[Richard Suchenwirth] - In [A little database API] it was shown how a single proc can add basic database functionalities to an array. Present- day computer users are accustomed to graphical user interfaces (GUIs), so here comes an extension that lets you browse (offering a simple hypertext facility with automatic cross-referencing - links are added if a word is in the list of keys, plus full-text search) such little databases. The browser is a partial reinvention, or variation, of [a little hypertext system]. Note that the caller can associate a callback to the "!" button, which is used for map display in [Tclworld]. source dbapi.tcl namespace eval db::ui { variable topic "" } ;# required before procs can be defined proc db::ui::browse {database} { set t [toplevel .[clock clicks]] wm title $t $database db $database set m [frame $t.main] listbox $m.lb -bg white -height 5 -yscrollcommand [list $m.y1 set] bind $m.lb [list db::ui::select %W %y $database] scrollbar $m.y1 -command [list $m.lb yview] htext $m.t $database -yscrollcommand [list $m.y2 set] scrollbar $m.y2 -command [list $m.t yview] eval pack [winfo children $m] -side left -fill y pack $m.t -fill both -expand 1 set b [frame $t.bottom] #button $b.edit -text Edit -command [list db::edit $database] #button $b.new -text New -command [list db::new $database] #button $b.del -text Delete -command [list db::delete $database] label $b.find -text Find: entry $b.tofind bind $b.tofind [list db::ui::find %W $m.t $database] button $b.action -text " ! " -command {db::ui::callback $db::ui::topic} eval pack [winfo children $b] -side left -fill x pack $b.tofind -expand 1 pack $b -side bottom -fill x pack $m -fill both -expand 1 foreach i [lsort -dic [$database]] {$m.lb insert end $i} set t } proc db::ui::callback args {} ;# redefine this for specific action proc db::ui::htext {w database args} { eval text $w -bg grey90 -padx 3 -wrap word -height 7 -width 50 $args $w tag config title -font {Times 12 bold} $w tag config link -foreground blue -underline 1 $w tag bind link "$w config -cursor hand2" $w tag bind link "$w config -cursor {}" $w tag bind link [list db::ui::click %W %x %y $database] $w insert end \n\n$database\n\n title "Select topic from listbox" $w insert end "\n\n[llength [$database]] entries in database" set w } proc db::ui::click {w x y database} { set range [$w tag prevrange link [$w index @$x,$y]] if [llength $range] { Show $w [eval $w get $range] $database } } proc db::ui::select {w y database} { Show [winfo parent $w].t [$w get @0,$y] $database } proc db::ui::Show {w title database} { variable topic set topic $title $w delete 1.0 end $w insert end $title\n title \n set titles [$database] foreach {item value} [$database $title] { if {$item == "@" && [file exists $value]} { set img [image create photo -file $value] $w image create 1.0 -image $img $w insert 1.1 " " } else { $w insert end $item\t foreach word $value { if {[lsearch $titles $word]>=0} {set tag link} else {set tag {}} $w insert end $word $tag " " } } $w insert end \n } } proc db::ui::find {w textw database} { set tofind [$w get] set found {} foreach key [$database] { set data [$database $key] if [regexp -indices -nocase ($tofind) $data -> pos] { lappend found [list $key [lindex $pos 0] $data] } } switch [llength $found] { 0 {error "No match for $tofind"} 1 {Show $textw [lindex [lindex $found 0] 0] $database} default {choice $textw $database $tofind $found} } } proc db::ui::choice {w database tofind found} { $w delete 1.0 end $w insert end "Search results for '$tofind':\n" title \n foreach pair $found { foreach {title pos data} $pair break set context [string range $data [expr $pos-15] [expr $pos+25]] $w insert end $title link \t...$context...\n "" pos=$pos\n } } #----------------------------- a sample application... if {[file tail $argv0] == [file tail [info script]]} { db::ui::browse [source tclworld.db] wm withdraw . } if 0 { Here are the beginning few lines of tclworld.db, for testing. Item names can be any non-empty string. I made it a habit to start each entry with the ":" item, to be read as "is a": set db [db "Tclworld database"] $db Earth : {planet in Solar system} see.also continent \ major.countries {China USA Russia India Japan} $db continent : {large continuous land mass, as opposed to an island . The Earth 's continents are: Africa America Antarctica Asia Australia Europe} $db Africa : continent major.countries {Egypt Kenya Nigeria {South Africa}} $db America : continent parts {{North America} {Central America} {South America}} $db Asia : continent NB {In fact, part of the Eurasia land mass} \ major.countries {India China Japan Russia Indonesia} $db Alabama : {state of USA} abbr AL pop 4,335,400 capital Montgomery \ nick "Yellowhammer State" largest.city Birmingham,AL $db Alaska : {state of USA} abbr AK pop 611,500 capital Juneau \ nick "Last Frontier" largest.city Anchorage $db Arizona : {state of USA} abbr AZ pop 4,664,600 capital Phoenix \ nick "Grand Canyon State" $db Arkansas : {state of USA} abbr AR pop 2,531,000 capital "Little Rock" \ nick "The Natural State" $db Austin : {capital of Texas} $db Beijing : {capital of China} zh: \u5317\u4EAC $db California : {state of USA} abbr CA pop 33,198,100 nick "Golden State"\ capital Sacramento largest.city {Los Angeles} $db Canada @ flags/cd.gif : {country in {North America}} capital Ottawa # ... many lines omitted ... #----------- end of data; the last command returns the database name set db } In the last entry, the "@ flags/cd.gif" item would display the specified GIF image, if present - inlined images in a sort of "toy web browser"... Note also in the ''Beijing'' entry how we can of course use any Unicode in Tcl - important for global playing like with [Tclworld]. ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]