The '''Aspect''' class is a [metaclass] that acts as a generator for aspects. Use it just like you would [oo::class], except that there is now a new '''aspect''' definition command. === [oo::object] └ [oo::class] └ '''Aspect''' === **Description** The '''aspect''' definition command (only available when creating a subclass of '''Aspect''') accepts a list of option-value pairs. Note that all arguments to the method being wrapped are always placed in the ''args'' variable in any script code. The following options are supported: +++ '''-name''' ''name'' The name of the aspect method. May be omitted, in which case a default name will be selected. '''-condition''' ''expression'' An expression to allow the choice of whether to apply the aspect to the current call. Will execute in the same variable context as the '''-before''' and '''-after''' scripts. '''-before''' ''script'' A script to execute before the call to the contained method. Will execute in the same variable context as the '''-condition''' expression and '''-after''' script. '''-after''' ''script'' A script to execute after the call to the contained method. Will execute in the same variable context as the '''-condition''' expression and '''-before''' script. '''-variable''' ''varName'' The name of the variable that will hold the result of the contained method. '''-trap''' ''varName'' The name of the variable that will hold the [catch] options from the contained method. If this is unset, the '''-after''' script will only be executed when the inner method completes successfully. +++ ---- **Code** ====== oo::class create Aspect { superclass oo::class constructor {{script ""}} { variable AspectNameGen 1 interp alias {} ::oo::define::aspect {} \ {*}[namespace code {my DefineAspect}] set cls [next $script] interp alias {} ::oo::define::aspect {} } method DefineAspect args { set opts [dict merge { -name {} -condition 1 -before {} -after {} -variable ASPECT__result -trap {} } $args] if {[dict get $opts -trap] eq ""} { set script { if {[lindex [self target] 0] eq "::oo::object"} { return [next {*}$args] } if {%1$s} { %2$s set %4$s [next {*}$args] %3$s return [set %4$s] } else { return [next {*}$args] } } } else { set script { if {[lindex [self target] 0] eq "::oo::object"} { return [next {*}$args] } if {%1$s} { %2$s catch {next {*}$args} %4$s %5$s %3$s return -options [set %5$s] [set %4$s] } else { return [next {*}$args] } } } set script [format $script \ [dict get $opts -condition] \ [dict get $opts -before] \ [dict get $opts -after] \ [list [dict get $opts -variable]] \ [list [dict get $opts -trap]]] set name [dict get $opts -name] if {$name eq ""} { variable AspectNameGen set name Aspect__[self]__[incr AspectNameGen] } oo::define [self] method $name args $script set filters [info class filters [self]] oo::define [self] filter [lappend filters $name] return $name } method attach {args} { foreach obj $args { # changed oo::define to oo::objdefine for TclOO version 0.6.1 oo::objdefine $obj mixin [self] } } } ====== ---- **Demonstrations** Here are some demonstrations of how to use the '''Aspect''' metaclass. ***Log*** One of the simplest uses for aspects is adding logging: ====== package require log Aspect create logger { aspect -before { log::log debug "Called [self]->[self target] $args" } } ====== Demonstrating it in use: ====== oo::class create foo { method bar {a b c} { expr {$a + $b + $c} } } logger attach foo foo create fooObj fooObj bar 2 3 4 → returns "9" → logs "Called ::fooObj->bar 2 3 4" ====== ***Cache*** A simple caching aspect: ====== Aspect create cache { aspect -before { my variable ValueCache set key [self target],$args if {[info exist ValueCache($key)]} { return $ValueCache($key) } } -variable result -after { set ValueCache($key) $result } method flushCache {} { my variable ValueCache unset ValueCache # Skip the caching return -level 2 "" } } ====== Then we'll demo it in service: ====== oo::object create demo oo::objdefine demo { method compute {a b c} { after 3000 ;# Simulate deep thought return [expr {$a + $b * $c}] } method compute2 {a b c} { after 3000 ;# Simulate deep thought return [expr {$a * $b + $c}] } } cache attach demo puts [demo compute 1 2 3] → prints "7" after delay puts [demo compute2 4 5 6] → prints "26" after delay puts [demo compute 1 2 3] → prints "7" instantly puts [demo compute2 4 5 6] → prints "26" instantly puts [demo compute 4 5 6] → prints "34" after delay puts [demo compute 4 5 6] → prints "34" instantly puts [demo compute 1 2 3] → prints "7" instantly demo flushCache puts [demo compute 1 2 3] → prints "7" after delay ====== ---- [jima] Apparently the logger sample does not work for me...even with plain puts. I have tried the following instead: ====== ::oo::object create foo2 ::oo::define foo2 { method bar {a b c} { expr {$a + $b + $c} } } logger attach foo2 foo2 bar 2 3 4 ====== And it seems to work. [DKF]: Oops, yes. That's a bug (filters in mixins aren't currently detected...) [Bezoar]: It did not work for me until I enabled logging at debug level then it worked (Linux, tcl 8.6b.1) so after the package require log put: log::lvSuppress debug 0 I also changed the Aspect classes attache method. It worked fine for the foo class but for the demo object I had to change oo::define to oo::objdefine. Is oo::objdefine new in version 0.6.1 ? [DKF]: It's been in there for a while (over a year); the split of `[oo::define]` and `[oo::objdefine]` (one for classes, one for objects) was done before the (successful) [TIP]#257 vote. [jblz] This is wicked cool. I changed 'oo::define demo' to 'oo::objdefine demo' in the example. I am having a problem though where if i attach to a class, i get calls to the class (aka calls to new), but i'm not getting the calls to particular instances of a class. ---- See also [tcloo]. <> Category Object Orientation