Tivo, Inc sells a digital video recorder (DVR) /personal video record (PVR) device. A brief mention of Tcl use at Tivo: http://acmqueue.org/modules.php?name=Content&pa=printer_friendly&pid=53 ". At TiVo the main public domain tool we use is the Tcl scripting language. TiVo developed a proprietary extension to Tcl for manipulating the database and media file system on the TCD." See some of the followign web sites for tcl code written to work with the TiVo devices: * http://tivo.lightn.org/ * http://www.networkhackers.com/tpop/ [[add more as time goes by]] ---- Moritz: Does anyone know why TiVo Inc. chose [Tcl]? ---- [davidw]: Don't know, but it looks like folks working on similar, free projects decided to go with Python instead: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2005/01/27/freevo.html ---- See also: * [BOOK TiVo Hacks] * [BOOK Hacking TiVO: The Expansion, Enhancement and Development Starter Kit], which get into programming [Tcl] as well as other hacks. ---- [Category Company]