [list file attributes [file join $a(dir) $a(file)]] 
        foreach {name value} [array get a] {
                if [regexp {^-} $name] {lappend cmd $name $value}
        eval $cmd
 proc hbuttons {w tc} {
    frame $w
    set n 1
    foreach {t c} $tc {
       button $w.$n -text $t -command $c -width 8
       incr n
    eval pack [winfo children $w] -side left -padx 3 -pady 6\
        -fill x -anchor e
    return $w
 proc hr {w} {frame $w -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken}
 proc date,time {{when {}}} {
        if {$when == ""} {set when [clock seconds]}
        return [clock format $when -format "%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S"]

Still missing: On Unixes, you get the permissions as an octal number - parse, assign to {user/group/others} times {read/write/execute} checkboxes.