Version 64 of Ffidl

Updated 2013-09-10 18:10:07 by pooryorick
What ffidl
Where (dead)
version 0.6
Updated ??/2006
Contact mailto:[email protected] (Roger E. Critchlow Jr.)


ffidl, "Foreign Function Interface with Dynamic Loading", by Roger E Critchlow, is an extension which allows pure Tcl extensions to invoke functions in shared libraries without having to create any glue code. Ffidl supports calls in both directions between C/C++ and Tcl, and operates on a variety of platforms.

The Tcl command specifies a function name, a library, a list of argument types, and a return type, and ffidl takes care of the details of setting up the arguments and invoking the C function. Using ffidl, a pure Tcl wrapper to a shared library can be created.

Avaliable for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.

modifictions resulting in version 0.6 were contributed by DAS.


For MacOS users, an unofficial update version 0.6.1 can be found at

Note that the binary package listed at does not work on Tiger/Leopard (? only for PowerPC ?)

A binary package for Win/Linux/Mac, unoficially versioned, is available at the irrational-numbers project

Note that a little BUG has been fixed ("Ffidlrt.tcl does not work if installed in a path name with whitespaces").

version 0.6 from DAS

DAS - I have updated Ffidl to support Darwin/Mac OS X, as well as modernized it in other ways:

  • updates for 2005 versions of libffi & ffcall
  • TEA 3.2 buildsystem, testsuite
  • support for Tcl 8.4, TclpDlopen, Tcl_WideInt
  • fixes for 64bit LP64
  • callouts & callbacks are created/used relative to current namespace (for unqualified names)
  • addition of [ffidl::stubsymbol] for Tcl/Tk symbol resolution via stubs tables
  • callbacks can be called anytime, not just from inside call-outs (using Tcl_BackgroundError to report errors)

the testsuite is just the existing tests wrapped into .test files.

updated docs
source tarball
full source tarball
includes libffi and ffcall sources

Ffidl either uses unmodified ffcall 1.10 or the HEAD of libffi from the gcc CVS with a small patch to the buildsystem to make it build standalone (i.e. without relying on the gcc sourcetree structure)

Note that libffi is under BSD license but ffcall is GPLd.

APN: In response to a question on c.l.t DAS replied: no, ffidl uses either libffi or ffcall, but never both. If you use my 0.6 update to ffidl, the choice of libffi vs ffcall is a compile time option (with libffi being the default for GPL avoidance reasons). A ffidl binary built with the default configure options (or with -enable-libffi) will contain only BSD licensed code, whereas a ffidl built with --enable-ffcall will indeed become GPLd as a whole by virtue of static linking with ffcall.

The diff of ffidl.c against the 0.5 version

Mac OS X ffidl binaries (with libffi) are available as tarball installer package or tarball .

A Windows ffidl binary (with libffi) built with MinGW on WIndowsXP in VirtualPC is now also available .

I have tested & exercised this quite extensively on Mac OS X 10.3 (with both libffi and ffcall), and have verified that it builds and passes the testsuite on Windows XP with MinGW (in Virtual PC on my Mac...).

I have also built ffidl and run the testsuite on all the machines in the sourceforge compilefarm :

hosts passing the test suite with both libffi and ffcall:

  • amd64-linux1
  • alpha-linux1
  • x86-linux1
  • x86-linux2
  • x86-solaris1
  • x86-freebsd1
  • x86-netbsd1

host core dumping when running the test suite (with both libffi and ffcall):

  • sparc-solaris1

hosts passing the test suite with ffcall, but where building the libffi library fails:

  • x86-openbsd1
  • ppc-osx1
  • ppc-osx2

the last two may be fixable by reverting to an earlier version of libffi

Code Using Ffidl

always on top
wrapper code for AutoIt
ZLM: includes an example of using ffidl to set the Windows desktop background.
Custom Toplevel Frame
SeS (26-10-2010): uses Ffidl to access DLL's and create customized toplevel frames in the Windows OS


Getting Windows "special folders" with Ffidl
kostix offers a solution for getting "special folders" on Windows platforms. While TWAPI can do this out-of-the-box, it doesn't work on Win9x and is big. Ffidl doesn't have these limitations.
calling Fortran routines in a DLL
ffidl wrapper brought to you by Michael Jacobsen

from Rolf Schroedter on c.l.t

--- file foo.h: ---

int foo_init( int adr, int log );
int foo_done( void );
int foo_info( FOO_INFO *infoPtr ); /* FOO_INFO is a structure */
int foo_open( const char *port );

--- file foo.tcl: ---

load ffidl05.dll
set DLL foo.dll
ffidl::callout foo_init {int int} int  [ffidl::symbol $DLL foo_init]
ffidl::callout foo_done {} int   [ffidl::symbol $DLL foo_done]
ffidl::callout foo_info {pointer-var} int [ffidl::symbol $DLL foo_info]
ffidl::callout foo_open {pointer-utf8} int [ffidl::symbol $DLL foo_open]

Explain Rolf Schroedter's screensaver example

#Rolf Schroedter
#German Aerospace Center
#Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration
load ffidl05.dll
ffidl::callout dll_FindWindow       {pointer-utf8 pointer-utf8} int     [ffidl::symbol user32.dll FindWindowA]
ffidl::callout dll_FindWindowTitle  {int pointer-utf8} int              [ffidl::symbol user32.dll FindWindowA]
ffidl::callout dll_FindWindowClass  {pointer-utf8 int} int              [ffidl::symbol user32.dll FindWindowA]
ffidl::callout dll_SetWindowPos     {int int int int int int int} int   [ffidl::symbol user32.dll SetWindowPos]
ffidl::callout dll_SystemParametersInfo {int int pointer int} int       [ffidl::symbol user32.dll SystemParametersInfoA]

proc FindWindow { class title } {
    if { [string length $class] == 0 } {
        dll_FindWindowTitle 0 $title
    } elseif { [string length $title] == 0 } {
        dll_FindWindowClass $class 0
    } else {
        dll_FindWindow $class $title
proc SetWindowPos { hwnd after x y cx cy {flags 0} } {
    array set VAL {TOP 0 BOTTOM 1 TOPMOST -1 NOTOPMOST -2}
    set iAfter $VAL([string toupper $after])
    dll_SetWindowPos $hwnd $iAfter $x $y $cx $cy $flags
proc SetupScreenSaver { bool } {
    dll_SystemParametersInfo 97 $bool 0 0   ;# SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING=97
proc exit? {} {
    set answer [tk_messageBox -message "Really quit?" -type yesno -icon question]
    switch -- $answer {
        yes {
            SetupScreenSaver 0
        no {}
proc ScreenSaver {win} {
    set size(X) [winfo screenwidth .]
    set size(Y) [winfo screenheight .]

    toplevel $win
    wm title $win "TclScreenSaver"     ;# to find the window

    wm overrideredirect $win true
    $win configure -relief flat -bd 0
    $win configure -cursor hand2    ;# Ohne cursor ???

    update idletasks                ;# virtually display $win, allows window to be found
    set hwnd [FindWindow "" "TclScreenSaver"]
    set res1 [SetWindowPos $hwnd TOPMOST 0 0 $size(X) $size(Y)]   ;# ever makes full screen
    set res2 [SetupScreenSaver 1]

    canvas $win.c -background yellow -width $size(X) -height $size(Y) -relief flat -bd 0
    pack $win.c -expand yes -fill both

    focus -force $win

    bind $win <Key> exit?
    bind $win <Motion> {}

wm withdraw .
ScreenSaver .scr

from Rob Hegt on c.l.t, Subject: solution for regaining focus from OpTcl hosted ActiveX control:

load lib/ffidl05.dll
ffidl::callout dll_SetFocus {int} int [ffidl::symbol user32.dll SetFocus]
proc GrabFocus {args} {dll_SetFocus [winfo id .]}

Then just bind GrabFocus to some event. In the post he uses <button> .

bind . <Button> +GrabFocus

Example: Using Pointers

by daapp

C declarations:

typedef short           I16;
typedef unsigned short  U16;

I16 _7443_initial(I16 *existCards);
I16 _7443_close(void);
I16 _7443_version_info(I16 CardNo, U16 *HardwareInfo, U16 *SoftwareInfo, U16 *DriverInfo);
I16 _7443_d_output(I16 CardNo, I16 Ch_No, I16 value);

Tcl code:

namespace eval 7443 {
    variable dll_name PPCI7443.dll
    ffidl::callout _initial {pointer-var} sint16 \
        [ffidl::symbol $dll_name _7443_initial]

    ffidl::callout close {} void [ffidl::symbol $dll_name _7443_close]
    ffidl::callout _version_info {sint16 pointer-var pointer-var pointer-var} \
        sint16 [ffidl::symbol $dll_name _7443_version_info]

    ffidl::callout d_output {sint16 sint16 sint16} sint16 \
          [ffidl::symbol $dll_name _7443_d_output]

# varName should containt quantity of available cards
proc 7443::initial {varName} {
    upvar $varName existsCards
    set cards [binary format s 0]
    set result [_initial cards]
    binary scan $cards s existsCards
    return $result

# return: {errorCode hardwareInfo softwareInfo driverInfo}
proc 7443::version_info {cardNumber} {
    set hardwareInfo [binary format s 0]
    set softwareInfo [binary format s 0]
    set driverInfo   [binary format s 0]
    set result [_version_info $cardNumber hardwareInfo softwareInfo driverInfo]

    binary scan $hardwareInfo s hi
    binary scan $softwareInfo s si
    binary scan $driverInfo   s di
    return [list $result $hi $si $di]

Example: Accessing Carbon API's on Mac OS X

DAS - The script below is a brief demo of Ffidl's usefulness for accessing Carbon APIs on Mac OS X, in particular it shows a carbon event handler implemented in tcl. It also shows how to access Tk APIs via the new [::ffidl::stubsymbol].

The demo installs the the system wide hotkey Cmd-Shift-A, pressing it makes the blue labelframe flash red. Note how the hotkey works even with Wish not in front...

# Let's ffidl with Carbon HotKeys!
# Copyright (c) 2005, Daniel A. Steffen <[email protected]>
# BSD License: c.f. <>
exec wish $0 "$@"

package require Tk
package require Ffidl

namespace eval carbon {

    ::ffidl::typedef EventHotKeyID {unsigned long} uint32
    ::ffidl::typedef EventTypeSpec uint32 uint32
    ::ffidl::typedef EventTargetRef pointer
    ::ffidl::typedef OSStatus sint32
    ::ffidl::callout RegisterEventHotKey {uint32 uint32 EventHotKeyID EventTargetRef \
                                          uint32 pointer-var} OSStatus \
            [::ffidl::symbol Carbon.framework/Carbon RegisterEventHotKey]
    ::ffidl::callout GetApplicationEventTarget {} EventTargetRef \
            [::ffidl::symbol Carbon.framework/Carbon GetApplicationEventTarget]
    ::ffidl::callout InstallEventHandler {EventTargetRef pointer-proc uint32 pointer-byte \
                                          pointer pointer-var} OSStatus \
            [::ffidl::symbol Carbon.framework/Carbon InstallEventHandler]

    ::ffidl::callout XKeysymToKeycode {pointer {unsigned long}} {unsigned long} \
            [::ffidl::stubsymbol tk intXLibStubs 35]; #XKeysymToKeycode
    ::ffidl::callout TkStringToKeysym {pointer-utf8} {unsigned long} \
            [::ffidl::stubsymbol tk intStubs 86]; #TkStringToKeysym

proc hotkeyHandler {handlerCallRef event userData} {
    .l configure -bg red
    after 200 .l configure -bg blue
    return 0

proc installHotKey {key} {
    labelframe .l -width 100 -height 100 -bg blue
    pack .l

    ::ffidl::callback hotkeyHandler {pointer pointer pointer} OSStatus

    set EventHandlerRef [binary format I 0]
    set res [carbon::InstallEventHandler [carbon::GetApplicationEventTarget] hotkeyHandler 1 \
        [binary format a4I keyb 5] 0 EventHandlerRef]
    if {$res} {puts stderr "InstallEventHandler failed: $res"; exit -1}

    set keycode [expr {[carbon::XKeysymToKeycode 0 [carbon::TkStringToKeysym $key]]>>16}]
    set modifiers [expr {1 << 8 | 1 << 9}]; #Cmd-Shift
    #set modifiers [expr {1 << 8}]; #Cmd
    set EventHotKeyRef [binary format I 0]
    set res [carbon::RegisterEventHotKey  $keycode $modifiers [binary format a4I wish 1] \
        [carbon::GetApplicationEventTarget] 0 EventHotKeyRef]
    if {$res} {puts stderr "RegisterEventHotKey failed: $res"; exit -1}

installHotKey A

DAS - How to set the application menu name at runtime on Mac OS X using undocumented Apple SPI:

package require Tk
package require Ffidl 0.6

::ffidl::callout CPSSetProcessName {pointer-byte pointer-utf8} sint32 \
    [::ffidl::symbol /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/CoreGraphics CPSSetProcessName]
CPSSetProcessName [binary format I2 {0 2}] "MyCoolApp"

and how to show or hide the current application: (also see tclCarbonProcesses)

::ffidl::callout ShowHideProcess {pointer-byte int} sint32 [::ffidl::symbol Carbon.framework/Carbon ShowHideProcess]
ShowHideProcess [binary format I2 {0 2}] 1; #Show
ShowHideProcess [binary format I2 {0 2}] 0; #Hide

DAS: another example DAS] for Mac OS X in response to a question on c.l.t. from Steven Myers

How to set the current application's dock tile from a png file (c.f. API docs [L1 ]):

# Set the Dock Tile from a png file with Ffidl
# Copyright (c) 2005, Daniel A. Steffen <[email protected]>
# BSD License: c.f. <>
exec wish $0 "$@"

package require Tk
package require Ffidl

namespace eval carbon {
    proc api {name argl ret lib} {::ffidl::callout $name $argl $ret \
        [::ffidl::symbol $lib.framework/$lib $name]}
    proc type {name type} {::ffidl::typedef $name $type}
    proc const {name args} {variable {}; eval set [list ($name)] $args}
    type OSStatus sint32
    type bool int
    type CFURLRef pointer
    type CGDataProviderRef pointer
    type CGImageRef pointer
    type CGColorRenderingIntent int
    const kCGRenderingIntentDefault 0

    api CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation {pointer pointer-utf8 \
            int bool} CFURLRef CoreFoundation
    api CFRelease {pointer} void CoreFoundation
    api CGDataProviderCreateWithURL {CFURLRef} CGDataProviderRef \
    api CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider {CGDataProviderRef pointer \
            bool CGColorRenderingIntent} CGImageRef ApplicationServices
    api SetApplicationDockTileImage {CGImageRef} OSStatus Carbon

    proc setDockTileToPNG {pngFile} {
        if {[file exists $pngFile]} {
            set url [CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation 0 $pngFile \
                    [string bytelength $pngFile] 0]
            if {$url} {
                set dp [CGDataProviderCreateWithURL $url]
                if {$dp} {
                    set img [CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider $dp 0 1 \
                            [const kCGRenderingIntentDefault]]
                    if {$img} {
                        SetApplicationDockTileImage $img
                        CFRelease $img
                    CFRelease $dp
                CFRelease $url

carbon::setDockTileToPNG test.png

DAS - Yet another Mac OS X example on how to find the user's preferred locale (as set in system preferences 'International') via the CFLocale API:

Note that kroc has since found a way to get this info without resorting to Ffidl: [exec defaults read NSGlobalDomain AppleLocale]

# Ffidling CFLocale
# Copyright (c) 2005, Daniel A. Steffen <[email protected]>
# BSD License: c.f. <>
exec tclsh $0 "$@"

package require Ffidl 0.6

namespace eval corefoundation {
    proc api {name argl ret} {::ffidl::callout $name $argl $ret \
        [::ffidl::symbol CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation $name]}
    api CFLocaleCopyCurrent {} pointer
    api CFLocaleGetIdentifier pointer pointer
    api CFStringGetLength pointer sint32
    ::ffidl::typedef CFRange sint32 sint32
    api CFStringGetCharacters {pointer CFRange pointer-var} void
    api CFRelease pointer void

    proc getLocaleIdentifier {} {
        set cfloc [CFLocaleCopyCurrent]
        set cfstr [CFLocaleGetIdentifier $cfloc]
        set len [CFStringGetLength $cfstr]
        set buf [binary format x[expr {2*$len}]]
        set range [binary format [::ffidl::info format CFRange] 0 $len]
        CFStringGetCharacters $cfstr $range buf
        CFRelease $cfloc
        encoding convertfrom unicode $buf

puts [corefoundation::getLocaleIdentifier]

Example: Microsof's net send

A wrapper for the Microsoft API-Call, NetMessageBufferSend :

package require Ffidl 0.5
ffidl::callout dll_netSend {pointer-utf16 pointer-utf16 pointer-utf16 pointer-utf16 long} long \
                           [ffidl::symbol netapi32.dll NetMessageBufferSend]
proc netSend {dest mesg {srv {}}} {
    set from $::tcl_platform(user)
    # or:
    # set from [info host]
    #  (only these two alternatives seems to work...)
    return [dll_netSend $srv $dest $from $mesg [expr [string length $mesg]*2]]

This is to send small messages to computers or users or work groups, which will immediately pop-up on the screen (using NT/2000/XP, if the messenger service is started, or with DOS/Win3x/9x, if winpopup/netpop.exe is running) - a task often needed by administrators! Note: The data-type-definitions are somewhat tricky....

With the srv Argument it is theoretically possible to specify the system which will perform the sending task - (example: \\machine1), but this involves some complex security aspects...

Example: expand a path containing Microsoft Windows environment variables

contributed by FM

expand strings like `%ProgramFiles%:

ffidl::callout dll_ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser \
    {int pointer-utf16  pointer-utf16 long} int \
    [ffidl::symbol Userenv.dll ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW]

proc {ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser} {WPath} {
    set TclPath [string repeat \u0000 300]
    if [dll_ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser 0 $WPath $TclPath 300] {
        set ix [string first \u0000 $TclPath]
        if {$ix > 0} {
            return [string range $TclPath 0 [expr {$ix - 1}]]
        } else {
            return {}
    } else {
        return {}

let's try it:

ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser {%ProgramFiles%\windows media player\wmplayer.exe}


C:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe


DLR Including ffidl in the core would be a huge boost to Tcl, and specially, Tcllib, as many modules could be written in pure Tcl. Part of the success of Mono/.NET is its P/Invoke feature which allows it to effortlessly wrap native libraries. The Mono implementation uses (or at least used to do) ffidl at its core.

Lectus: This is a must have functionality in Tcl. Any chance of moving it to core?

See Also

an alternative to ffidl for accessing the Win32API
provides an alternative approach for "calling functions in arbitrary dynamic libraries"

[L2 ].

Yet another dll caller
provides advanced data type handling over FFidl in a Windows-only version.

The examples are quite impressive. RT