A little calculator to get the date of Easter in various years using an algorithm from the Astronomy FAQ. [MNO] ====== #!/bin/sh # next line restarts with tclsh \ exec tclsh $0 ${1+"$@"} # # Author: Mark Oakden http://wiki.tcl.tk/MNO # Version: 1.0 # # calculate Easter Sunday using the algorithm given at # http://www.faqs.org/faqs/astronomy/faq/part3 # # assumes Gregorian calendar # proc easterdate { year } { # # G is "golden number" # set G [expr {($year % 19) + 1}] # # H is intermediate in calculating C # set H [expr {int($year / 100)}] # # C is "century term" # set C [expr {(-1 * $H) + int($H/4) + int(8*($H+11)/25)}] # # first we need the paschal full moon. # the following is in days before april 19 with a couple of exceptions # set rawdays [expr {((11*$G)+$C) % 30}] # # exceptions if rawdays = 0 use days=1 # if rawdays = 1 and G >= 12 use days=2 # else use days=rawdays # if { $rawdays == 0 } then { set days 1 } elseif { $rawdays == 1 && $G >= 12} { set days 2 } else { set days $rawdays } # # now find the day that this falls on:- # set apr19 [clock scan "04/19/$year 12:00"] # %w is week day number Sun=0 set pfmweekdaynum [clock format [add_days $apr19 -$days] -format "%w"] # # Easter sunday is the next Sunday _strictly_ after PFM, so # if pfmweekday is sunday, we want 7 days after pfm # if pfmweekday is monday, we want 6 days after pfm etc. # i.e. we want to take (7-pfmweekdaynum) days after pfm # set easterdate [add_days $apr19 [expr {-($days - 7 + $pfmweekdaynum)}]] return $easterdate } proc add_days {time days} { if {[info tclversion] < "8.5"} { set res [clock scan "$days days" -base $time] } else { set res [clock add $time $days days] } return $res } for { set i 1995 } { $i <= 2015 } { incr i } { puts "Easter Sunday in $i will be on [clock format [easterdate $i] -format {%b %d}]" } ====== ---- [PT] writes: In a strange twist of fate - the very day this was posted a colleague wished to know this date for 2004. Tcl wins the day! ---- [TFW] OK, now someone with more time on their hands than me compute the Orthodox dates. Look at http://www.assa.org.au/edm.html#OrthCalculator for a clue. ---- [Gerald Lester] Put braces around expressions just like they should be. ---- [glennj] 2008-02-08 -- removed date arithmetic using 86400 seconds per day, replaced with use of proper clock math ---- [GWM] of course this only works for the period 1902-2037 (as the clock function runs out of seconds in 32 bit). Hopefully we will all be using 64 bit by then! Any hope of calculating Easter pre-1902? NB there is an approximately 19 year cycle for the date of Easter [http://www.nmm.ac.uk/server/show/conWebDoc.350] try this: for { set i 1906 } { $i <= 2138 } { incr i 19 } { puts "Easter Sunday in $i will be on [clock format [easterdate $i] -format {%b %d}]" } and for { set i 1905 } { $i <= 2138 } { incr i 19 } { puts "Easter Sunday in $i will be on [clock format [easterdate $i] -format {%b %d}]" } and for { set i 1904 } { $i <= 2138 } { incr i 19 } { puts "Easter Sunday in $i will be on [clock format [easterdate $i] -format {%b %d}]" } to see the repetition of days within 3-4 days of each other (of course these days are rounded to the nearest Sunday). This relates to the Metonic cycle of the moons orbit [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metonic_cycle] which returns to the same position very nearly every 19 years. The effect is also seen in the dates of solar eclipses (known to the Greeks). ---- [gkubu] another algorithm (doesn't need 64 bit architecture :-) ======tcl proc gregorianEasterSunday { year } { # returns date (ISO format yyyy-mm-dd) of Easter Sunday for the given year # http://www.ptb.de/cms/fachabteilungen/abt4/fb-44/ag-441/darstellung-der-gesetzlichen-zeit/wann-ist-ostern.html set x $year ;# use variable names as in "wann-ist-ostern.html" # k: century set k [ expr { $x/100 } ] # auxiliary computations set m [ expr { 15 + (3*$k + 3)/4 - (8*$k + 13)/25 } ] set s [ expr { 2 - (3*$k + 3)/4 } ] set a [ expr { $x % 19 } ] set d [ expr { (19*$a + $m) % 30 } ] set r [ expr { $d/29 + ($d/28 - $d/29) * $a/11 } ] # og: date of full moon in March set og [ expr { 21 + $d - $r } ] # sz: first sunday in march set sz [ expr { 7 - ($x + $x/4 + $s) % 7 } ] # oe: intermediate # os: Easter Sunday (number of days counted from March 1st -> 32 = April 1st) # om: month (March or April) of Easter set oe [ expr { 7 - ($og-$sz) % 7 } ] set os [ expr { $og + $oe } ] # 'wann-ist-ostern.html' ends here - rest is my own responsibility set om [ expr { 3 + $os/32 } ] # day in month if { $os > 31 } { set os [ expr { $os - 31 } ] } return "$x-[format %02d $om]-[format %02d $os]" } ======tcl For julian calendar dates set m = 15 and s = 0 (wikipedia information, not tested) <
> The variables in 'wann-ist-ostern.html' are explained as follows (sorry, don't know the english terms): %|variable|german|english attempt|% &| k | Säkularzahl | secular number |& &| m | säkulare Mondschaltung | secular lunar leap (?) |& &| s | säkulare Sonnenschaltung | secular solar leap (?) |& &| a | Mondparameter | lunar parameter (?) |& &| d | Keim für den ersten Vollmond im Frühling | seed for first full moon in spring |& &| r | kalendarische Korrekturgröße | calendaric correcting quantity (?) |& &| og | Ostergrenze | Easter barrier (?) |& &| sz | erster Sonntag im März | first sunday in March |& &| oe | Entfernung des Ostersonntags von der Ostergrenze in Tagen | distance in days between Easter Sunday and Easter barrier |& &| os | Datum des Ostersonntags als Märzdatum | date of Easter Sunday as if it was in March |& While trying to find translations I came across this "bag of algorithms": <
> http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/estralgs.txt <
> and noted by chance that the ptb page has an englisch equivalent: <
> http://www.ptb.de/cms/en/fachabteilungen/abt4/fb-44/ag-441/realisation-of-legal-time-in-germany/the-date-of-easter.html ---- <> Package | Date and Time <> Numerical Analysis | Toys | Calculator | Mathematics| Example| Toys and Games | Games | Application | GUI <> Development | Concept| Algorithm | Procedure