Version 20 of Brute force with velvet gloves

Updated 2005-12-03 14:27:53

This page was spun off from Solving cryptarithms, numeric puzzles in which digits have been replaced by letters. See also Brute force again

TFW (Feb, 23 2004) - Got frustrated helping my 5th grade son solve some extra credit homework.

We must solve the equation below where ABCDE*4=EDCBA, nothing fancy but the brute force methods solved it before your finger leaves the keyboard.

 puts {
 # Solve the problem
 #    X4
 proc ABCDE {args} {
    set nums {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
    set counter 0
    foreach a $nums {
       foreach b $nums {
          foreach c $nums {
             foreach d $nums {
                foreach e $nums {
                   set n1 [expr {"$a$b$c$d$e"*4}]
                   set n2 "$e$d$c$b$a"
                   incr counter
                   if {$n1==$n2} {
                      puts "We solved it! $a$b$c$d$e * 4 = $n2 at $counter tries"
    puts "Not Solved"

Here is another one, we have $1 in coins but only one can be a nickel. So we know that 19 coins must add to 95 cents using only pennies, dimes, quarters and half-dollars. Again, the simple brute force method yields an answer before your finger leaves the keyboard

 puts {
 # Solve the problem
 # 20 coins = $1.00, only one is a nickel
 # so we have 19 coins = 95 cents
 proc solve2 {args} {
    set nums {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19}
    set counter 0
    foreach penny $nums {
       foreach dime $nums {
          foreach quarter $nums {
             foreach halfdollar $nums {
                if {($penny+$dime+$quarter+$halfdollar)==19} {
                   set value [expr {$penny*1+$dime*10+$quarter*25+$halfdollar*50}]
                   incr counter
                   if {$value==95} {
                      puts "We solved it! penny=$penny dime=$dime quarter=$quarter halfdollar=$halfdollar at $counter tries"
    puts "Not Solved"

rdt (2004.08.02) Well this is certainly brute force and it gets the job done. However, here is my take on that:

  proc solve2a {args} {
    set counter 0
    for {set penny 0} {$penny < 20} {incr penny} {
      for {set dime 0} {$dime < 10} {incr dime} {
        for {set quarter 0} {$quarter < 4} {incr quarter} {
          for {set halfdollar 0} {$halfdollar < 2} {incr halfdollar} {
            if {($penny+$dime+$quarter+$halfdollar)==19} {
              incr counter
              set value [expr {$penny*1+$dime*10+$quarter*25+$halfdollar*50}]
              if {$value==95} {
                puts "We solved it! penny=$penny dime=$dime quarter=$quarter halfdollar=$halfdollar at counter tries"
    puts "Not Solved"

If I did not mis-transcribe it. :) This results in the correct answer in only 62 tries!

RS experiments with the following "General Problem Solver" (for small values of General), which, with heavy metaprogramming, builds up a nest of foreachs suiting the problem, quick kills (with continue) to force unique values for the variables, and returns the first solution found, or else an empty string:

 proc solve {problem {domain0 {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}}} {
    set vars [lsort -u [split [regsub -all {[^A-Z]} $problem ""] ""]]
    set map {= ==}
    set outers {}
    set initials [regexp -all -inline {[^A-Z]([A-Z])} /$problem]
    set pos [lsearch $domain0 0]
    set domain1 [lreplace $domain0 $pos $pos]
    foreach var $vars {
        append body "foreach $var \$domain[expr [lsearch $initials $var]>=0] \{\n"
        lappend map $var $$var
        foreach outer $outers {
            append body "if {$$var eq $$outer} continue\n"
        lappend outers $var
        append epilog \}
    set test [string map $map $problem]
    append body "if {\[expr $test\]} {return \[subst $test\]}" $epilog
    if 1 $body

This passes the tests from earlier in this page:


So this routine is not blindingly fast, but can process a number of problems from earlier in this page, without other configuration than specifying the problem.

Another kind of cryptarithm I found in Martin Gardner's Mathematical Circus:


requires epsilon comparison with a periodic fraction... Any takers? - Took it myself, by replacing == equality with abs(delta)<epsilon:

GWM 13.10.04 the fraction .talktalk... can be expressed as the rational fraction TALK/9999. So the problem comes down to 9999*EVE = TALK*DID. Surely this is much easier, and involves only integer comparisons.

 proc solve {problem {domain0 {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}}} {
    set vars [lsort -u [split [regsub -all {[^A-Z]} $problem ""] ""]]
    set map {= )-( ... ""}
    set outers {}
    set initials [regexp -all -inline {[^A-Z]([A-Z])} /$problem]
    set pos [lsearch $domain0 0]
    set domain1 [lreplace $domain0 $pos $pos]
    foreach var $vars {
        append body "foreach $var \$domain[expr [lsearch $initials $var]>=0] \{\n"
        lappend map $var $$var
        foreach outer $outers {
            append body "if {$$var eq $$outer} continue\n"
        lappend outers $var
        append epilog \}
    set test abs(([string map $map $problem]))<=.00000001
    append body "if {\[expr $test\]} {return \[subst $test\]}" $epilog
    if 1 $body

The other tests still pass, but the output is a bit harder to read:

 % solve EVE/DID.=.TALKTALK...
 % solve ABCDE*4=EDCBA
 % solve 7AB*CD=EFGHJ

The last example comes wrong, because the fixed "7" in front is re-used for J in the end.

PWQ 25 Feb 04, Can TFW please post an example of the problem:

   7ab * cd = efghi?

I tried a version, but my fingers have finished typing and I am still waiting for an answer. Thanks.

TFW 25 Feb 04, OK here is one that solves 7AB*CD=EFGHI (without reusing the 7 and no duplicates)

 proc 7AB {args} {
    set nums {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
    foreach A $nums {
       if {[string first $A "70"]>=0} continue
       foreach B $nums {
          if {[string first $B "70$A"]>=0} continue
          foreach C $nums {
             if {[string first $C "70$A$B"]>=0} continue
             foreach D $nums {
                if {[string first $D "7$A$B$C"]>=0} continue
                foreach E $nums {
                   if {[string first $E "70$A$B$C$D"]>=0} continue
                   foreach F $nums {
                      if {[string first $F "7$A$B$C$D$E"]>=0} continue
                      foreach G $nums {
                         if {[string first $G "7$A$B$C$D$E$F"]>=0} continue
                         foreach H $nums {
                            if {[string first $H "7$A$B$C$D$E$F$G"]>=0} continue
                            foreach I $nums {
                               if {[string first $I "7$A$B$C$D$E$F$G$H"]>=0} continue
                               if {"7$A$B" * "$C$D"=="$E$F$G$H$I"} {
                                  return "7$A$B*$C$D==$E$F$G$H$I"

PS. The answer is 715*46==32890

RS got that too (with the first solve version), after respecifying the problem in a slightly clumsy way, and 27 minutes:

 % solve Z=7&&ZAB*CD=EFGHI

TFW either of the GPS solvers work fine if you specify the domain as not having 7 as an option (since it is already used)

 % solve 7AB*CD=EFGHI {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9}

I get an answer back in about 5 seconds. - RS: Clever - I didn't think of that...

A nice cryptarithm given by Donald Knuth, was solved in 30 seconds on XP:


SMH 20.03.2005. I adapted Richard's solution and produced a version which runs faster (at least on my computer, running tcl 8.5 on windows 2003)

 proc solve1 {problem {domain0 {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}}} {
    set vars [lsort -u [split [regsub -all {[^A-Z]} $problem ""] ""]]
    set map {= ==}
    set initials [regexp -all -inline {[^A-Z0-9]([A-Z])} /$problem]

    # remove 'given' digits

    foreach d [regexp -all -inline {([0-9])} /$problem] {
      set l [lsearch $domain0 $d]
      if { $l >= 0 } {set domain0 [lreplace $domain0 $l $l] }

    set pos [lsearch $domain0 0]
    set str [join $domain0 ""]
    set l [expr [string length $str] + 1]
    set epilog ""
    set ind ""  ;# used for producing indented loops
    set lastVar [lindex $vars end]
    set str$l $str
    foreach var $vars {
        set sow [expr [lsearch $initials $var]>=0]
        set oldl $l
        incr l -1
        append body "$ind for {set i$var 0} {\$i$var<$l} {incr i$var} \{\n"
        set oldind $ind; append ind "  " 
        append body "$ind set $var \[string range \$str$oldl \$i$var \$i$var]\n"
        if {$sow} { append body "$ind if {\$$var == 0} continue\n"}
        if { $var ne $lastVar} { append body "$ind set str$l \[string replace \$str$oldl \$i$var \$i$var]\n"} 
        lappend map $var $$var
        set epilog "$oldind \}\n $epilog"
    set test [string map $map $problem]
    append body "$ind if {\[expr $test\]} {return \[subst $test\]}\n" $epilog

    if {1} $body else {puts $body}


I made additional changes to allow for digits which are already given (7AB*CD=EFGHJ) and to allow 0 to be considered as a solition for A in this case.


 solve0 SEND+MORE=MONEY 9567+1085==10652 59704109 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 SEND+MORE=MONEY 9567+1085==10652 35950294 microseconds per iteration
 solve0 SAVE+MORE=MONEY 9386+1076==10462 83318251 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 SAVE+MORE=MONEY 9386+1076==10462 37336192 microseconds per iteration
 solve0 YELLOW+YELLOW+RED=ORANGE 143329+143329+846==287504 335511905 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 YELLOW+YELLOW+RED=ORANGE 143329+143329+846==287504 114768229 microseconds per iteration
 solve0 ABCDE*4=EDCBA 21978*4==87912 98717 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 ABCDE*4=EDCBA 21978*4==87912 54209 microseconds per iteration
 solve0 7AB*CD=EFGHI 713*59==42067 6058217 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 7AB*CD=EFGHI 715*46==32890 2423831 microseconds per iteration
 solve0 VIOLIN+VIOLIN+VIOLA=TRIO+SONATA 176478+176478+17640==2576+368020 22872194 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 VIOLIN+VIOLIN+VIOLA=TRIO+SONATA 176478+176478+17640==2576+368020 13372726 microseconds per iteration

See also The Einstein puzzle

Category Toys