Version 15 of BOOK Programming Linux Games

Updated 2009-04-21 13:26:12 by wdb

Name: Programming Linux Games

Authors: [Loki Software, Inc.], [John R. Hall]

Publisher: [No Starch Press]

Publication Date: 2001


Full text available as PDF:

    *Programming Linux Games* is a new book which features Tcl.
    A just-released excerpt shows how to build a simple scripting
    engine and design a game script.

They do however also say this in 'conclusions': "In hindsight, Tcl was not an especially good choice for the scripting engine. It works in this case, but it's not a very good solution for number crunching or managing large amounts of data. If I were to rewrite Chapter 6, I would probably choose a Lisp variant such as Scheme."

Which is possibly kind of strange: if I were to bring non-coders into a project I don't think I'd stick a Lisp interpreter in front of them. --setok

wdb Matter of taste -- my first programming enthusiasm dates back to the late 70s -- by an article by Douglas Hofstadter describing the happy dwarf working inside a lisp interpreter. And I hadn't any PC at all!

LV I'm rather surprised to hear that scheme is better for managing large amounts of data and number crunching. What does Scheme do to manage this? Is there something that can be done to Tcl to give it a better handle? Perhaps something like la or BLT's vectors?

Lars H: I suspect the conclusions in the book are to a great part about Tcl 7; certainly there are plenty of Tcl7isms in the descriptions of the Tcl language (no braces around expressions, lists are claimed to be "just strings", etc.).

wdb I suspect that some modern Scheme interpreters have internal code optimizing (JIT compiling).

2004-05-18, Started by Ro: Well there's this book called Programming Linux Games by this great guy named John Hall. The best part is that the book uses SDL and Tcl/Tk to make games run. The core is done by SDL and the scripting -- the game logic, in Tcl.

What's even cooler is that the author made the book available online for free, so enjoy and get cracking buddies =)


ZB 2009-04-21 the link above is broken. But here's another one: