Version 9 of Critcl Examples

Updated 2008-06-29 22:22:23 by yahalome

Wiki pages with Critcl examples (incomplete list):

LV: Has anyone investigated making use of Critcl to create an HTML rendering widget, perhaps based on BrowseX?

JCW: Yep, Tkhtml can be built with Critcl, though it's tricky. See [L1 ], now in critlib.

Has someone looked at

as a possible way to integrate C with Tcl without having to compile C...

SWT: I have built a working cint shared lib for tcl. It works great! Now to "run" c code the cint library is only needed for each platform that support is required for.

Brian Theado 17Dec2004 - Examples with Tcl_Obj* return type

The presence of Tcl_IncrRefCount is crucial here and nothing gets returned without it. I guess Critcl automatically decrements the reference count on this return type. Could someone provide a counter example where the automatic reference count decrement is useful?

 package require critcl
 critcl::cproc abc {} Tcl_Obj* {
    char test[4] = "abc";
    Tcl_Obj * rv = Tcl_NewStringObj ("abc", 3);
    Tcl_IncrRefCount (rv);
    return rv;
 critcl::cproc 123 {} Tcl_Obj* {
    char test[3] = {1, 2, 3};
    Tcl_Obj * obj = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj (test, 3);
    Tcl_IncrRefCount (obj);
    return obj;
 puts [abc]
 binary scan [123] H* result
 puts $result



2005-09-02 Sarnold See also Critcl example with the Mancala game and foriter - a loop command.

2006-11-21 dzach Could someone post a basic critcl snipet on how to access the snack sound library? Play a sound or record a sound, for instance?

Lars H, 2007-10-09: Saw [L2 ], which compares performance of a native Perl operation (binary xor of two strings, now how screwy is that?!) with implementations in Java and Tcl. Thinking that the natural way for a Tcler to implement that, if performance really matters, is to code it in C, I did a Critcl implementation:

 package require critcl

 critcl::ccommand xor {cd interp objc objv} {
     char* sP;
     char* kP;
     int slen, klen;
     Tcl_Obj* resObj;

     if (objc != 3) { /* This can be improved. */
         return TCL_ERROR;

     sP = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(objv[1],&slen);
     resObj = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj(sP,slen);
     sP = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(resObj,(int*)NULL);
     kP = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(objv[2],&klen);
     for (; slen>0 && klen>0 ; slen--, klen--) {
         *sP++ ^= *kP++;
     return TCL_OK;
 puts [xor "A!" "bB"]

Prints "#c".

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