After watching a Space Shuttle launch I decide I had to have a count down clock. This clock includes spinboxs to set the countdown time and buttons that start, pause, continue and reset the clock. See [An analog clock in Tk] which was the starting point for this code. [Tom Krehbiel] ---- set ::secs_togo 0 proc countdown_start { } { countdown_reset countdown_continue } proc countdown_continue { } { .c itemconfigure face -fill white draw_hands if !$::secs_togo { .start configure -text "Start" -command countdown_start .c itemconfigure face -fill green bell return } .start configure -text "Pause" -command countdown_pause incr ::secs_togo -1 after 1000 countdown_continue } proc countdown_pause { } { catch {after cancel countdown_continue} .c itemconfigure face -fill blue .start configure -text "Continue" -command countdown_continue } proc countdown_reset { } { catch {after cancel countdown_continue} set ::secs_togo [expr $::seconds+60*$::minutes] .c itemconfigure face -fill $::bg .start configure -text "Start" -command countdown_start draw_hands } proc draw_hand { hand angle decorations } { set end_xy [get_xy $hand $angle] eval .c create line $::size $::size $end_xy $decorations } proc end_coordinate {hand difference} { set length [expr {$hand == "seconds" ? .9 : .8}] set hand_length [expr $::size * $length] return [expr $::size + $hand_length * $difference] } proc get_xy { hand angle } { return [list [end_coordinate $hand [expr sin($angle)]] \ [end_coordinate $hand [expr -cos($angle)]]] } proc draw_hands {} { set seconds $::secs_togo catch {.c delete withtag hands} set twopi 6.283185 set seconds_angle [expr $seconds * $twopi / 60.] draw_hand seconds $seconds_angle "-width 1 -tags hands" set minutes_angle [expr $seconds_angle / 60.] draw_hand minutes $minutes_angle \ "-width 2 -capstyle projecting -arrow last -tags hands" } proc init {} { catch {destroy .c} set ::size 30 set full_diameter [expr 2 * $::size] canvas .c -width $full_diameter -height $full_diameter button .start -text "Start" -command countdown_start button .reset -text "Reset" -command countdown_reset label .l -text "mm:ss" spinbox .m -textvariable ::minutes -width 2 -justify right \ -from 0 -to 59 -validate key -vcmd {expr "%P<0||%P>59?0:1"} spinbox .s -textvariable ::seconds -width 2 -justify right \ -from 0 -to 59 -validate key -vcmd {expr "%P<0||%P>59?0:1"} set ::bg [.c cget -background] grid .l .m .s -sticky ew grid .c - - grid .start - .reset -sticky ew set border 2 set diameter [expr 2 * $::size - $border] .c create oval $border $border $diameter $diameter \ -fill $::bg -outline black -tag face } # Example usage: init <> Example | Date and Time