The [tk] [canvas] is a great widget: it is extremely flexible and allows you to implement all-you-could-imagine on top of it. Consider a graphical editor in which the user edits a diagram composed of some objects ([UML] entities, ER entities, etc) and connectors that links these objects. In these situations, the implementor can write the diagram code directly in a tk canvas. While writing GNU Ferret ( I felt the need for a library that supports diagrams on tk. So i wrote diagram.tcl ---- [LV] 2007 Aug 30 What ever happened to ferret? The web page you mention seems to have almost no information from the mailing list archives, promises of a new release in November of 2006, discussions of a rewrite and work towards version 1.0.0, etc.) Is the Tk library for ferret distributed with ferret? ---- A diagram is composed of objects and connectors. Objects are composed of an arbitrary number of tagged canvas elements (text, lines, rectangles, etc). When you declare a new object, you also set a shape for it: rectangle, ovoid, romboid, etc. The shape does not need to be visible. Connectors are orthogonal editable paths of lines connecting diagram objects. [] ---- Download the diagram [package] at: You can download some documentation from ---- If you use diagram.tcl on your programs, i would like to hear any constructive comment about the library. Please, tell me about it at jemarch(at) or drop a note on this wiki page. Thanks! ;) ---- Usage example (double click on the connector lines ;)): # This code is in the public domain lappend auto_path . package require BWidget package require diagram ### Global Variables set object_counter 0 set connector_counter 0 set connected_object_1 {} set minimap_visible 0 ### The minimap (or scroll map) proc toggle_mini_map_view {} { variable minimap_visible if {$minimap_visible} then { ;# Make the minimap diagram::create_scroll_minimap test_diag diagram::update_scroll_minimap test_diag } else { ;# Destroy the minimap diagram::destroy_scroll_minimap test_diag } } ### Drawing routines (object contents) proc rectangle_drawproc {dname oname location type} { set canvas [diagram::get_canvas $dname] # Draw some elements on this object $canvas create rectangle \ [expr [diagram::px $location] + 5] [expr [diagram::py $location] + 5] \ [expr [diagram::px $location] + 95] [expr [diagram::py $location] + 95] \ -fill grey \ -tags [list $dname $oname ${oname}] # Bind for movement $canvas bind ${oname} \ [list diagram::mark_drag_object $dname $oname %x %y] $canvas bind ${oname} \ [list diagram::drag_object $dname $oname %x %y] # Return the new geometry of this object return [list \ $location \ [diagram::point [expr [diagram::px $location] + 100] \ [expr [diagram::py $location] + 100]]] } proc circle_drawproc {dname oname location type} { set canvas [diagram::get_canvas $dname] # Draw some elements on this object $canvas create oval \ [expr [diagram::px $location] + 5] [expr [diagram::py $location] + 5] \ [expr [diagram::px $location] + 95] [expr [diagram::py $location] + 95] \ -fill grey \ -tags [list $dname $oname] # Bind for movement $canvas bind ${oname} \ [list diagram::mark_drag_object $dname $oname %x %y] $canvas bind ${oname} \ [list diagram::drag_object $dname $oname %x %y] # Return the new geometry of this object return [list \ $location \ [diagram::point [expr [diagram::px $location] + 100] \ [expr [diagram::py $location] + 100]]] } proc romboid_drawproc {dname oname location type} { set canvas [diagram::get_canvas $dname] # Get the diagram canvas set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag] # Draw some elements on this object set ulp [diagram::point \ [expr [diagram::px $location] + 5] \ [expr [diagram::py $location] + 5]] set lrp [diagram::point \ [expr [diagram::px $location] + 95] \ [expr [diagram::py $location] + 95]] $c create polygon \ [expr [diagram::px $ulp] + (([diagram::px $lrp] - [diagram::px $ulp]) / 2)] [diagram::py $ulp] \ [diagram::px $ulp] [expr [diagram::py $lrp] + (([diagram::py $ulp] - [diagram::py $lrp]) / 2)] \ [diagram::px $ulp] [expr [diagram::py $lrp] + (([diagram::py $ulp] - [diagram::py $lrp]) / 2)] \ [expr [diagram::px $ulp] + (([diagram::px $lrp] - [diagram::px $ulp]) / 2)] [diagram::py $lrp] \ [expr [diagram::px $ulp] + (([diagram::px $lrp] - [diagram::px $ulp]) / 2)] [diagram::py $lrp] \ [diagram::px $lrp] [expr [diagram::py $ulp] + (([diagram::py $lrp] - [diagram::py $ulp]) / 2)] \ [diagram::px $lrp] [expr [diagram::py $ulp] + (([diagram::py $lrp] - [diagram::py $ulp]) / 2)] \ [expr [diagram::px $ulp] + (([diagram::px $lrp] - [diagram::px $ulp]) / 2)] [diagram::py $ulp] \ -fill grey -tags [list $dname $oname] # Bind for movement $canvas bind ${oname} \ [list diagram::mark_drag_object $dname $oname %x %y] $canvas bind ${oname} \ [list diagram::drag_object $dname $oname %x %y] # Return the new geometry of this object return [list \ $location \ [diagram::point [expr [diagram::px $location] + 100] \ [expr [diagram::py $location] + 100]]] } ### Manipulation of the modal state of the diagram proc select_mode {} { ;# Get the canvas of the diagram set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag] ;# Remove any canvas-level binding bind $c {} ;# Change the cursor $c configure -cursor "" } proc new_connector_mode1 {} { ;# Get the canvas of the diagram set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag] ;# Bind the diagram to select the first connected object bind $c [list new_connector_1 %x %y] ;# Change the cursor $c configure -cursor left_side } proc new_connector_mode2 {} { ;# Get the canvas of the diagram set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag] ;# Bind the diagram to select the second connected object bind $c [list new_connector_2 %x %y] ;# Change the cursor $c configure -cursor right_side } proc new_element_mode {element_type} { ;# Get the canvas of the diagram set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag] ;# Bind the insert procedure depending of the element type bind $c [list new_object %x %y $element_type] ;# Change the cursor $c configure -cursor crosshair } ### Inserting new elements proc new_connector_1 {xpos ypos} { variable connected_object_1 ;# Get the canvas of the diagram set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag] ;# Correct coords set xpos [$c canvasx $xpos] set ypos [$c canvasy $ypos] ;# Get the canvas object behind the mouse pointer set selected_object [lindex [$c find overlapping $xpos $ypos $xpos $ypos] 0] if {$selected_object == ""} then { ;# No object => do nothing return } set object_name {} set sotags [$c gettags $selected_object] foreach tag $sotags { if {[string match {rectangle*} $tag] || [string match {circle*} $tag] || [string match {romboid*} $tag]} then { ;# This is an object set object_name $tag } } if {$object_name == ""} { ;# No object return } ;# Save the name of the first object to connect on ;# global data set connected_object_1 $object_name ;# Change the state new_connector_mode2 } proc new_connector_2 {xpos ypos} { variable connected_object_1 variable connector_counter ;# Get the canvas of the diagram set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag] ;# Correct coords set xpos [$c canvasx $xpos] set ypos [$c canvasy $ypos] ;# Get the canvas object behind the mouse pointer set selected_object [lindex [$c find overlapping $xpos $ypos $xpos $ypos] 0] if {$selected_object == ""} then { ;# No object => do nothing return } set object_name {} set sotags [$c gettags $selected_object] foreach tag $sotags { if {[string match {rectangle*} $tag] || [string match {circle*} $tag] || [string match {romboid*} $tag]} then { ;# This is an object set object_name $tag } } if {$object_name == ""} { ;# No object return } ;# Create a new connector between object1 and object2 set cname "connector[incr connector_counter]" diagram::create_connector test_diag \ $cname \ $connected_object_1 $object_name \ $cname {} {} ;# Redraw it diagram::redraw_connector test_diag $cname ;# Change the state select_mode } proc new_object {xpos ypos type} { variable object_counter ;# Get the diagram canvas set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag] ;# Correct coords set xpos [$c canvasx $xpos] set ypos [$c canvasy $ypos] ;# Create a new diagram object set object_name "$type[incr object_counter]" diagram::create_object test_diag \ $object_name \ $type \ ${type}_drawproc \ [list $xpos $ypos] ;# Make the object visible diagram::update_object test_diag $object_name ;# Return to selection mode select_mode } ### Saving and loading diagrams proc save_diagram {} { set filetypes {{"Diagram demo file" {.ddf}}} set save_file [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir "." \ -filetypes $filetypes -title "Save diagram"] if {$save_file == ""} then { return } ;# Output the diagram as xml set fout [open $save_file w] puts -nonewline $fout [diagram::export_xml test_diag] close $fout } proc load_diagram {} { set filetypes {{"Diagram demo file" {.ddf}}} set load_file [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir "." \ -filetypes $filetypes -title "Load diagram"] if {$load_file == ""} then { return } ;# Destroy the actual diagram diagram::destroy_diagram test_diag destroy .d ;# Import the xml of the loaded diagram set fin [open $load_file r] diagram::import_xml .d [read -nonewline $fin] close $fin pack .d -fill both -expand true } ### Launch the demo # Set up the GUI frame .buttonbar button .buttonbar.insert_rectangle \ -text "Rectangle" \ -command [list new_element_mode rectangle] button .buttonbar.insert_circle \ -text "Circle" \ -command [list new_element_mode circle] button .buttonbar.insert_romboid \ -text "Romboid" \ -command [list new_element_mode romboid] button .buttonbar.insert_connector \ -text "Connect two objects" \ -command [list new_connector_mode1] checkbutton .buttonbar.minimap_check \ -variable minimap_visible \ -command toggle_mini_map_view label .buttonbar.minimap_label \ -text "toggle mini map" button .buttonbar.save_diagram \ -text "Save this diagram to a file" \ -command [list save_diagram] button .buttonbar.load_diagram \ -text "Load a diagram from a file" \ -command [list load_diagram] pack .buttonbar.insert_rectangle \ .buttonbar.insert_circle \ .buttonbar.insert_romboid \ .buttonbar.insert_connector \ .buttonbar.minimap_check \ .buttonbar.minimap_label \ .buttonbar.save_diagram \ .buttonbar.load_diagram \ -side left pack .buttonbar -side top # Create a new diagram diagram::create_diagram test_diag .d pack .d -fill both -expand true ---- [ARR] (30 august 2007) Fixed two bugs in example: removed double lines in save and load procs. It works fine now. ---- See for info on the [tklib] diagram module. Are there demos for it? [AM] (18 january 2007) Yes, there are a couple of examples in the examples/diagram directory. ---- See also [Playing UML] ---- [Category Package] - [Category Graphics]