Version 16 of Adding Tcl/Tk to a C application

Updated 2003-07-09 04:36:46

The following questions tend to be asked regularly on the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup:

  • I have a large C/C++ program, how do I make it scriptable with Tcl?
  • I have a large C/C++ program, how do I add a Tk GUI to it?

At a high level, there are three different solutions to consider.

  1.  Embed Tcl calls in my C/C++ code.

  2.  Wrap my C/C++ code to make it callable from Tcl.
      Replace the C/C++ main() with a tclsh/wish main program

  3.  Something else

Embed Tcl Calls in C/C++ code

While the following text is an interesting dialog concerning the appropriate approach to performing this task, where can one find examples and documentation regarding what one needs to do, in a C program, if one needs to create an interpreter and then execute tcl commands making use of that interpreter.

I do know there are two kinds of Tcl actions one can invoke from C/C++ Since Tcl is just a C library, some Tcl actions can be invoked by calling the appropriate Tcl function call.

However, some things in Tcl must be done by invoking Tcl_Eval, after appropriately setting up a Tcl interpreter.

Can someone provide some sample C or C++ code that shows setting up the interpreter, then perhaps invoking things each way?

A dream scenario would do this for Tcl/Tk since that is a superset of the same kind of request for Tcl...

"Why adding Tcl calls to a C/C++ application is a bad idea"