[Arjen Markus] (28 january 2005) Besides [drawing geometrical objects], drawing simple diagrams can be an exercise in positioning and repositioning. [Volker Hetzer] drew my attention to "PIC", a program by Brian Kernighan that allows you to draw diagrams in a simple language, entirely but not quite unlike Tcl :). So, I tried to reinvent that particular wheel with the script below. Note that it is far from completed, and I claim no actual useability for the current version. Still, if you look at the example, you can almost see something useful appear. [AK] See http://www.troff.org/papers.html for papers on PIC et.al. ---- # draw_diagram.tcl # A toy derived from "PIC" by B. Kernighan to draw diagrams # # TODO: # - Make each item as "self-supporting" as possible (include # the coordinates of the anchor points) # - Creation routines should put it in a known place and then # use a generic routine to move them to the right position # - Routines to: # - Set the various options # - Re-initialise a page # - Collect the height and width of text (for objects that # have several text strings possibly in different fonts) namespace eval ::Diagrams { variable state variable anchors variable dirinfo variable torad [expr {3.1415926/180.0}] namespace export box arrow currentpos getpos direction \ drawin saveps line position plaintext array set state { attach "northwest" canvas "" colour "black" default_dir "east" dir "init" font "Helvetica 12" justify center default_width "fitting" default_height 20 xdir 1 ydir 0 xshift 0 yshift 0 xcurr 10 ycurr 10 xgap 10 ygap 10 scale {1.0} xprev 10 yprev 10 lastitem {} usegap 1 } set anchors(X) {south xns north xns west x1 east x2 S xns N xns W x1 E x2 southeast x2 northeast x2 SE x2 NE x2 southwest x1 northwest x1 SW x1 NW x1 centre xns center xns C xns} set anchors(Y) {south y2 north y1 west yew east yew S y2 N y1 W yew E yew southeast y2 northeast y1 SE y2 NE y1 southwest y2 northwest y1 SW y2 NW y1 centre yew center yew C yew} # Name of direction, xdir, ydir, default attachment set dirinfo(south) {south 0 1 north} set dirinfo(north) {north 0 -1 south} set dirinfo(west) {west -1 0 east} set dirinfo(east) {east 1 0 west} set dirinfo(southwest) {southwest -1 1 north} set dirinfo(northwest) {northwest -1 -1 south} set dirinfo(southeast) {southeast 1 1 north} set dirinfo(northeast) {northeast 1 -1 south} set dirinfo(down) $dirinfo(south) set dirinfo(up) $dirinfo(north) set dirinfo(left) $dirinfo(west) set dirinfo(right) $dirinfo(east) set dirinfo(SE) $dirinfo(southeast) set dirinfo(NE) $dirinfo(northeast) set dirinfo(SW) $dirinfo(southwest) set dirinfo(NW) $dirinfo(northwest) } # drawin -- # Set the canvas widget in which to draw # Arguments: # widget Name of the canvas widget to use # Result: # None # proc ::Diagrams::drawin {widget} { variable state set state(canvas) $widget } # saveps -- # Save the drawing in a PostScript file # Arguments: # filename Name of the file to write # Result: # None # proc ::Diagrams::saveps {filename} { variable state update $state(canvas) postscript -file $filename } # direction -- # Set the direction for moving the current position # Arguments: # newdir Direction (down, left, up, right) # Result: # None # proc ::Diagrams::direction {newdir} { variable state variable dirinfo if { [info exists dirinfo($newdir)] } { foreach s {dir xdir ydir attach} v $dirinfo($newdir) { set state($s) $v } } else { return } if { $state(lastitem) != {} } { currentpos [getpos $state(dir) $state(lastitem)] } } # currentpos # Set the current position explicitly # Arguments: # pos Position "object" (optional) # Result: # Current position as an "object" # Side effect: # Current position set # proc ::Diagrams::currentpos { {pos {}} } { variable state if { [lindex $pos 0] == "POSITION" } { set state(xprev) $state(xcurr) set state(yprev) $state(ycurr) set state(xcurr) [lindex $pos 1] set state(ycurr) [lindex $pos 2] } return [list POSITION $state(xcurr) $state(ycurr)] } # CoordName # Return the name of the variable for a particular "anchor" point # Arguments: # coord Which coordinate to return # anchor Which anchor point # Result: # Name of the variable # proc ::Diagrams::CoordName {coord anchor} { variable anchors if { $anchor == "init" } { direction "east" set anchor "east" } set idx [lsearch $anchors($coord) $anchor] if { $idx >= 0 } { return [lindex $anchors($coord) [incr idx]] } else { return -code error "Unknown anchor: $anchor" } } # getpos # Get the position of a particular "anchor" point of an object # Arguments: # anchor Which point to return # obj Drawable "object" # Result: # Position of the requested point # proc ::Diagrams::getpos {anchor obj} { variable state if { [lindex $obj 0] == "BOX" } { foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [lrange $obj 1 end] {break} set yew [expr {($y1+$y2)/2}] set xns [expr {($x1+$x2)/2}] } if { [lindex $obj 0] == "ARROW" || [lindex $obj 0] == "LINE" } { foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [lrange $obj 1 end] {break} set yew [expr {($y1+$y2)/2}] set xns [expr {($x1+$x2)/2}] } set xp [set [CoordName X $anchor]] set yp [set [CoordName Y $anchor]] return [list POSITION $xp $yp] } # computepos # Compute the new position # Arguments: # None # Result: # X- and Y-coordinates # proc ::Diagrams::computepos {} { variable state set xcoord [expr {$state(xcurr)+$state(xgap)*$state(xdir)*$state(usegap)}] set ycoord [expr {$state(ycurr)+$state(ygap)*$state(ydir)*$state(usegap)}] return [list "POSITION" $xcoord $ycoord] } # position # Create a position "object" # Arguments: # xcoord X-coordinate # ycoord Y-coordinate # Result: # List representing the object # proc ::Diagrams::position {xcoord ycoord} { return [list "POSITION" $xcoord $ycoord] } # box -- # Draw a box from the current position # Arguments: # text Text to be fitted in the box # width (Optional) width in pixels or "fitting" # height (Optional) height in pixels # Result: # ID of the box # Side effect: # Box drawn with text inside, current position set # proc ::Diagrams::box {text {width {}} {height {}}} { variable state if { $width == {} } { set width $state(default_width) } if { $height == {} } { set height $state(default_height) } set items [$state(canvas) create text 0 0 -text $text \ -font $state(font) \ -justify $state(justify)] if { $width == "fitting" } { foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$state(canvas) bbox $items] {break} set width [expr {$x2-$x1+10}] set height [expr {$y2-$y1+10}] } # # Construct the box # set x1 0 set x2 $width set y1 0 set y2 $height $state(canvas) move $items [expr {$width/2}] [expr {$height/2}] lappend items [$state(canvas) create rectangle $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] set item2 [list BOX $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] # # Compute the coordinates of the box (positioned correctly) # foreach {dummy xcurr ycurr} [computepos] {break} foreach {dummy xanchor yanchor} [getpos $state(attach) $item2] {break} set xt [expr {$xcurr-$xanchor}] set yt [expr {$ycurr-$yanchor}] foreach i $items { $state(canvas) move $i $xt $yt } set x1 [expr {$x1+$xt}] set x2 [expr {$x2+$xt}] set y1 [expr {$y1+$yt}] set y2 [expr {$y2+$yt}] set item [list BOX $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] currentpos [getpos $state(dir) $item] set state(lastitem) $item set state(usegap) 1 puts $item return $item } # plaintext -- # Draw plain text from the current position # Arguments: # text Text to be fitted in the box # width (Optional) width in pixels or "fitting" # height (Optional) height in pixels # Result: # ID of the box # Side effect: # Text drawn, current position set # NOTE: # Quicky # proc ::Diagrams::plaintext {text {width {}} {height {}}} { variable state if { $width == {} } { set width $state(default_width) } if { $height == {} } { set height $state(default_height) } set items [$state(canvas) create text 0 0 -text $text \ -font $state(font) \ -justify $state(justify)] if { $width == "fitting" } { foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$state(canvas) bbox $items] {break} set width [expr {$x2-$x1}] set height [expr {$y2-$y1}] } # # Construct the box # set x1 0 set x2 $width set y1 0 set y2 $height $state(canvas) move $items [expr {$width/2}] [expr {$height/2}] set item2 [list BOX $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] # # Compute the coordinates of the box (positioned correctly) # set state(usegap) 0 foreach {dummy xcurr ycurr} [computepos] {break} set state(usegap) 1 foreach {dummy xanchor yanchor} [getpos $state(attach) $item2] {break} set xt [expr {$xcurr-$xanchor}] set yt [expr {$ycurr-$yanchor}] foreach i $items { $state(canvas) move $i $xt $yt } set x1 [expr {$x1+$xt}] set x2 [expr {$x2+$xt}] set y1 [expr {$y1+$yt}] set y2 [expr {$y2+$yt}] set item [list BOX $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] currentpos [getpos $state(dir) $item] set state(lastitem) $item set state(usegap) 1 puts $item return $item } # arrow -- # Draw an arrow from the current position to the next # Arguments: # text (Optional) text to written above the arrow # length (Optional) length in pixels # Result: # ID of the arrow # Side effect: # Arrow drawn # proc ::Diagrams::arrow { {text {}} {length {}}} { variable state if { $length != {} } { set factor [expr {hypot($state(xdir),$state(ydir))}] set dxarrow [expr {$length*$state(xdir)/$factor}] set dyarrow [expr {$length*$state(ydir)/$factor}] } else { set dxarrow [expr {$state(xdir)*$state(xgap)}] set dyarrow [expr {$state(ydir)*$state(ygap)}] } set x1 $state(xcurr) set y1 $state(ycurr) set x2 [expr {$state(xcurr)+$dxarrow}] set y2 [expr {$state(ycurr)+$dyarrow}] set item [$state(canvas) create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 \ -fill $state(colour) \ -arrow last] set xt [expr {5+($x1+$x2)/2}] set yt [expr {($y1+$y2)/2}] set item [$state(canvas) create text $xt $yt -text $text \ -font $state(font) \ -justify $state(justify)] set item [list ARROW $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] # # Ignore the direction of motion - we need the end point # currentpos [position $x2 $y2] set state(lastitem) $item set state(usegap) 0 return $item } # line -- # Draw a line specified via positions or via line segments # Arguments: # args All arguments (either position or length-angle pairs) # Result: # ID of the line # Side effect: # Line drawn # proc ::Diagrams::line {args} { variable state variable torad # # Get the current position if the first arguments # are line segments (this guarantees that x, y are # defined) # if { [lindex [lindex $args 0] 0] != "POSITION" } { set args [linsert $args 0 [currentpos]] } set xycoords {} set x1 {} set x2 {} set y1 {} set y2 {} set idx 0 set number [llength $args] while { $idx < $number } { set arg [lindex $args $idx] if { [lindex $arg 0] != "POSITION" } { incr idx set length $arg set angle [lindex $args $idx] set x [expr {$x+$length*cos($torad*$angle)}] set y [expr {$y-$length*sin($torad*$angle)}] } else { foreach {dummy x y} [currentpos] {break} } lappend xycoords $x $y if { $x1 == {} || $x1 > $x } { set x1 $x } if { $x2 == {} || $x2 < $x } { set x2 $x } if { $y1 == {} || $y1 > $y } { set y1 $y } if { $y2 == {} || $y2 < $y } { set y2 $y } incr idx } set item [$state(canvas) create line $xycoords \ -fill $state(colour)] ;# -dash? set item [list LINE $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] currentpos [getpos $state(dir) $item] set state(lastitem) $item set state(usegap) 1 puts $item return $item } # # A small demonstration ... # pack [canvas .c -width 500 -height 500 -bg white] namespace import ::Diagrams::* #console show drawin .c box "There is\nstill a lot to\ndo!" arrow "" 230 box "But it looks nice" direction south box "Or does it?" direction southwest arrow "" 100 set B1 [box "Yes, it sure does!"] foreach {text dir} {A southwest B south C southeast} { direction $dir currentpos [getpos $dir $B1] arrow "" 100 box $text } line 20 45 20 90 20 135 30 10 # # Sample shapes: # diamond # slanted rectangle # ellipsis # vessel # proc diamond {x y width height} { set x1 [expr {$x-$width/2}] set x2 [expr {$x+$width/2}] set y1 [expr {$y+$height/2}] set y2 [expr {$y-$height/2}] .c create line $x1 $y $x $y1 $x2 $y $x $y2 $x1 $y } proc slanted {x y width height angle} { set cosa [expr {cos($angle*3.1415926/180.0)}] set sina [expr {sin($angle*3.1415926/180.0)}] set x1 [expr {$x-$width/2.0}] set y1 [expr {$y+$height/2.0}] set x11 [expr {$x1+$cosa*$height}] set y11 [expr {$y1-$height}] set x2 [expr {$x+$width/2.0}] set y2 $y11 set x22 [expr {$x2-$cosa*$height}] set y22 $y1 .c create line $x1 $y1 $x11 $y11 $x2 $y2 $x22 $y22 $x1 $y1 } proc vessel {x y width height aspect } { set hellips [expr {$height*$aspect}] set xtop1 [expr {$x-$width/2}] set xtop2 [expr {$x+$width/2}] set ytop1 [expr {$y-$height/2+$hellips/2}] set ytop2 [expr {$y-$height/2-$hellips/2}] set xline1 $xtop1 set xline2 $xtop2 set yline1 [expr {$y-$height/2}] set yline2 [expr {$y+$height/2}] set xbot1 $xtop1 set xbot2 $xtop2 set ybot1 [expr {$y+$height/2+$hellips/2}] set ybot2 [expr {$y+$height/2-$hellips/2}] .c create oval $xtop1 $ytop1 $xtop2 $ytop2 .c create line $xline1 $yline1 $xline1 $yline2 .c create line $xline2 $yline1 $xline2 $yline2 .c create arc $xbot1 $ybot1 $xbot2 $ybot2 \ -start 180 -extent 180 -style arc } #diamond 100 100 30 20 #slanted 200 200 50 50 70.0 #vessel 300 300 100 100 0.2 proc ring {} { set side 20 line $side 60 $side 0 $side -60 $side -120 $side 180 $side 120 } proc benzene {} { set item [ring] foreach {dummy x1 y1 x2 y2} $item {break} $::Diagrams::state(canvas) create oval \ [expr {($x1+$x2)/2-12}] [expr {($y1+$y2)/2+12}] \ [expr {($x1+$x2)/2+12}] [expr {($y1+$y2)/2-12}] return $item } proc bond { {angle 0} {item {}} } { set side 20 set anchor E switch -- $angle { "0" { direction E ; set anchor E } "60" { direction NE ; set anchor NE } "90" { direction N ; set anchor N } "120" { direction NW ; set anchor NW } "180" { direction W ; set anchor W } "240" { direction SW ; set anchor SW } "-90" - "270" { direction S ; set anchor S } "-60" - "300" { direction SE ; set anchor SE } } if { $item != {} } { currentpos [getpos $anchor $item] } line $side $angle } # # Very primitive chemical formula # -- order of direction/currentpos important! # direction east currentpos [position 100 400] benzene; bond; set Catom [plaintext C] bond 90 $Catom direction north plaintext C direction east plaintext OOH bond -90 $Catom direction south plaintext H bond 0 $Catom direction east benzene bond; direction east plaintext NH\u2082 ;# NH2, except 2 is a subscript saveps arjen.eps ---- Wow, that looks great ! ---- [[ [Category Graphics] | [Category Application] ]]