'''Note:''' This page describes Vigenere ([vignere]) a method of encryption that is not at all secure against cryptanalytic attack. There are much better [encryption] algorithms available elsewhere. ---- ''From a news:comp.lang.tcl posting by mailto:scfiead@hotmail.com'' In case anyone is interested, attached is what I use to encrypt/decrypt data files. Since I am trying to keep my program small, I decided to write my own functions instead of including another whole package like [Trf]. I haven't looked at them in a while, so they might not be as cleaned up as possible. I included a function I use to wrap it, but no full example code (too lazy), but it should be fairly easy to write :). Please let me know any suggestions/comments. Ryan ---- ====== ### crypt.tcl ### Functions for encrypting line-by-line global enc_string global enc_idx proc {to_ascii} {char} { # set value 0 scan $char %c value return $value } proc {encrypt} {str} { # global enc_string global enc_idx set crypt_str "" for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $str]} {incr i 1} { set curnum [expr {[to_ascii [string index $str $i]] + [to_ascii [string index $enc_string $enc_idx]]}] if {$curnum > 255} {set curnum [expr {$curnum - 256}]} set crypt_char [format %c $curnum] set crypt_str "$crypt_str$crypt_char" set enc_idx [incr enc_idx 1] if {$enc_idx == [string length $enc_string]} {set enc_idx 0} } return $crypt_str } proc {decrypt} {str} { # global enc_string global enc_idx set crypt_str "" set strlen [string length $str] if {$strlen == 0} {return} for {set testx 0} {$testx < $strlen} {incr testx 1} { set curnum [expr {[to_ascii [string index $str $testx]]-[to_ascii [string index $enc_string $enc_idx]]}] if {$curnum < 0} {set curnum [expr {$curnum + 256}]} set crypt_str "$crypt_str[format %c $curnum]" set enc_idx [incr enc_idx 1] if {$enc_idx == [string length $enc_string]} {set enc_idx 0} } return $crypt_str } proc {readFile} {filename} { set ::enc_idx 0 set fp [open $filename r] fconfigure $fp -encoding identity set data [split [read $fp $size] \n] foreach line $data { puts [decrypt $line] } close $fp } proc {writeFile} {filename} { set enc_string "password" set enc_idx 0 set fp [open $filename r] fconfigure $fp -encoding identity # Write out your information using "puts $fp [encrypt XXXXX]" close $fp } ====== ---- [PT]: What this method is doing is rotating the cipher text by the ascii value of the key. This is a very weak encryption algorithm. If you really need to do encryption you should be using something else and the [Trf] package has these (RCn, Blowfish etc). This rotation algorithm is really only sufficient for ''smudging'' the cipher text. That is making it a bit harder to read. An equivalent algorithm that is somewhat quicker to use is to xor the characters against the key phrase where a repeat pass decrypts the encoded stream: ====== proc XORcrypt {passphrase cleartext} { set r {} binary scan $passphrase c* l binary scan $cleartext c* d set pmax [llength $l] set cn 0 foreach {c} $d { set cp [lindex $l $cn] append r [format %c [expr {($c & 0xff) ^ ($cp & 0xff)}]] incr cn if {$cn >= $pmax} { set cn 0 } } return $r } ====== [Beware] : Just wanted to add that I tried this and it worked well, however there's a chance that a character xor'ed with another can produce the eof character, so you have to fconfigure -eofchar to be blank. The rotation implementation given above is equivalent to ====== proc encrypt {passphrase cleartext} { set r {} binary scan $passphrase c* l binary scan $cleartext c* d set pmax [llength $l] set cn 0 foreach {c} $d { set cp [lindex $l $cn] append r [format %c [expr {($c & 0xff) + ($cp & 0xff)}]] incr cn if {$cn >= $pmax} { set cn 0 } } return $r } ====== but using binary scan to split the string into a list and using foreach can improve the execution speed. Also the decrypt is the same but substituting subtraction for the addition. <> Cryptography