Version 5 of A little login dialog

Updated 2004-06-10 00:06:44

Richard Suchenwirth - Here is a little proc that brings up a username/password widget, the password field being made unreadable as is usual, and grabs focus until terminated with "OK", "Cancel" or <Return>. It returns a list of two elements: username and password, or an empty list if canceled.

Much can be done to improve this - just take it as a first shot!

 proc tk_login {w {title "Login please"}} {
    toplevel $w -borderwidth 10
    wm title $w $title
    label  $w.u -text "User name:"
    entry  $w.user -textvar _username
    label  $w.p -text "Password:"
    entry  $w.pass -show * -textvar _password
    label  $w.dummy -text ""
    button $w.ok -text OK -command {set _res [list $_username $_password]}
    button $w.cancel -text Cancel -command {set _res {}}
    grid   $w.u $w.user -         -sticky wns
    grid   $w.p $w.pass -         -sticky wns
    grid   $w.dummy x   x
    grid   x    $w.ok   $w.cancel -sticky news
    bind $w <Return> [list $w.ok invoke]
    raise $w
    grab set $w
    vwait _res
    destroy $w
    return $::_res

# Silly little test...

 pack [text .t]
 set password ""
 while {$password != "secret"} {
    set userpass [tk_login .login]
    set password [lindex $userpass 1]
 .t insert end "[lindex $userpass 0] logged in\n"

KPV Here's a slight tweak of the above code to get better resize behavior. Of course, you could just make the windows un-resizable but I think it's better to allow it to get wider. Also, there's no need for the dummy label widget to get the spacing you want--just use grid to create an empty row with -minsize set.

 proc tk_login2 {w {title "Login please"}} {
    toplevel $w -borderwidth 10
    wm title $w $title
    wm resizable $w 1 0
    label  $w.u -text "User name:"
    entry  $w.user -textvar _username
    label  $w.p -text "Password:"
    entry  $w.pass -show * -textvar _password
    button $w.ok -text OK -width 6 -command {set _res [list $_username $_password]}
    button $w.cancel -text Cancel -width 6 -command {set _res {}}
    grid   $w.u $w.user -     -         -sticky news
    grid   $w.p $w.pass -     -         -sticky news
    grid   rowconfigure $w 10 -minsize 20
    grid   x    x       $w.ok $w.cancel -sticky news -row 11 -padx 2 -pady 2
    grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1

    bind $w <Return> [list $w.ok invoke]
    raise $w
    grab set $w

    focus $w.user

    vwait _res
    destroy $w
    return $::_res

Scott NIchols I like this login window. I tweaked the above to set focus on the user entry.

RLH: Gave the buttons a uniform width and padding to make them look better.

rdt: Well, the problem that I see with this, is that reducing the size covers the buttons instead of using the left-side space. To me, this is real no-no!

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