Tk has the ability to embed a toplevel inside another, or inside a frame. The -use and -container options are used for this, along with [[[winfo] id]]. For example: toplevel .top -container true toplevel .embed -use [winfo id .top] or: frame .f -container true toplevel .embed -use [winfo id .f] This can also work across processes on UNIX (and possibly Windows). The [wish] application also takes a -use option which works in the same way (the root "." window becomes embedded). On [MacOS X], however, this embedding is only supported within a single process (so, for instance the -use option to wish will not work). [Jim Ingham] writes on the tcl-mac mailing list: ''"So I talked with some folks who work on the MacOS X WindowServer, and they said that there is currently no way to get a window ID that will work across processes. So -use will only work in one process on OS X."'' [NEM]. ---- An interesting question is: Can this mechanism allow a widget hierarchy created under toplevel a to be moved under a different toplevel? An example would be a complex app main window which includes a frame holding a text widget and a bunch of other controls where you want the ability to pull that frame into its own toplevel. If I make the frame a toplevel can I do it? [RT] [NEM] I don't think you can change the -use option of a toplevel after creation. It would be neat to have frames which you could "tear-off" from an application into a separate window, but I can't immediately see how to do it. Problem is that you would (currently) have to destroy the toplevel, and then recreate it without the -use (or with a different id). This would destroy all the sub-widgets though, so doesn't gain anything on other methods. ''... how does BLT do this in their 'tabnotebook1.tcl' demo?'' [NEM] See TIP 125: Adding [[wm toplevel]] command: [] ---- [Category GUI] | [Category Suggestions]