Version 3 of Connor Berry

Updated 2009-04-16 20:24:33 by cb

What CB stands for : : -- : : Picture [L1 ] : : -- : : Blog [L2 ]

email: connor berry at yahoo dot com (remove spaces and substitute @ and . as appropriate)

I have used and/or played around with a lot of the Unix scripting languages out there. I got into Linux about years ago when I wanted a free C/C++ compiler and ended up with a free OS also. My favorite distributions of Linux are Slackware and the Debian based ones: Debian, Ubuntu, Knoppix

I was lured into Tcl/Tk after reading some of RS's pages on natural language.

I think Tclkit is one of the coolest things ever.

I am currently also working some with Perl (which I love).

I am finally taking the time to sit down and really become fluent in C.

My (current) favorite packages in Tcl:

Things that seem interesting (but I don't yet have lots of experience with):

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