[PD] I was just curious whether this would be too slow to be useable. It's actually quite quick. But the data structure needs to be "tclified". ---- #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec wish8.5 "$0" "$@" if {0} { For details, see "Primitives for the Manipulation of General Subdivisions and the Computation of Voronoi Diagrams" L. Guibas, J. Stolfi, ACM Transactions on Graphics, April 1985 http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=282918.282923 ($10) and Jorge Stolfi's C libraries http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~stolfi/EXPORT/software/c/Index.html (this tcl code is a direct translation, right down to the bit twiddling of pointers) also http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/andrew/scs/cs/15-463/2001/pub/src/a2/lischinski/114.ps describes an incremental algorithm using the quadedge data structure in c++ } package require Tcl 8.5 namespace eval quad {} proc quad::reset {} { variable next; array unset next variable org; array unset org variable mark; array unset mark variable nextedge 0 variable nextmark 1 variable sites {} variable index {} } proc quad::EDGE e {expr {$e&~3}} proc quad::ROT e {expr {($e&~3)+(($e+1)&3)}} proc quad::SYM e {expr {($e&~3)+(($e+2)&3)}} proc quad::TOR e {expr {($e&~3)+(($e+3)&3)}} proc quad::ONEXT e { variable next return $next($e) } proc quad::SETNEXT {e n} { variable next set next($e) $n } proc quad::RNEXT e {TOR [ONEXT [ROT $e]]} proc quad::DNEXT e {SYM [ONEXT [SYM $e]]} proc quad::LNEXT e {ROT [ONEXT [TOR $e]]} proc quad::OPREV e {ROT [ONEXT [ROT $e]]} proc quad::DPREV e {TOR [ONEXT [TOR $e]]} proc quad::RPREV e {ONEXT [SYM $e]} proc quad::LPREV e {SYM [ONEXT $e]} proc quad::MARK e { variable mark return $mark($e) } proc quad::SETMARK {e m} { variable mark set mark($e) $m } proc quad::ORG e { variable org return $org($e) } proc quad::SETORG {e p} { variable org set org($e) $p } proc quad::DEST e {ORG [SYM $e]} proc quad::SETDEST {e p} {SETORG [SYM $e] $p} proc quad::K {a b} {set a} proc quad::MALLOC {} { variable nextedge K [set nextedge] [incr nextedge 4] } proc quad::FREE e { variable next variable org variable mark foreach i [list $e [ROT $e] [SYM $e] [TOR $e]] { array unset next $i array unset org $i array unset mark $i } } proc quad::MakeEdge {} { set e [EDGE [MALLOC]] SETNEXT $e $e SETNEXT [SYM $e] [SYM $e] SETNEXT [ROT $e] [TOR $e] SETNEXT [TOR $e] [ROT $e] foreach i [list $e [ROT $e] [SYM $e] [TOR $e]] { SETMARK $i 0 } return $e } proc quad::Splice {a b} { set alpha [ROT [ONEXT $a]] set beta [ROT [ONEXT $b]] set ta [ONEXT $a] set tb [ONEXT $b] SETNEXT $a $tb SETNEXT $b $ta set ta [ONEXT $alpha] set tb [ONEXT $beta] SETNEXT $alpha $tb SETNEXT $beta $ta } proc quad::DestroyEdge e { set f [SYM $e] if {[ONEXT $e] != $e} {Splice $e [OPREV $e]} if {[ONEXT $f] != $f} {Splice $f [OPREV $f]} FREE [EDGE $e] } # Recursive DFS # can overflow stack! proc quad::DoEnum {e visit closure mark} { while {[MARK [EDGE $e]] != $mark} { SETMARK [EDGE $e] $mark $visit $e $closure DoEnum [RPREV $e] $visit $closure $mark set e [ONEXT $e] } } proc quad::enum {a visit closure} { variable nextmark set mark $nextmark incr nextmark if {$nextmark==0} {set nextmark 1} DoEnum $a $visit $closure $mark } # non-recursive bfs # but is it right? proc quad::bfs {e visit closure} { variable nextmark set mark $nextmark incr nextmark if {$nextmark==0} { set nextmark 1} set q [list $e] while {[llength $q]} { set n [lindex $q 0] set q [lreplace $q 0 0] if {[MARK [EDGE $n]] != $mark} { SETMARK [EDGE $n] $mark $visit $n $closure set t [SYM $n] while {1} { set t [ONEXT $t] if {$t == [SYM $n]} break if {[MARK [EDGE $t]] != $mark} { lappend q $t } } } } } ######################## # Delaunay Triangulation ######################## proc quad::MAP p { variable index lindex $index $p } proc quad::COORD p { variable sites lindex $sites $p } proc quad::CCW {a b c} { set s1 [COORD $a] set s2 [COORD $b] set s3 [COORD $c] foreach {x1 y1} $s1 {x2 y2} $s2 {x3 y3} $s3 break expr {($x2*$y3-$y2*$x3)-($x1*$y3-$y1*$x3)+($x1*$y2-$y1*$x2)} } proc quad::RightOf {s e} { expr {[CCW $s [DEST $e] [ORG $e]] > 0.0} } proc quad::LeftOf {s e} { expr {[CCW $s [ORG $e] [DEST $e]] > 0.0} } proc quad::InCircle {a b c d} { set s1 [COORD $a] set s2 [COORD $b] set s3 [COORD $c] set s4 [COORD $d] foreach {x1 y1} $s1 {x2 y2} $s2 {x3 y3} $s3 {x4 y4} $s4 break expr {(($y4-$y1)*($x2-$x3)+($x4-$x1)*($y2-$y3)) * \ (($x4-$x3)*($x2-$x1)-($y4-$y3)*($y2-$y1)) > \ (($y4-$y3)*($x2-$x1)+($x4-$x3)*($y2-$y1)) * \ (($x4-$x1)*($x2-$x3)-($y4-$y1)*($y2-$y3))} } proc quad::Connect {a b} { set e [MakeEdge] SETORG $e [DEST $a] SETDEST $e [ORG $b] Splice $e [LNEXT $a] Splice [SYM $e] $b return $e } # Divide and Conquer proc quad::RecDelaunay {sl sh} { if {$sh == $sl+2} { set a [MakeEdge] SETORG $a [MAP $sl] SETDEST $a [MAP [incr sl]] return [list $a [SYM $a]] } elseif {$sh == $sl+3} { set s1 [MAP $sl] set s2 [MAP [incr sl]] set s3 [MAP [incr sl]] set a [MakeEdge] set b [MakeEdge] set ct [CCW $s1 $s2 $s3] Splice [SYM $a] $b SETORG $a $s1 SETDEST $a $s2 SETORG $b $s2 SETDEST $b $s3 if {$ct == 0.0} { return [list $a [SYM $b]] } else { set c [Connect $b $a] if {$ct > 0.0} { return [list $a [SYM $b]] } else { return [list [SYM $c] $c] } } } else { set sm [expr {($sl+$sh)/2}] foreach {ldo ldi} [RecDelaunay $sl $sm] break foreach {rdi rdo} [RecDelaunay $sm $sh] break while {1} { if {[LeftOf [ORG $rdi] $ldi]} { set ldi [LNEXT $ldi] } elseif {[RightOf [ORG $ldi] $rdi]} { set rdi [RPREV $rdi] } else break } set base1 [Connect [SYM $rdi] $ldi] if {[ORG $ldi] == [ORG $ldo]} { set ldo [SYM $base1]} if {[ORG $rdi] == [ORG $rdo]} { set rdo $base1} while {1} { set lcand [ONEXT [SYM $base1]] if {[RightOf [DEST $lcand] $base1]} { while {[InCircle \ [DEST $base1] [ORG $base1] [DEST $lcand] \ [DEST [ONEXT $lcand]]]} { set t [ONEXT $lcand] DestroyEdge $lcand set lcand $t } } set rcand [OPREV $base1] if {[RightOf [DEST $rcand] $base1]} { while {[InCircle \ [DEST $base1] [ORG $base1] [DEST $rcand] \ [DEST [OPREV $rcand]]]} { set t [OPREV $rcand] DestroyEdge $rcand set rcand $t } } if {![RightOf [DEST $lcand] $base1] && \ ![RightOf [DEST $rcand] $base1]} {break} if {![RightOf [DEST $lcand] $base1] || \ ([RightOf [DEST $rcand] $base1] && \ [InCircle \ [DEST $lcand] [ORG $lcand] [ORG $rcand] \ [DEST $rcand]])} { set base1 [Connect $rcand [SYM $base1]] } else { set base1 [Connect [SYM $base1] [SYM $lcand]] } } return [list $ldo $rdo] } } proc quad::Ptcmp {a b} { foreach {x1 y1} $a {x2 y2} $b break if {$x1==$x2} { set f [expr {$y2-$y1}] } else { set f [expr {$x2-$x1}] } if {$f==0.0} { return 0 } elseif {$f>0.0} { return -1 } else { return 1 } } proc quad::delaunay points { variable sites variable index variable le variable re reset set sites $points set index [lsort -indices -command quad::Ptcmp $points] foreach {le re} [RecDelaunay 0 [llength $sites]] break return $le } ###################### # some plotting stuff ###################### package require Tk proc quad::calctransform c { variable sites variable scale variable fx variable fy set vy [$c cget -height] set vx [$c cget -width] set s [lindex $sites 0] foreach {x y} $s break set minx $x; set maxx $x set miny $y; set maxy $y foreach s $sites { foreach {x y} $s break if {$x<$minx} {set minx $x} if {$x>$maxx} {set maxx $x} if {$y<$miny} {set miny $y} if {$y>$maxy} {set maxy $y} } set sx [expr {($vx-20)/($maxx-$minx)}] set sy [expr {($vy-20)/($maxy-$miny)}] set scale [expr {$sx>$sy?$sy:$sx}] set fx [expr {$vx/2-$scale*($minx+$maxx)/2}] set fy [expr {$vy/2+$scale*($miny+$maxy)/2}] } proc quad::trans p { variable scale variable fx variable fy foreach {x y} $p break set x [expr {$scale*$x+$fx}] set y [expr {$fy-$scale*$y}] return [list $x $y] } proc quad::drawsites c { variable sites set n 0 foreach s $sites { set cs [trans $s] foreach {x y} $cs break $c create oval [expr {$x-3}] [expr {$y-3}] \ [expr {$x+3}] [expr {$y+3}] \ -fill black $c create text [expr {$x+9}] [expr {$y-0}] -text $n -fill red incr n } } proc quad::drawedge {e c} { set s1 [COORD [ORG $e]] set s2 [COORD [DEST $e]] set cs1 [trans $s1] set cs2 [trans $s2] foreach {x1 y1} $cs1 {x2 y2} $cs2 break $c create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -fill blue } proc quad::drawedges {e c} { bfs $e quad::drawedge $c } proc quad::circumcenter {a b c} { set sa [COORD $a] set sb [COORD $b] set sc [COORD $c] foreach {xa ya} $sa {xb yb} $sb {xc yc} $sc break set A00 [expr {2*($xa-$xb)}] set A01 [expr {2*($ya-$yb)}] set B0 [expr {($xa-$xb)*($xa+$xb) + ($ya-$yb)*($ya+$yb)}] set A10 [expr {2*($xa-$xc)}] set A11 [expr {2*($ya-$yc)}] set B1 [expr { ($xa-$xc)*($xa+$xc) + ($ya-$yc)*($ya+$yc)}] set det [expr {$A00*$A11 - $A01*$A10}] set vx [expr {($B0*$A11 - $B1*$A01)/$det}] set vy [expr {($A00*$B1 - $A10*$B0)/$det}] return [list $vx $vy] } proc quad::far_left {ap bp} { set RBIG 100 foreach {xa ya} [COORD $ap] {xb yb} [COORD $bp] break set xm [expr {($xa + $xb)/2}] set ym [expr {($ya + $yb)/2}] set xd [expr {($xb - $xa)}] set yd [expr {($yb - $ya)}] set d [expr {sqrt($xd*$xd+$yd*$yd)}] set vx [expr {$xm-$RBIG*$yd/$d}] set vy [expr {$ym+$RBIG*$xd/$d}] return [list $vx $vy] } proc quad::left_voronoi_vertex e { set ap [ORG $e] set bp [DEST $e] set cp [DEST [LNEXT $e]] if {[CCW $ap $bp $cp] > 0.0} { return [circumcenter $ap $bp $cp] } else { return [far_left $ap $bp] } } proc quad::drawdualedge {e c} { set s1 [left_voronoi_vertex $e] set s2 [left_voronoi_vertex [SYM $e]] set cs1 [trans $s1] set cs2 [trans $s2] foreach {x1 y1} $cs1 {x2 y2} $cs2 break $c create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -fill green } proc quad::drawdualedges {e c} { bfs $e quad::drawdualedge $c } ######## # lists ######## proc quad::Edge {e c} { variable counter lappend counter [list [ORG $e] [DEST $e]] } proc quad::edges e { variable counter [list] bfs $e quad::Edge {} return $counter } proc quad::Faces {e f} { variable counter set mark [MARK [EDGE $e]] foreach i [list $e [SYM $e]] { if {[MARK [TOR $i]]==$mark} continue set a [ORG $i] set b [DEST $i] set c [DEST [LNEXT $i]] if {[CCW $a $b $c] > 0} { lappend counter [list $a $b $c] SETMARK [TOR $i] $mark SETMARK [TOR [LNEXT $i]] $mark SETMARK [ROT [ONEXT $i]] $mark } } } proc quad::faces e { variable counter [list] bfs $e quad::Faces {} return $counter } ######### # Demo ######### proc makesites {n} { set list {} for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} { set x [expr {rand()}] set y [expr {rand()}] lappend list [list $x $y] } return $list } proc lists e { set lf [quad::faces $e] puts "[llength $lf] faces=$lf" set le [quad::edges $e] puts "[llength $le] edges=$le" } proc plot {e c} { $c delete all quad::calctransform $c quad::drawsites $c quad::drawedges $e $c quad::drawdualedges $e $c } proc demo {c} { set l [makesites 10] set e [quad::delaunay $l] plot $e $c lists $e } frame .x pack .x canvas .x.c -bg white frame .x.f button .x.f.q -text QUIT -command exit button .x.f.d -text DEMO -command [list demo .x.c] pack .x.c .x.f -fill x -expand 1 pack .x.f.q .x.f.d -side left raise .x expr {srand(5)} demo .x.c ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Mathematics] | [Category Computational Geometry] |% !!!!!!