if {0} {[fr] - A prototype of word completion instant command completion in the [iFile 1.1] console. Completion works on first word only in ComboBox entry. The string appended is the longest common beginning of all possible endings. Clickable continuations are displayed in a toplevel widget. Start typing a character, then repeatedly invoke the created buttons to get the wished command. usage: append this to the iFile script or save this as q.tcl in same dir as iFile.tcl append following line to iFile.tcl PC: source [file join [file dirname [info script]] q.tcl] on PDA (WinCE): source q.tcl additional requirements: font_ce, puts_ce known bug: continuations not up to date when using the keyboard (e.g. tk_messageBox, open, option) } namespace eval ::q { variable tracedvar variable entry variable pp "" variable pattern "" variable temp [list] variable suffixlist [list] variable packages [lsort [package names]] variable added_prefixes [list] } proc ::q::qcoco {entryname varname x mode} { # puts varname=$varname; puts x=$x; puts mode=$mode # completion for the first word if {$::q::ok} { set v :: append v $varname\($x\) set v [subst $$v] if {![regexp {^\S+\s} $v]} { set pos 0 # only first word is assumed to be a command set ns "" set colon "" set ::q::pattern "" regexp -nocase {(^[^:]*)(::)*([a-z0-9_:]*)} $v {&1&2&3} ns colon ::q::pattern if {$colon == ""} { set ::q::pattern $ns set ns :: } else { # learn used package names if {[lsearch -sorted $::q::added_prefixes $ns] < 0} { if {[lsearch -sorted $::q::packages $ns] >=0} { lappend ::q::added_prefixes $ns set ::q::added_prefixes [lsort $::q::added_prefixes] } } } incr pos [string length $::q::pattern] set pa ^$::q::pattern set ::q::pp $::q::pattern* set l [list] if {[::q::isnopackage $ns]} { namespace eval $ns {set ::q::commands [info command $::q::pp]} foreach x $::q::commands { lappend l [string range $x $pos end] } foreach idx [lsearch -all -sorted -regexp $::q::added_prefixes $pa] { lappend l [string range [lindex $::q::added_prefixes $idx] $pos end] } if {0} { # package names foreach x $::q::packages { if {[regexp $pa $x]} { lappend l [string range $x $pos end] } } } } else { set n :: append n $ns append n :: append n $::q::pattern set len [string length $n] append n * foreach x [info proc $n] { lappend l [string range $x $len end] } } ::q::conti [lsort -unique -dictionary $l] set add "" foreach ff [split [lindex $::q::suffixlist 0] {}] ll [split [lindex $::q::suffixlist end] {}] { expr {$ff==$ll ? [append add $ff] : [break] } } append v $add set xl [llength $l] if {[llength $l] == 1} { # no alternatives exist #append add { } $entryname insert insert $add set ::q::suffixlist [list] ;# no need to display } else { if {[llength $l]==0} { # invalid character entered if {![string equal $v :]} { set prev [$entryname index insert] incr prev -1 $entryname selection range $prev end } } else { $entryname insert insert $add # display continuations as buttons } } } else { set ::q::text "" set ::q::suffixlist [list] } } else { set ::q::ok 1 } ::q::topcon $entryname $varname } proc ::q::insertpos {entryname x y} { # todo # calculate position below insert mark of entry # add +y positions of .n (notebook).n.f5 (frame) .n.f5.e (ComboBox) # plus height of ComboBox upvar $x X upvar $y Y set X 20 set Y 110 } proc ::q::topcon {w var} { set name .qcon append name $w regsub -all -start 1 {\.} $name _ name #catch {destroy $name} #destroy & toplevel -> no more winhandle map slots set len [llength $::q::suffixlist] catch {wm withdraw $name} if {$len==0} {return} if {$len==1 && [lindex $::q::suffixlist] == { } } {return} if {![winfo exists $name]} { set widget [toplevel $name] } else { foreach x [winfo children $name.f] { destroy $x } destroy $name.f set widget $name } ::q::insertpos $w px py wm geometry $widget +$px+$py wm overrideredirect $widget 1 set sw $widget set sf [frame $sw.f] $sf configure -bg bisque set ii 0 foreach x $::q::suffixlist { set j [button $sf.b$ii -text $x -justify left -border 0 -bg white -fg black -activebackground skyblue -activeforeground white -takefocus 0] pack $j -side top -padx 2 -pady 1 -anchor w $j configure -command [list ::q::button_invoke $w $x] incr ii } pack $sf -fill both wm deiconify $name } proc ::q::button_invoke {entryname suffix} { global g set t [$entryname cget -text] append t $suffix $entryname insert insert $suffix focus $entryname set g(cmd) $t } proc ::q::isnopackage {v} { if {$v==""} {return 1} set pattern [format "^%s::" $v] foreach x $::q::packages { if {[regexp $pattern $x]} { return 0 } } return 1 } proc ::q::off {} { #set k [trace info variable $::q::tracedvar] # trace vdelete ::g(cmd) [lindex $k {0 1}] trace vdelete $::q::tracedvar w [list ::q::qcoco $::q::entry] set ::q::text "::q::on ;# instant command" bind $::q::entry {} } proc ::q::about {} { set t { iFile command completion basic prototype Roland Frank, Aalen 2005 www.deltadatentechnik.de } catch {destroy.qab} toplevel .qab wm title .qab contributors label .qab.l -justify center -text $t pack .qab.l -pady 10 } proc ::q::on {{entryname .n.f5.e.e}} { # activate command completion in "iFile console" global g set g(cmd) "" set ::q::entry $entryname set ::q::tracedvar ::[$entryname cget -textvariable] set ::q::ok 1 bind $entryname { set ::q::ok 0 set ::q::suffixlist [list] } trace add variable $::q::tracedvar write [list ::q::qcoco $entryname] $entryname selection range 0 end } proc ::q::conti {inlist} { set ::q::temp [list] foreach x $inlist { if {$x == ""} { set x " " } ::q::merge $x 0 } set ::q::suffixlist $::q::temp set text "" set n 0 foreach x $::q::temp { incr n [string length $x] if {$n>30} { append text \n set n 0 } else { append text " " incr n } append text $x } set ::q::text $text } proc ::q::merge {value minlen} { # merge value to common prefix with last element of list set last [lindex $::q::temp end] if {$last != ""} { set lastlen [string length $last] set c "" foreach t1 [split $last ""] t2 [split $value ""] { expr {$t1==$t2 ? [append c $t1] : [break]} } if {$c!=""} { set clen [string length $c] if {$clen>$minlen} { if {$clen==$lastlen} { # skip #lappend ::q::temp $value } else { lset ::q::temp end $c } } else { lappend ::q::temp $value } } else { lappend ::q::temp $value } } else { set ::q::temp [list $value] } } .n.f5.e.e configure -text "::q::on ;# instant command, ::q::off" $5.l configure -textvariable ::q::text