---- [http://mini.net/files/vnotebook.jpg] set docu(VNotebook) { [Richard Suchenwirth] 2002-08-20 - This is a study in using the [BWidgets] toolkit, in particular using their PagesManager to implement a notebook with vertically-stacked tabs, by default to the right. The demo at end shows a usage example which may be used as a telephone booklet. As added goodie (if you have the code from [An i15d date chooser] and [A little calculator] available), the last page contains one of each - just to show that you can pack other things than text widgets. Enjoy! } package require BWidget proc VNotebook {w args} { frame $w ;# container around the whole frame $w.tabs ;# will hold tab buttons # dummy button, not managed, to keep font info set opt(-font) [[button $w.tabs.0] cget -font] set defaults {-side right} array set opt [concat $defaults $args] foreach i {font side} { set $i $opt(-$i); unset opt(-$i) } ;# so PageManager won't see those $w.tabs.0 config -font $font ;# so others can cget it eval PagesManager $w.nb [array get opt] pack $w.tabs -side $side -fill both pack $w.nb -side $side -fill both -expand 1 -padx 0 rename $w _$w ;# won't use it anymore, but must survive proc $w {cmd args} { set fileopt {-filetypes {{Notebook .not} {{All files} .*}}\ -defaultextension .not} set w [lindex [info level 0] 0] ;# retrieve own name switch -- $cmd { add { set font [$w.tabs.0 cget -font] set b [button $w.tabs.b$args -text $args -font $font\ -command [list $w raise $args] -bg white \ -borderwidth 1 -pady 0] pack $b -fill both -expand 1 } delete {destroy $w.tabs.b$args} open { set file [eval tk_getOpenFile $fileopt] if {$file!=""} { foreach {page content} [source $file] { set t [$w.nb getframe $page].t $t delete 1.0 end $t insert end $content } } return $file } raise { set bg [$w.tabs.0 cget -bg] foreach i [winfo children $w.tabs] { $i configure -bg $bg } $w.tabs.b$args configure -bg white catch {focus [$w.nb getframe $args].t} } raisewhere { foreach page [$w.nb pages] { set f [$w.nb getframe $page] if [regexp -nocase $args [$f.t get 1.0 end]] { $w raise $page break } } return ;# this command is not known to P.M. } save { set file [eval tk_getSaveFile $fileopt] if {$file!=""} { set fp [open $file w] puts $fp "return {" foreach page [$w.nb pages] { set t [$w.nb getframe $page].t catch {puts $fp [list $page [$t get 1.0 end-1c]]} } puts $fp "}" close $fp } return $file } } eval $w.nb $cmd $args ;# let PagesManager do the rest } set w } if {[file tail [info script]]==[file tail $argv0]} { # demo and example code, runs when sourced alone proc img {name} { image create photo -file $::env(BWIDGET_LIBRARY)/images/$name } frame .0 button .0.load -image [img open.gif] -command ".v open" button .0.save -image [img save.gif] -command ".v save" LabelEntry .0.f -label " Find: " -textvariable Find .0.f bind {.v raisewhere $Find} eval pack [winfo children .0] -side left -fill y pack .0.f -fill x -expand 1 VNotebook .v ;#-side left pack .0 .v -fill both -expand 1 -pady 2 foreach i {AB CD EF GH IJ KL MN OPQ RS TU VW XYZ} { set w [.v add $i] pack [text $w.t -wrap word -width 40] -fill both -expand 1 } # remove next 3 lines if you don't have/want these goodies set w [.v add +] source Calendar.tcl; pack [date::chooser $w.c] -fill both -expand 1 source sep_calc.tcl; pack [calculator $w.f] -fill both -expand 1 tkwait visibility .v set p0 [lindex [.v pages] 0] [.v.nb getframe $p0].t insert end [string map {\n " "} $docu(VNotebook)] wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {.v save; exit} after 100 .v raise $p0 ;# delay so top page is correct } ---- ''[escargo] 11 Jul 2003'' - I saw this code had changed a little, and used my [wish-reaper] to download it. When I tried to get it to run, I had to define the environment variable '''BWIDGET_LIBRARY'''. After that, I discovered that, since I did not have the optional Calendar.tcl and sep_calc.tcl files, I had to modify the code not to source them. Finally, there seems to be no definition of '''docu(VNotebook)'''. Is that supposed to be defined in some other context? - [RS]: It is defined, but never used :D I used this convention for a while in the context of [htext], so such comments would be available as online documentation too. So it does no harm, but might as well have been the usual ''if 0 {...}''. ---- [Category Example] | [Category GUI]