Version 0 of Finding a sublist

Updated 2004-06-03 06:39:46

if 0 {Richard Suchenwirth - 2004-06-04 - In the Tcl chatroom I saw a request for finding the position of a sublist in a list, so that

 lsubl {a b c a d e} {a d}

would return 3. A number of famous algorithms (only not to me) were mentioned: Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Rabin-Karp, Boyer-Moore-Gosper. I'm more the practical kind of guy, so I decided just to give it a try, like this:

  • Find all possible starting positions of the sublist
  • Check whether they comply; return the first to match, or -1 if none

Here's my code: }

 proc lsubl {list sublist} {
    set sl [llength $sublist]
    if {!$sl} {return 0}
    foreach i [lsearch -all $list [lindex $sublist 0]] {
        if {[lrange $list $i [expr {$i+$sl-1}]] eq $sublist} {
            return $i
    return -1


 proc ? {c e} {catch $c r; if {$r ne $e} {puts "$c->$r, expected $e"}}

 ? {lsubl {a b c a d e} {a d}}  3
 ? {lsubl {a b c a d e} {a b}}  0
 ? {lsubl {a b c a d e} {a f}} -1
 ? {lsubl {a b c a d e} {}}     0 ;# empty list is everybody's sublist

if 0 {Could some algorithm-knowers comment, please? :)

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