''I just want to clear the screen'' sounds like such a simple thing. Why is it difficult? Because there are so many types of screens! Are we talking about a terminal emulator program, like xterm, rxvt, telnet? Are we talking about a physical terminal on a serial line (vt220)? Is it a line printer???? Is it a Tk text widget? Here are a few ways: exec clear >@ stdout ; # Most unix systems should have a clear command puts \x1B\[2J ; # for Solaris xterm - VERY terminal specific eval exec [auto_execok cls] ; # Most windows systems should have a cls exec command /c cls ; # DOS? exec >&@stdout $::env(COMSPEC) /c cls ; # Win95 $t delete 1.0 end ;# Tk text widget [Bruce Hartweg] suggests eval exec >&@stdout <@stdin [auto_execok cls] http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&th=57f93208a1685681 ---- ''Pretty neat tricks ;)'' -- [Ro] ---- [Category Porting] In addition the following examples clears the whole screen 1. puts \x1b\[H\x1b\[2J 2. exec tput clear >@ stdout Number 2. Initializes and clears the screen. These are pretty handy as well!!!! ------------- Angel Sosa