Version 3 of CRC

Updated 2002-01-04 16:26:55

[Explain essence.]

CRC is an acronym for Cyclic Redundancy Check [L1 ] [L2 ].

CRCs are available to Tcl programmers in several forms, including Andreas Kupries' Trf package. Pat Thoyts illustrates example manipulations which rely on this C-coded extension:

      32 % package require Trf
      33 % set chk [crc {Hello, World!}]
      <funny chars>
      34 % binary scan $chk h* chkx
      35 % set chkx
      37 % binary format h* $chkx
      <funny chars>

Note that the [hex] command in Trf can be used to perform the same conversions. Here is the example from above recast to use [hex].

      32 % package require Trf
      33 % set chk [crc {Hello, World!}]
      <funny chars>
      34 % set chkx [hex -mode encode -- $chk]
      37 % hex -mode decode -- $chkx
      <funny chars>

[Give reference to pure-Tcl implementation.]