[ulis], 2004-03-17. Yet an other Life simulation. Modified 2004-03-18: I forgot to free the resources of a bug object at its death. [http://perso.wanadoo.fr/maurice.ulis/tcl/bugs.png] ---- '''Bugs stuff''' # ------------- # bugs stuff # ------------- proc food:birth {} \ { variable {} # create a food set x [expr {round($(xmax) * rand())}] set y [expr {round($(ymax) * rand())}] # give it a nutritional value set (food:$x:$y) $(food) # display it .c create rectangle $x $y $x $y -tags f:$x:$y -outline linen .c lower f:$x:$y update } proc food:death {x y} \ { variable {} # remove the food from existence unset (food:$x:$y) # remove the food from the box .c delete f:$x:$y update } proc bug:birth {args} \ { variable {} # pick an ID set bug [incr (bugID)] # add the bug to its population lappend (bugs) $bug # inheritance if {[llength $args] > 0} \ { foreach {x y health} $args break } \ else \ { set x [expr {round($(xmax) * rand())}] set y [expr {round($(ymax) * rand())}] set health 0 } # bug entity set ($bug:x) $x set ($bug:y) $y set ($bug:health) $health # display it .c create rectangle $x $y $x $y -tags b:$bug -width 2 -outline navy .c raise b:$bug } proc bug:death {bug} \ { variable {} # remove the bug from its population set n [lsearch -exact $(bugs) $bug] if {$n > -1} \ { set (bugs) [lreplace $(bugs) $n $n] } # free its resources array unset {} $bug:* # remove the bug from the box .c delete b:$bug } proc bug:clone {bug} \ { variable {} set health [expr {$($bug:health) / 2}] # the clone bug:birth $($bug:x) $($bug:y) $health # the price to pay set ($bug:health) $health } proc bug:move {bug} \ { variable {} # new position foreach c {x y} \ { set v $($bug:$c) set old$c $v incr v [expr {round($(speed) * rand()) * (rand() > 0.5 ? +1 : -1)}] if {$v < 0} { set v 0} set max $(${c}max) if {$v > $max} { set v $max } set new$c $v set ($bug:$c) $v } # the price to pay incr ($bug:health) [expr {-int(sqrt(abs($newx - $oldx) + abs($newy - $oldy)))}] # the (eventual) fortune set x1 $oldx; set x2 $newx if {$x1 > $x2} { foreach {x1 x2} [list $x2 $x1] break } set y1 $oldy; set y2 $newy if {$y1 > $y2} { foreach {y1 y2} [list $y2 $y1] break } for {set x $x1} {$x <= $x2} {incr x} \ { for {set y $y1} {$y <= $y2} {incr y} \ { if {[info exists (food:$x:$y)]} { bug:lunch $bug $x $y } } } # the (eventual) misfortune if {$($bug:health) < 2 * -$(food)} \ { bug:death $bug } \ else \ { .c coords b:$bug $newx $newy $newx $newy } update } proc bug:lunch {bug x y} \ { variable {} # get the food incr ($bug:health) $(food:$x:$y) # remove it from the box food:death $x $y # the (eventual) new life if {$($bug:health) > $(clone)} { bug:clone $bug } } ---- '''The Life loop''' # ----------- # The Life # ----------- # parms array set {} \ { bugID 0 # {bugs population} bugs {} # {box width} xmax 200 # {box height} ymax 200 # {food nutritional value} food 20 # {bug speed} speed 2 # {health level before cloning} clone 40 # {food density} density 25 # {initial bugs count} initial 10 # {life step delay} delay 100 } # create box wm title . Bugs wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit canvas .c -width $(xmax) -height $(ymax) pack .c # create foods set d [expr {$(density) / 2}] set n [expr {$d + round($d * rand())}] set n [expr {$d * ($d + round($d * rand()))}] for {} {$n > 0} {incr n -1} food:birth # create bugs for {set n $(initial)} {$n > 0} {incr n -1} bug:birth # the life loop while 1 \ { set n [expr {$d + round($d * rand())}] for {} {$n > 0} {incr n -1} food:birth foreach bug $(bugs) { bug:move $bug} after $(delay) } ---- '''See also''' * [TkBugs] ---- [Category Example]