Version 4 of DustMote

Updated 2004-09-30 00:23:39

Web server in one page of Tcl code:

 What: DustMote
 Description: Tiny HTTP server written in Tcl with nearly no features.
        Designed for the user to easily add the features they want in Tcl.
        Size is only 3k, so it can be easily modified.  Uses non-blocking
        channels to support many clients simultaneously.  Tested heavily on
        Windows 95, moderately on Linux, and lightly on MacOS.
 Updated: 10/2002
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Harold Melvin Kaplan)

LES on 20040929: The wind of time has taken this dust mote away. We shall be taken as well sooner or later.

See also Web servers which provide native Tcl support

[ Category Application ]

[ Category Internet ]