Version 3 of An error experiment

Updated 2003-07-29 19:55:39

if 0 {Richard Suchenwirth 2003-07-29 - Errors happen, and in Tcl they're less depressing and more educational than in most other languages. Also, one can try things like resuming at the position where the error happened - almost. Consider this code, where error is renamed into the Tcl namespace}

 rename error tcl::error

if 0 {and redefined to a simple interactive prompt, where you can check what went wrong, maybe fix it, and decide to "c"ontinue (i.e. resume after the pace the error was craised) or keep the error for the real handler ("x"): }

 proc error {code args} {
    puts $code/$args
    while 1 {
        puts -nonewline "% "
        flush stdout
        gets stdin line
        if {$line=="x"} {tcl::error $code}
        if {$line=="c"} break
        catch {uplevel 1 $line} res
        puts $res

if 0 {The test code is heavily putsy so one sees what goes on, and does two deliberate errors in the "try" proc: one by just calling an error, one by referencing a undefined variable.

 puts "before try"
 proc try {} {
    puts "in try"
    error intended
    puts x=$x
    puts "after error"
 puts "after try"

if 0 {Experimenting with this, I find the intended error triggers indeed, and lets me fix the missing x bug, and resume:

 suchenwi@jaguar% tclsh error2.tcl                                       
 before try
 in try
 % set x hello ;# fix the missing x variable bug "on the fly"
 % c
 after error
 after try

but if I just let the intended error resume, missing x appears to be hard-wired to the original error, not my overloaded version:

 suchenwi@jaguar% tclsh error2.tcl                                         
 before try
 in try
 % c ;# continue without fixing
 can't read "x": no such variable
    while executing
 "puts x=$x"
    (procedure "try" line 4)
    invoked from within
    (file "error2.tcl" line 22)

So the usability of this is limited - you can only intercept errors that you explicitly raised yourself.

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming }