Version 6 of Apr 22 Tcl Meetup notes

Updated 2022-04-12 05:40:38 by stevel

Tcl Meetup, 2022-04-12

Possible topics:

  • single file distributions "blessed" by the community (i.e. tclkits of some form for common platforms) - stevel
    • a downloads page with links for common platforms
    • single file executable to make it easier to try / remove
      • this doesn't preclude installers and platform specific app bundles
    • a lite version containing just Tcl/Tk and a batteries included version with common extensions
    • what technology for the VFS? zip / xvfs / SQLite / whatever?
      • keen for rkeene to comment on xvfs
      • rz has done a lot with zipkits on Tcl 8.7
      • what about drh's ideas on using SQLite
    • code signing for both Tcl/Tk and apps deployed using it
      • apn mentioned Authenticode on Windows
      • rz mentioned the Euro meeting mentioned the need to attach app code to a tclkit and sign it
    • need to consider dkf's work on continuous integration which builds tclkits
    • JCW has provided a pure Tcl metakit reader ReadKit which could be used to provide backwards compatibility with existing starkits that use Metakit