After some experiments with AI and Tcl, I have come to the conclusion that there is enormous potential for Tcl in AI. This page is for people who have written AI extensions or routines in Tcl to add their code and links to pages. I intend to add a few code examples of my own here in the next few days - '''tallniel''' (= [Neil Madden]). The Artificial Intellence FAQ on the internet mentions Mobal and Hdrug, both of which are mentioned in [] [Tcl-FAQ]. - Hmm, I found both of these in the tcl-FAQ, but the links there don't appear to work. '''tallniel''' - Thought I'd drop in this link to a few tcl scripts demonstrating neural networks: [] ---- Cris A. Fugate ( reports in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup] that he offers an implementation of frames (created by Marvin Minsky at MIT) for Tcl. You can get it at ---- [MDD]: If you're interested in rule-based systems, [TclCLIPS] is a useful AI toolkit. ---- New pages: * [State Space Searching in Tcl] ---- [KBK]: Ah, yes, and what is AI? Is it combinatorial searching ([Playing Prolog]), as in [Solving cryptarithms] or [Searching A Star in space]? Do [genetic algorithms] count, or applying simulated annealing to [Solving cryptograms]? Does it help that we know a fair amount about [Playing LISP] or [Scheme]? ---- [iConnect4] has a pretty mean AI as game opponent - I never managed to beat it if not set to "dumb"... ([RS]). [Revello2] has a AI game oppenent too ([MPJ]). ---- And what does ''AI'' mean to the programmer? Usually it means bugs that seem to occur randomly, and are misdiagnosed as coming from somewhere other than the "intelligent" code! Threads are similar in this respect. ---- [LV] Anyone experienced with ThoughtTreasure []? I notice at this link that an ''incomplete'' Tcl API is mentioned... ---- [sheila] Has anyone used Soars []? I just found it. It uses Tcl 8.0 for the UI (7.4 on the mac). It's a general cognitive modeling framework that allows one to build agents. I'd like to play around with it, but it would be nice if their problems with linking on the mac could be solved so that they could use a more recent version. [NEM] SOAR is an interesting system, which has been used for quite a bit of AI (particularly game AI) research. Most of the interesting research is by John Laird (who created the system, I believe) - check out for more details. Check out for a cool project that uses SOAR (and Tcl) quite a bit to create new AI agents for the Unreal Tournament game. Fun stuff to play with! As for using/building SOAR, I've only ever used the system within the context of the gamebots stuff, and I can't remember how I got it working (downloaded a binary?). What is needed to get working on the Mac? Would a stubs-enabled extension do it? I'll have a look at the code and see what it would take... ---- [NEM] '''4June2003''' - New page: [Braitenberg Vehicles] ---- Visit for a Tcl AI Weblog. ---- The above "AI Weblog" link is the work of a crackpot and has nothing to do with AI and Tcl. See for further details.