Version 0 of Embedding TCL program in DLL

Updated 2020-04-23 22:03:11 by oehhar

HaO 2020-04-23: This is the log of the creation of a project to embedd a program written in TCL in a DLL.

My Task

I have a program written in TCL (plus some C components). A customer wants to embedd the program in its own application and requires a DLL for a Microsoft compiler.

Additional requirements:

  • only binary package: tdom
  • interface has the following calls: init, evaluate, clear
  • no event loop, no file events, no sockets, no threads
  • nevertheless, leave it generic enough to be relatively universal and extendable. So include dde, registry, Thread.
  • try to get everything in one DLL.

I am a medium level programmer and totally new to this subject.


I want to start by all the people helped within the journey:


KitDLL is binary distribution of a dll with an embedded tcl & bundles

I tried KitDLL binary from [L1 ]. When I download the binary distribution, copied the tclsh.exe beside the binary and started it, I got "<sys/stat.h> not compatible with VC". It is cross-compiled on Linux for Windows. I already tried MingW and those distributions and always ran into subtile bugs, like inexact calculations, wrong colors in Widgets etc. Thus, I decided to compile on my own and use a Microsoft compiler.

Static TCL

To build a static TCL lib, the is used. I decided to use the community edition of MS-VisualC2015. So, first choose in the start menu: "Visual Studio 2015 -> Windows Desktop Command -> VS2015 x86 Native Tools-Eingabeaufforderung". TCL8.6.10 source distribution is unzipped in: "C:\test\tcl8.6.10"

TCL is compiled with the following options:

  • static: to not require a sub-dll
  • staticpkg: to link dde and reg binary packages in the library
  • msvcrt: the final result is a DLL. So, link with the DLL C library, which is typically for a DLL (but unusal for a static build).
  • nostubs: any bundled package should not use stubs. It only takes time and no advantage, as they are linked together anyway.
  • symbols (only for development) - crucial for a learner to be able to trace through everything.

======C > cd test\tcl8.6.10\win > nmake -f release OPTS=static,staticpkg,msvcrt,nostubs,symbols > nmake -f install OPTS=static,staticpkg,msvcrt,nostubs,symbols INSTALLDIR=c:\test\tcl8610


C-VFS includes scripts in a C source and allows to access them on runtime.

But KitDLL contains more options:

   * Starkits: read a file (the binary or dll) and locate a [metakit] file data base and mount it to the TCL interpreter
   * ZIPKit: same as Starkits, but using a zip archive instead the metakit
   * C-VFS: as described above

All those options were added to the Starkit framework still containing many bug-fixes for TCL8.4/5 and support for weired platforms like Windows-CE.

I am only interested in the C-VFS part and want to build on my own.
The original build system downloads many packages, applies provided patches, compiles them and packs all scripts in the C-VFS and statically binds all binary extensions. This is far to complex for me.

Download: I took the trunk from [] dated 2020-01-22.
The folder "kitsh\buildsrc\kitsh-0.0" contains the kit programs. Change to this folder.

First, the file tree with the scripts to include is set-up in the folder "C:\test\starpack.vfs".
I added the tcl lib folder (excluding most encodings and time zones and tests) and the file "boot.tcl" from the upper "kitsh.0-0"-folder.

A C-VFS file containing this file tree is created by (see aclocal.m4):

tclsh dir2c.tcl tcl c:/test/starpack.vfs --obsfucate > cvfs_data_tcl.c

I did not use "--obfuscate" at the beginning, which does not put the scripts in clear text into the DLL.

To compile this file, I used a MSVC2015 dll project with the following additional defines:


First I tried using MS-VC6. The dir2c outputs C99 code, not C89. So this patch is applied: [L2 ]. When I included TCL itself, I ran into memory issues. So I changed to MS VC2015.

Then I ran into a compiler limit (C1091), that string constants may not exceed 65535 bytes. A solution is an unsigned char byte array, with the limit of size_t (0x7CFFFFFF).

This lead to the following patch of dir2c.tcl: [L3 ].

Then, the file "cvfs_data_tcl.c" is successfully compiled.

DLL main

My DLL main program with the 3 exported functions is as follows:

======C #define STRICT #define DLL_BUILD #include <windows.h> #include <windowsx.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h>

#include <tcl.h> #include "tclkit.h"

#define RET_ERR_STRING -1 #define RET_WIN_ERROR -2 #define ERROR_MESSAGE_MAX 1024

// >>> local Prototypes __declspec(dllexport) void my_release(); static void TclGetError();

// The pointer to the tcl interpreter static Tcl_Interp *fg_interp=NULL;

static WCHAR fg_w_error_msgERROR_MESSAGE_MAX+1;

// >>>>> DllMain BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule,

        DWORD  ul_reason_for_call, 
        LPVOID lpReserved)


    switch (ul_reason_for_call) {
        case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
            // >>> DLL is unloaded
    return TRUE;

} __declspec(dllexport) WCHAR * my_init() {

    // >> Release eventual present interpreter
    if (fg_interp != NULL)

    fg_interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
    // >> Init Tcl Kit
    // >> Source the init.tcl script
    if (Tcl_Init(fg_interp) != TCL_OK) { 
        return fg_w_error_msg;
    return NULL;

} // >>>>> scanlink_release void __declspec(dllexport) scanlink_release() {

    if ( fg_interp != NULL)
    fg_interp = NULL;

} // >>>>> my_cmd __declspec(dllexport) WCHAR * my_cmd(WCHAR *pwCMD) {

    WCHAR * pwError;
    Tcl_DString dCmd;
    int Res;
    if (fg_interp == NULL) {
        pwError = my_init();
        if (pwError != NULL)
            return pwError;
    if (Tcl_InterpActive(fg_interp)) {
        return 0;
    // >> Call initialization routine
    oArguments[1] = Tcl_NewStringObj(Tcl_DStringValue(&dProfileName),
    // > Call directly without compilation
    Res = Tcl_Eval(fg_interp,dCmd);
    if (Res != TCL_OK) {
        return fg_w_error_msg;
    return NULL;

} // >>>>> TclGetError static void TclGetError() {

    Tcl_DString dErrorMessage;
    Tcl_DString dErrorMessageWide;
    int ErrorLength;
    Tcl_DStringGetResult(fg_interp, &dErrorMessage);
            Tcl_DStringLength(&dErrorMessage), &dErrorMessageWide);
    // Limit length to size of error buffer
    ErrorLength = min(Tcl_DStringLength(&dErrorMessageWide),ERROR_MESSAGE_MAX*2);
    // Be sure we have a wide end 0 somewhere.
    fg_w_error_msg[ERROR_MESSAGE_MAX] = 0;
    // >> If there is nothing in the interpreter, put an E in.
    if (fg_w_error_msg[0] == 0) {
        fg_w_error_msg[0] = 'E';
        fg_w_error_msg[1] = 0;


The interpreter is initialized, commands may be executed and the interpreter may be released.

**c-vfs initialization**

I have no idea how it works, but the C file tree is made available to the script.

The Tclkit initialization is announced with the prototype file "tclkit.h":

void Tclkit_Init(void);

The initialization tcl file cvfs.tcl is prepared for embedding by:

tclsh stringify.tcl cvfs.tcl > cvfs.tcl.h

Now, the file kitint.c is ready for inclusion.

I personally have removed from the file:

   * anything for metakit and zip file system
   * the bugfixes for "FindExecutable()".
   * anything for Tk

So, the following defines are set:

  • The gcc directive "__attribute__((constructor))" is just removed.
  • "FindAndSetExecName(interp)" is replaced by "Tcl_GetNameOfExecutable()"
  • Tcl_Init() is not replaced by own function, we call this manually anyway.

To compile, the internal C headers are required. So include:

  • c:\test\tcl8.6.10\generic
  • c:\test\tcl8.6.10\win

List of statically linked binary packages

By the build system,aclocal.m4 creates "kitInit-libs.h" with content for each contained binary package (excluding build, kitsh and common). In addition, an init function "_Tclkit_GenericLib_Init" is created.

We create this file manually with empty contents: ======C static void _Tclkit_GenericLib_Init(void) { }


The rechan package is included. I don't know, if it is used by C-VFS.
Just include the file "rechan.c".


The VFS package is included by default. I suppose, it is required for C-VFS.

Get the root branch from: []

And add file vfs.c in folder generic to the project.
Fix bug [].

Required defines: HAVE_SYS_STAT_H


Now add the following libraries to the project:

   * c:\test\tcl8610\lib\tclstub86.lib
   * c:\test\tcl8610\lib\tcl86tsgx.lib
   * c:\test\tcl8610\lib\thread2.8.5\thread285tsgx.lib
   * Netapi32.lib


In a 2nd project targeting a console application, I have a test file like that:

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    WCHAR *pwErrorMsg;
    pwErrorMsg = scanlink_init();
    if (pwErrorMsg != NULL) {
        return 1;
    return 0;