Version 1 of FORTRAN via open pipe

Updated 2002-10-02 10:47:24

Martin Lemburg - 02.10.2002:

To execute and control a FORTRAN executable I've chosen to use open this executable using a pipe. The only things to be done is to configure the resulting channel and to setup the event handlers for the events readable and/or writable. But ... it's true, it depends not on a FORTRAN executable, any executable could be handled like that.

Here the pkgIndex.tcl code:

 package ifneeded runExe 1.0 [list source [file join $dir runExe.tcl]];

Here the package runExe code:

 uplevel #0 {
   global auto_path env;

   if {[lsearch -exact $auto_path [file dirname [info script]]] < 0} {
     lappend auto_path [file dirname [info script]];

   package provide runExe 1.0;

   proc runExe {args} {
     if {![llength $args]} {
       error "runExe option ?arg arg ...?";

     set options {run stop cleanup running};
     set option  [lindex $args 0];
     set args    [lrange $args 1 end];

     if {[set idx [lsearch -glob $options ${option}*]] >= 0} {
       return [eval runExe::[lindex $options $idx] $args];

     error "bad option \"$option\": must be [join [linsert [join [lsort -dictionary $options] {, }] end-1 {or}]]";

 namespace eval ::runExe {
   variable executables;

   proc this {} "return [namespace current];";

   # proc run
   # args
   #  executable - name of the executable and all parameters
   #  mode       - access mode to the pipe to be created (r, r+, w, or w+)
   #  blocking   - flag to signal if this proc should wait until the executable
   #               is finished
   #  callback   - script to be executed to prepare the execution, to return input
   #               for the executable, to get output of the executable, to be the
   #               execution finish callback. Must be given, if blocking is disabled!
   #  timeout    - double value in seconds, 0 disables the timeout handler
   #  outputVar  - (optional) name of the name of a variable to contain the
   #               output of the executable
   proc run {executable mode blocking callback timeout {outputVar ""}} {
     if {[lsearch -exact {r r+ w w+} $mode] < 0} {
       error "bad mode \"$mode\": must be r, r+, w, or w+";

     if {![string is boolean -strict $blocking]} {
       error "expected valid boolean as blocking flag, but got \"$blocking\"";

     if {![string is double -strict $timeout]} {
       error "expected valid double as timeout in seconds, but got \"$timeout\"";

     if {!$blocking && ($callback == "")} {
       error "expected callback script, because blocking is disabled";

     # (re)set the variable to store outputs of the executable in
     if {$outputVar != ""} {
       global $outputVar;

       set $outputVar  "";

     # do preparations to be done before starting the executable
     if {$callback != ""} {
       execCallback $callback prepare $executable $blocking 0 0 $outputVar;

     if {[catch {set pid [open "|$executable" r];} reason]} {
       error "couldn't run executable with \"$executable\": $reason";

     # set the process related variables
     set [this]::executables($pid.executable) $executable;
     set [this]::executables($pid.success)    -1;
     set [this]::executables($pid.blocking)   $blocking;
     set [this]::executables($pid.callback)   $callback;
     set [this]::executables($pid.after)      "";
     set [this]::executables($pid.timeout)    $timeout;
     set [this]::executables($pid.outputVar)  $outputVar;

     # start if wanted the timeout handler
     if {$timeout} {
       set [this]::executables($pid.after) [after \
         [expr {int($timeout * 1000)}] \
         [list [this]::timeoutCB $pid] \

     # configure the process channel
     fconfigure $pid -buffering none -blocking 0;

     if {[lsearch {r r+ w+} $mode] >= 0} {
       fileevent $pid readable [list [this]::inCB $pid];

     if {[lsearch {r+ w w+} $mode] >= 0} {
       fileevent $pid readable [list [this]::outCB $pid];

     # let this proc wait if blocking is wanted
     # and set the return value depending on the blocking flag
     if {$blocking} {
       if {[info commands tk] == ""} {
         vwait [this]::executables($pid.success);
       } else {
         tkwait variable [this]::executables($pid.success);

       set result  [set [this]::executables($pid.success)];

       cleanup $pid;
     } elseif {!$blocking && ($callback != "")} {
       set result $pid;

     return $result;

   proc stop {pid} {
     if {[running $pid]} {
       finishCB $pid;

     cleanup $pid;


   proc cleanup {pid} {
     array unset [this]::executables $pid.*;


   proc running {pid} {
     if {[array names [this]::executables $pid.*] == ""} {
       return 0;

     if {([file channels $pid] == "") || [eof $pid]} {
       return 0;

     return 1;

   proc execCallback {callback mode executable blocking success timeout outputVar args} {
     # replace all substitutes for ...
     #    %m = execution mode of the blocking command (prepare, input, output or finished)
     #    %e = name of the executable (including all parameters)
     #    %s = success flag (boolean)
     #    %t = timeout flag (boolean)
     #    %o = output variable contents
     #    %O = name of the output variable
     regsub -all -- {%m} $callback $mode callback;
     regsub -all -- {%e} $callback $executable callback;
     regsub -all -- {%b} $callback $blocking callback;
     regsub -all -- {%s} $callback $success callback;
     regsub -all -- {%t} $callback $timeout callback;
     regsub -all -- {%O} $callback $outputVar callback;

     if {$outputVar != ""} {
       global $outputVar;

       set output  [set $outputVar];
     } else {
       set output  "";

     regsub -all -- {%o} $callback $output callback;

     # execute the blocking command (or callback)
     return [uplevel #0 $callback $args];

   proc finishCB {pid {timeout 0}} {
     if {[set [this]::executables($pid.after)] != ""} {
       after cancel [set [this]::executables($pid.after)];

     fileevent $pid readable {};
     fconfigure $pid -blocking 1;

     if {[catch {close $pid;}] || $timeout} {
       set [this]::executables($pid.success)  0;
     } else {
       set [this]::executables($pid.success)  1;

     # set the output variable, if given
     set outputVar  [set [this]::executables($pid.outputVar)];

     if {$outputVar != ""} {
       global $outputVar;

       set $outputVar  [join [set $outputVar] "\n"];

     # execute the callback, if set
     set callback  [set [this]::executables($pid.callback)];

     if {$callback != ""} {
       execCallback \
         $callback \
         finished \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.executable)] \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.blocking)] \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.success)] \
         $timeout \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.outputVar)];


   proc inCB {pid} {
     if {[eof $pid]} {
       finishCB $pid;
     } else {
       set outputVar  [set [this]::executables($pid.outputVar)];

       if {$outputVar != ""} {
         upvar #0 $outputVar dummy;

       lappend dummy  [set output [read $pid]];

       execCallback \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.callback)] \
         output \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.executable)] \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.blocking)] \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.success)] \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.timeout)] \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.outputVar)] \


   proc outCB {pid} {
     if {[eof $pid]} {
       finishCB $pid;
     } else {
       puts $pid [execCallback \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.callback)] \
         input \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.executable)] \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.blocking)] \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.success)] \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.timeout)] \
         [set [this]::executables($pid.outputVar)] \

       flush $pid;


   proc timeoutCB {pid} {
     if {[file channels $pid] != ""} {
       finishCB $pid 1;


   namespace export [list run stop cleanup running];