[George Peter Staplin] July 3, 2008 -- With the skill of a monkey I created a little compiler this morning. It uses a recursive decent parser, and understands a small set of primitives. It will compile this simple program: proc main {argc argv} { puts "hello" puts "WOW" return 0 } $ tclsh8.5 atc.tcl main.atc output.S $ gcc output.S && ./a.out I use gcc to compile the assembly code, because the C runtime files need to be linked in, and gcc knows how to do that portably better than as/gas. Someday I would like to finish a compiler like this, written in Tcl, so that I can get rid of my need for C. Unfortunately the further the deviation from C, and assembly, the harder it is, because nearly every OS uses a C ABI. I had a little compiler at one point that used a garbage collector I wrote in assembly. It was frustrating when dealing with OS syscalls. For now the dream of a '''good''' compiler written in Tcl will wait until I have the time to create a proper design (mostly likely with reference counted objects this time). [FF] 2008-07-03 - How about creating a Tcl-to-C compiler and use the Tcl C library for stuff like lists, dicts and such? IMHO would be more(!) feasible and reliable, and probably would require less effort. Perhaps I miss the point of this compiler? ;p ---- set state "" set token "" set cmd [list] set lastchar "" set bracecount 0 set labelcount 0 array set commands { proc proc-command puts puts-command return return-command } proc assert-type {obj type} { lassign $obj objtype objstr if {$type != $objtype} { return -code error "wrong type: $objtype. expected $type. object: $obj" } } proc get-label {} { global labelcount return _alcLabel[incr labelcount] } proc proc-command {tokens} { set code "" if {3 != [llength $tokens]} { return -code error "wrong # args: proc name args body: $tokens" } lassign $tokens name args body assert-type $name NORMAL set pname [lindex $name 1] assert-type $body BRACED append code ".text\n" append code ".globl $pname\n" append code "${pname}:\n" append code "pushl %ebp\n" append code "movl %esp,%ebp\n" append code [code [compile [lindex $body 1]]] append code "leave\n" append code "ret\n" return $code } proc puts-command {tokens} { set code "" if {1 != [llength $tokens]} { return -code error "wrong # args: puts string: $tokens" } set string [lindex $tokens 0] #This is dumb. It only allows for a string literal. #Ideally we could do runtime substitution like Tcl... #With this you'd need some sort of function to work with strings. assert-type $string QUOTE set label [get-label] append code ".section .rodata\n" append code "${label}: .string \"[lindex $string 1]\"\n" append code ".text\n" append code "pushl \$$label\n" append code "call puts\n" append code "addl \$4,%esp\n" } proc return-command {tokens} { set value [lindex $tokens 0] puts TOKENS:$tokens assert-type $value NORMAL set code "" append code "movl \$[lindex $value 1],%eax\n" return $code } proc state-machine {data offset_var tokens_var c} { global state token lastchar cmd bracecount upvar 1 $offset_var offset upvar 1 $tokens_var tokens if {"BRACES" eq $state} { if {"\}" eq $c} { incr bracecount -1 } elseif {"\{" eq $c} { incr bracecount } if {$bracecount <= 0} { set state "" lappend cmd [list BRACED $token] set token "" } else { append token $c } } elseif {"QUOTE" eq $state} { if {"\"" eq $c && $lastchar != "\\"} { set state "" lappend cmd [list QUOTE $token] set token "" } else { append token $c } } elseif {"\"" eq $c} { set state QUOTE } elseif {"\{" eq $c} { set state BRACES incr bracecount } elseif {"\[" eq $c} { return [parse $data offset tokens] } elseif {"\]" eq $c} { return DORETURN } elseif {" " eq $c || "\t" eq $c} { if {[string length $token]} { lappend cmd [list NORMAL $token] set token "" } } elseif {"\n" eq $c || ";" eq $c} { if {[string length $token]} { lappend cmd [list NORMAL $token] set token "" } if {[llength $cmd]} { lappend tokens $cmd set cmd [list] } } else { append token $c } set lastchar $c return "" } proc parse {data offset_var tokens_var} { upvar 1 $offset_var offset upvar 1 $tokens_var tokens set datalen [string length $data] global token cmd for {set i $offset} {$i < $datalen} {incr i} { set c [string index $data $i] set result [state-machine $data offset tokens $c] if {"DORETURN" eq $result} { return $result } } return "" } proc compile data { set offset 0 set tokens [list] parse $data offset tokens return $tokens } proc command-to-code cmd { global commands set obj [lindex $cmd 0] lassign $obj objtype objstr if {![info exists commands($objstr)] || "NORMAL" ne $objtype} { return -code error "invalid command name: $objstr with type $objtype" } return [$commands($objstr) [lrange $cmd 1 end]] } proc code tokens { set code "" puts TOKENS:$tokens foreach cmd $tokens { append code [command-to-code $cmd]\n } return $code } proc main {argc argv} { if {2 != $argc} { puts stderr "syntax is: [info script] input.atc output.S" exit 1 } set fd [open [lindex $argv 0] r] set data [read $fd] close $fd set outfd [open [lindex $argv 1] w] puts $outfd [code [compile $data]] close $outfd exit 0 } main $argc $argv ----