[Bryan Oakley] 11-Mar-2005 In our environment we have more C programmers than Tcl programmers, and often the C programmers do code reviews on the Tcl code. We also believe that good data structures make code that is easier to understand. A common problem in application development is the proliferation of global variables and procedures that may or may not be related. For example, an application may have a working set of global variables, but they may not always be initialized together, and the interaction between various globals may not be obvious. To limit this problem and to make the code more self-documenting as well as more familiar to a wider pool of programmers we have implemented C-like structs and file scoping. A copy of this work in progress can be downloaded here: http://www.bitmover.com/bksyntax.tgz At present this is all done in Tcl but we are looking into pushing some of this work to the C level to more tighly integrate it with the core. Even though the syntax presented here is decidedly "un-tclish" in some respect, in practice the usage is fairly intuitive (if you briefly leave some of your Tcl intuition behind). We would like feedback from the community as to whether some of the ideas presented here would be worth putting into the core. ---- '''Structs''' ---- The structs we've implemented look similar to C-style structs with the added ability to specify initial values. For example, imagine a typical text editor. The state of the editor includes the name of the file being edited, perhaps a flag saying whether or not the file has been modified, etc: struct Editor { string filename="" // name of file being edited int needsSave=0 // set to 1 when changes need saving } Each element of a struct has a type, and optionally an initial value and comment. A limitation in the existing implementation is that the initial value may not span more than one physical line. Comments are C-style comments that extend from the last occurance of "//" to the end of the line. If no initial value is provided the empty string is used. The type is purely for documentation purposes since everything's a string in Tcl. No attempt at type checking is done except for the optional initial value. It is possible, for example, to assign a string to a struct element defined as int. The following types are supported: array. float, index, int, list, string. To create an instance of the struct we have the ''new'' command. It takes an optional name which is useful to create a struct with the same name as a widget: # use an automatic name set editor [new Editor] # use a custom name: frame .editor ... new Editor .editor To make using structs more convenient we have implemented a pointer-to operator. This allows one to access an element of a struct in a convenient shorthand: set editor->filename "example.txt" puts "the filename is $editor->filename" Because "->" is not normally part of a variable name and because we don't want to resort to strange quoting tricks, we've created a code preprocessor that transforms code with pointer-to operators into standard Tcl syntax. We are investigating how to implement the pointer-to operator at the C level within the core. The transformation of the code is supplied by the proc ''struct_pointerto''. It may be used, for example, to create a proc that knows about structs: proc init {filename} [struct_pointerto { set editor [new Editor] set editor->filename $filename return $editor }] It is rather cumbersome to declare procs in this way. Ultimately we're hoping to implement pointer-to at the C level so we don't have to do this transformation. In the interim, we've hidden this functionality inside another C-ism, namely, file scoping. This will be covered in more detail later. '''Additional features of structs''' An important feature of structs is that they always exist in the global namespace. This was chosen to mimic the nature of widgets (e.g. from within any proc one may do something like '.foo configure ...' without having to declare '.foo' as global). Another important feature is that a reference to a struct doesn't require an extra leading dollar sign. Internally, the left side of the pointer-to operation is automatically dereferenced, unless it begins with ".". This allows a fairly natural coding style where structure references look like normal variable references, for example: proc setFile {editor} { set editor->filename "/tmp/whatever" } set editor [new Editor] setFile $editor In the above example, even though 'editor' is a proper tcl variable in its own right within the setFile proc, no dollar sign is required in front of editor->filename. The code preprocessor takes care of the details. This special dereferencing won't happen if the struct reference begins with ".". This allows for hard-coded references to structs so that one can easily associate structs with widgets, yet be able to pass structs around by name with the same convenient syntax: struct SuperWidget { list children // children of the superwidget } proc demo {} [struct_pointerto { # a handy use of structs is to associate metadata with # a widget... frame .main set w [new SuperWidget .main] # use hard-coded struct reference: set .main->children {.f.one .f.two .f.three} puts $.main->children # use reference to the struct: set w->children {.f.a .f.b .f.c} puts $w->children }] Finally, by default structs cannot be redefined since it's not good programming to change the format of a data structure on the fly. For interactive development we allow structs to be redefined by appending the word "recreate" in a struct definition: struct SuperWidget { list children // children of the superwidget int index // index to "current" child } recreate ---- '''Scope''' ---- Namespaces can often be confusing to people who aren't well versed in Tcl. File scope, on the other hand, is likely familiar to anyone who has coded in C. We have decided to use an emulation of file scoping rather than namespaces. Because we can control the use of scopes, any code that is used inside of scope is automatically processed by struct_pointerto, so directly calling struct_pointerto isn't necessary. Proc definitions within a scope appear as normal proc definitions, albeit with enhanced abilities. A scope is created with the ''scope'' command. Under the hood it uses namespaces and thus has all the power of namespaces. Scopes differ from namespaces in two significant ways, however. One way scopes differ from namespaces is that scopes do not nest. All scopes live directly beneath the global scope. If you create a scope named Foo, for example, it will be created as a namespace named ::Foo. If the code inside foo creates a scope named Bar, that namespace will actually be ::Bar rather than ::Foo::Bar. The second significant difference is that in scopes, unlike namespaces, procs are automatically exported to the global namespace. We've added a 'private' command to create private commands and variables, which is discussed in the following section of this document. Here is a simple example, using the same file editor analogy from before: scope Editor.tcl { struct Editor { string filename="" // currently open file int needsSave=0 // if 1, file needs saving } proc init {filename} { set editor [new Editor] set editor->filename $filename return $editor } } ;# end scope Editor.tcl init [lindex $argv 0] '''Private Vars, Private Procs''' It is sometimes convenient to make certain procs available only within the current scope. This can be done with the ''private'' command. We've extended private procs to have types, and we do some minimal type checking on return values by redefining the implementation of "return" within a scope. private void main {} { createWidgets ... } private void createWidgets {} { ... } Because scopes and private procedures are implemented with namespaces, private procedures aren't truly private. This is a useful feature in that scopes may create helper procs for bindings yet still be able to call those helper procs from the global scope. To reference a private proc from another scope you can use the ''private'' command with a single argument to get a fully qualified reference to the private proc. You may also use the command ''scope_code'' similar to how ''namespace code'' works. The following example shows how it's possible to use the same name in two different scopes, yet reference those procedures at the global level: source bksyntax.tcl scope foo { private void helper {} { puts "this is the foo helper proc" } button .foo -text "Foo" -command [private helper] pack .foo } scope bar { private void helper {} { puts "this is the bar helper proc" } button .bar -text "Bar" -command [private helper] pack .bar } We also support private variables. Private variables have the feature of automatically being available to all procs within the same scope, much like file-local variables in C. It is convenient to create a private variable that is a pointer to a struct as a way of giving all procedures in a file access to a working set of data. In the following example, the variable 'editor' is a private variable that contains a pointer to a struct. The struct itself, however, is a global variable. That is why editor->filename can be used with -textvariable; the actual value of editor is resolved at the time the widget is created via the preprocessor, and resolves to a fully qualified global variable. source bksyntax.tcl scope Example.tcl { struct Editor { string filename="" // name of file being edited int needsSave=0 // set to 1 when changes have been made } private var editor = [new Editor] private void init {filename} { set editor->filename $filename } private void main {} { global argv if {[lindex $argv] > 0} { init [lindex $argv 0] } else { puts stderr "usage: example filename" exit 1 } makeWidgets } private void makeWidgets {} { text .t label .header -textvariable editor->filename pack .header -side top -fill x pack .t -side top -fill both -expand y if {$editor->filename ne ""} { set file [open $editor->filename r] set data [read $file] close $file .t insert end $data } } main } ---- '''Example: a simple megawidget''' ---- One use of structs is for managing instance data for megawidgets. In the following example, the main program creates two instances of a megawidget used for picking files. Each megawidget uses a struct to keep track of the last directory and file chosen by the file select dialog. source bksyntax.tcl scope main { proc main {} { fileselect .fs1 -title "File 1:" fileselect .fs2 -title "File 2:" pack .fs1 .fs2 -side top -fill x } } scope FileSelect { struct FileSelect { string title="Choose file: " string lastdir // dir of last chosen file string lastfile // name of last chosen file string textvariable // associated with entry widget } option add *FileSelect.BorderWidth 2 widgetDefault option add *FileSelect.Relief groove widgetDefault proc fileselect {w args} { frame $w -class FileSelect new FileSelect $w if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-title"} { set w->title [lindex $args 1] } label $w.label -text $w->title entry $w.entry \ -textvariable w->textvariable \ -borderwidth 1 button $w.pick \ -text "choose..." \ -command [scope_code selectFile $w] \ -borderwidth 1 pack $w.label -side left -fill y -expand n pack $w.pick -side right -fill y -expand n -padx 1 -pady 1 pack $w.entry -side left -fill both -expand y return $w } private void selectFile {w} { if {$w->lastdir eq ""} { set w->lastdir [pwd] set w->lastfile "" } set file [tk_getOpenFile \ -initialdir $w->lastdir \ -initialfile $w->lastfile \ -title $w->title] if {$file ne ""} { set w->lastdir [file dirname $file] set w->lastfile [file tail $file] set w->textvariable $file } } } main ---- [Brian Griffin] 11-Mar-2005 This is interesting work. I don't understand the need for "types". When I write code, I'll document how a variable is intended to be used by the way I initialize it, (e.g. set l [[list]]; set s ""; set i 0) So, why not: struct Editor { filename "" ;# name of file being edited needsSave 0 ;# set to 1 when changes need saving } I find this just as self documented without resorting to psuedo types. ''[Bryan Oakley] responds: it's simply a matter of preference. We find including the type helps make the code more obvious.''' IMHO, using C syntax, even a little bit, is a bad idea. The more Tcl looks like C, the more you raise the expectation of C style parsing as well. This is the one area that screws with programmers minds the most. Because Tcl looks similar to C, the false conclusion is reached that it's parsed like C which couldn't be farther from the truth. Tcl is just not C, so stop trying to turn it into C. Any programmer worth their salt, can be multi-lingual; you don't need to baby them with fake syntax. ''So, if we kept the concepts but changed the syntax, would you be interested in seeing this in the core?'' I like the Scope and struct member reference. I wonder if the -> notation could be used for accessing keys in a dict, so that: set dict->key "new value" would be equivalent to: dict set dict key "new value" ''[Bryan Oakley]: I don't think this would have the same impact as the -> operator mentioned in this package. Part of the power of the -> operator as we've implemented it is that the LHS doesn't have to be declared global, much like widget paths don't have to be declared global.'' ---- [Category Suggestions] | [Category Data Structure]