Version 2 of A little XML parser

Updated 2002-08-21 11:27:59

Richard Suchenwirth 2002-08-20 - XML (the eXtensible Markup Language), shortly demonstrated as

 <tag attribute="value">textcontent<singletontag/></tag>

is not the most beautiful or efficient way to package data, but it's fashionable and "standard". Often it's better to design a file format in XML (and rely on the available tools, e.g. tDOM and, based on it, starDOM) than to design a proprietary format, and have to write matching parsers, and document the format, etc., oneself. After all, computer memory and CPU power are getting ever cheaper these years than brain cells...

Another way to represent complex data is as a nested Tcl list. If you just get your braces balanced, Tcl will parse a string into a list and let you process it - which gets easier with the "multi-dimensional" lindex and lset commands since Tcl 8.4. tDOM has the $node asList command which, after parsing the input XML string into a DOM structure in memory, returns a well-formed Tcl list with these element properties:

  • if the first element is #text, the second is the text content;
  • else the first element is the tag, the second the attributes alternating name value..., and the third is a list of the child elements.

Comparing XML input and toList output, I thought that many differences can be handled by string manipulations in local context, for which Tcl offers powerful tools (for instance, string map, regexp and regsub). So one morning I decided to try a direct conversion of an XML string to a string that makes a well-formed list equivalent to the toList output. The following code does some XML well-formedness checking with a stack for matching start/end tags, but besides it's of course weaker than the power of tDOM. Still, it was a nice little evening project, so here goes:

 proc xml2list xml {
     regsub -all {>\s*<} [string trim $xml " \n\t<>"] "\} \{" xml
     set xml [string map {> "\} \{#text \{" < "\}\} \{"}  $xml]

     set res ""   ;# string to collect the result   
     set stack {} ;# track open tags
     set rest {}
     set braces2close 0
     foreach item "{$xml}" {
         switch -regexp -- $item {
            ^# {append res "{[lrange $item 0 end]} " ; #text item}
            ^/ {
                regexp {/(.+)} $item -> tagname ;# end tag
                set expected [lindex $stack end]
                if {$tagname!=$expected} {error "$item != $expected"}
                set stack [lrange $stack 0 end-1]
                append res "\}\} "
                incr braces2close -2
            /$ { # singleton - start and end in one <> group
               regexp {([^ ]+)( (.+))?/$} $item -> tagname - rest
               set rest [lrange [string map {= " "} $rest] 0 end]
               append res "{$tagname [list $rest] {}} "
            default {
               set tagname [lindex $item 0] ;# start tag
               set rest [lrange [string map {= " "} $item] 1 end]
               lappend stack $tagname
               append res "\{$tagname [list $rest] \{"
               incr braces2close 2
         if {[llength $rest]%2} {error "att's not paired: $rest"}
     if [llength $stack] {error "unresolved: $stack"}
     append res [string repeat "\}" $braces2close]
     string map {"\} \}" "\}\}"} [lindex $res 0]
 #---- Now that this went so well, I'll throw in the converse:
 proc list2xml list {
    switch -- [llength $list] {
        2 {lindex $list 1}
        3 {
            foreach {tag attributes children} $list break
            set res <$tag
            foreach {name value} $attributes {
                append res " $name=\"$value\""
            if [llength $children] {
                append res >
                foreach child $children {
                    append res [list2xml $child]
                append res </$tag>
            } else {append res />}
        default {error "could not parse $list"}
 #-------------------------------------------- now testing:
 set test {<foo a="b">bar and<grill x:c="d" e="f g"><baz x="y"/></grill><room/></foo>}
 proc tdomlist x {[[dom parse $x] documentElement root] asList} ;# reference
 proc lequal {a b} {
    if {[llength $a] != [llength $b]} {return 0}
    if {[lindex $a 0] == $a} {return [string equal $a $b]}
    foreach i $a j $b {if {![lequal $i $j]} {return 0}}
    return 1
 proc try x {
    puts [set a [tdomlist $x]]
    puts [set b [xml2list $x]]
    puts list:[lequal $a $b],string:[string equal $a $b]
 puts [set res [xml2list $test]]

if 0 {

 foo {a b} {{#text {bar and}} {grill {x:c d e {f g}} {} {baz {x y} {}}}} {room {} {}}

which is equal to the toList result. This may not be the most readable code I ever wrote (it strongly illustrates that unbalanced braces have to be escaped in strings ;-), but it demonstrates the mind-boggling power of hopping between the list and the string representation, which is one of Tcl's unique features.

Having the two converters above, one may start to think about a Tcl list DOM variation, where accesses go via lindex/lset in the nested list, and finally well-formed XML comes out again... But this smells like more work than fun for an evening ;-)

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Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming