Version 0 of Emoji, Unicode and Variation Selectors

Updated 2024-01-16 07:19:28 by kpv

Keith Vetter - 2024-01-15: Emoji are weird . After initially being ignored by the Unicode Consortium, and they were only adopted in 2007 as part of the Supplementary Multilungual Plane (SMP) [ ].

But being part of the SMP meant that many systems couldn't handle them and needed updating. This includes Tcl which didn't get initial emoji handling until 8.6.10.

And I'm stuck on 8.6.9, so I thought I was out of luck in regards to using emoji in my software.

My problem is that I'm forced to use Tcl/Tk version 8.6.9, which doesn't support for characters outside the BMP. So I thought I was out of luck with regards to using emoji.

But, Unicode is complicated, and there's an obscure feature called Variation Selectors .

They are 16 combining characters (U+FE00 - U+FE0F) which can change the glyph variant of the preceding character. Variant Selector U+FE0E and U+FE0F are glyph variants text style and emoji style, respectively.

As an example, the character \u25b6 "▶" is "BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE", but \u25b6\uFE0F is an emoji play button (view here) .

Turns out there are over 150 BMP code points which when followed by Emoji Style Variation Selector display as emoji characters. A full list is at .

Below is a short program which downloads the master list of emoji-variation-sequences, and displays them--as a table if Tk is loaded or as a text otherwise.

package require Tk
package require http
package require tls
http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 1]

set url

proc GetEmojiData {url} {
    set token [::http::geturl $url]
    set ncode [::http::ncode $token]
    set data [::http::data $token]
    ::http::cleanup $token
    return $data

proc ExtractCodePoints {emoji_data} {
    # 3299 FE0F  ; emoji style; # (1.1) CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH SECRET
    # 1F004 FE0E ; text style;  # (5.1) MAHJONG TILE RED DRAGON

    set result {}
    foreach line [split $emoji_data \n] {
        if {[string first "emoji style" $line] == -1} continue
        set codepoint [lindex [split $line " "] 0]
        if {[string length $codepoint] > 4} continue
        set n [regexp {\# \([.0-9]+\) (.*)} $line _ name]
        if {$n == 0} {
            puts stderr "could not extract name from '$line'"
        lappend result [list $codepoint $name]
    return $result
proc MakeTreeview {} {
    destroy {*}[winfo child .]
    set headers [list Raw FE0E FE0F Name]
    set tree ".tree"
    ::ttk::treeview $tree -columns $headers -yscroll ".vsb set" -xscroll ".hsb set" -height 30
    scrollbar .vsb -orient vertical -command "$tree yview"
    scrollbar .hsb -orient horizontal -command "$tree xview"

    set font [::ttk::style lookup Treeview -font]

    foreach col $headers {
        $tree heading $col -text $col -anchor c
        set width [font measure $font "   $col   "]
        if {$col eq "Name"} { set width 300 }
        $tree column $col -width $width
    $tree heading \#0 -text Codepoint
    set width [font measure $font " Codepoint "]
    $tree column \#0 -width $width

    grid $tree .vsb -sticky nsew
    grid .hsb -sticky nsew
    grid column .  0 -weight 1
    grid row . 0 -weight 1

    return $tree

proc Show {tree codepoint raw FE0E FE0F name} {
    if {$tree ne ""} {
        set values [list $raw $FE0E $FE0F $name]
        $tree insert {} end -text $codepoint -values $values
    } else {
        puts "$codepoint\t$raw\t$FE0E\t$FE0F\t$name"
        flush stdout

set emoji_data [GetEmojiData $url]
set code_points [ExtractCodePoints $emoji_data]

set tree ""
if {[info exists ::tk_version]} {
    set tree [MakeTreeview]
} else {
    puts "Hex\tRaw\tFE0E\tFE0F\tName"

foreach pair $code_points {
    lassign $pair codepoint name

    scan $codepoint %x hex
    set raw [format %c $hex]
    set FE0E [format %c%c $hex 0xFE0E]
    set FE0F [format %c%c $hex 0xFE0F]
    Show $tree $codepoint $raw $FE0E $FE0F $name