'''[Philip Quaife]''' ''12 May 06'' This project is a continuation of [autoKit]. It generates shrink wrapped executables from [Tcl] source code on the fly. It is a collection of [cgi] scripts that can be used by any web server to serve applications. Where [autoKit] only takes [starkit] files and generates executable files, ''AutoExe'' can take a variety of file formats and runtime systems. '''Purpose''' This project was created to help solve the problem of distributing [Tcl] applications to end users. It allows software developers to host a single archive file (zip, kit, tgz) and allows the generation of platform specific files for end users. '''Overview''' The developer creates an archive file of application code. Included in this archive file is a file containing information on the environment that was used in the development. This includes the names of extensions needed and the type of interpreter used (e.g., [tclkit], [freewrap]). This archive file is loaded to a web server. When a user requests the application, the [cgi] scripts take the archive file, add to it any extensions needed, append the archive to a runtime and then send the result to the user. The archives can be generated in memory and streamed to the users, or they can built and cached to save processing time for busy archives. '''Example''' ''AutoExe'' is used by [The Cool Store] for serving [Tcl] applications to end users. ---- [Category Deployment] | [Category Internet] | [Category Repository]