Version 1 of A minimal debugger

Updated 2001-11-19 12:42:32

Richard Suchenwirth -- Of course, Tcl's most minimal debugger is puts. But here is a cute little piece of code that offers some more debugging functionality (if you have stdin and stdout available - so not for wish on Windows):

 proc bp {{s {}}} {
        if ![info exists ::bp_skip] {
           set ::bp_skip [list]
        } elseif {[lsearch -exact $::bp_skip $s]>=0} return
        if [catch {info level -1} who] {set who ::}
        while 1 {
                puts -nonewline "$who/$s> "; flush stdout
                gets stdin line
                if {$line=="c"} {puts "continuing.."; break}
                if {$line=="i"} {set line "info locals"}
                catch {uplevel 1 $line} res
                puts $res

The idea is that you insert breakpoints, calls to bp, in critical code with an optional string argument (that may be used for distinguishing), like this:

 proc foo {args} {
        set x 1
        bp 1
        string toupper $args
 foo bar and grill

When execution reaches bp, you get a prompt on stdout, giving the calling context and the bp string, like this:

 foo bar and grill/1> pwd
 foo bar and grill/1> i
 args x
 foo bar and grill/1> set args
 bar and grill
 foo bar and grill/1> set args lowercase
 foo bar and grill/1> c

on which you can issue any Tcl command (especially getting or setting variable values in the scope of foo), shorthand commands ("i" for "info locals"; add which others you need), and exit this micro-debugger with "c"(ontinue). Because you modified a local variable, foo's result will be


To turn off all breakpoints for an application, just say (maybe from inside bp):

 proc bp args {}

You can disable single breakpoints labeled e.g. x with the command

 lappend ::bp_skip x

Stepping would be a bigger project, but in some situations a micro-debugger like this is good enough. See also What debugging tools are available to a Tcl programmer

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming