[MC]'s notes on [Joe Mistachkin]'s [Tcl2008] talk regarding his re-implementation of Tcl in C#. [JJM] -- The full paper and slides will also be available (soon) from the project web site. (I missed the first slide...) Notable features: * Integrates with Microsoft's Common Language Runtime (CLR), Tcl/Tk, native libraries * Supports interactive debugging, script cancellation; read-only variables, commands; interpreter-wide variable tracing; closures; Unicode (UCS-2) Missing: * No Tk commands * No argument expansion syntax * No namespace support (yet) * No binary, fblocked, fcopy, fileevent, format, glob, history, memory, can or trace commands * No registry or DDE commands * No asynchronous input/output * No server sockets * No slave interpreters, hidden commands, aliases, hence no Safe Tcl * No http, msgcat, or tcltest packages * For the open command, command pipelines and serial ports are not yet supported * For the exec command, Unix-style input/output redirection and command pipelines are not supported Compiles with Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and/or .NET framework compiler. Ran a demo eagle console. "#show" special command to show output helpful for debugging % set x [[object create System.Int32]] System#Int32#216 % object invoke $x ToString 0 % set y [[object create -alias System.Int32]] ... Eagle, being managed code, has access to all the .NET framework. Joe ran a demo that used .NET calls to instantiate a Windows form. Within Eagle: [[tcl find]] finds installed versions of Tcl. [[tcl load]] can load them. Eagle can load Tcl via a .dll; then package require Tk. Thus Tk and winforms can be mixed. Calling foreign functions: set z [[library declare -functionname GetUserNameA -returntype Boolean -paramatertypes [[list intptr uint32&]] -charset ansi -module ...]] Eagle takes a different approach to some things than Tcl. Semantically compatible at the script level. Radically different underneath the hood. No interp->result. Interpreters in Eagle have no thread affinity; can be used from any thread. Question from the chat: "How easy is it to embed Eagle into a C# application?" Answer: examples of doing that come with the distribution. Walked through a simple example. Question: What is the benefit of rewriting versus wrapping? Answer: Requirement was to implement the scripting language totally in 100% managed mode code. Downloadable from http://eagle.to ---- !!!!!! %| [Tcl 2008 Conference Talks] |% !!!!!!