[HJG] Someone has uploaded a lot of pictures to [Flickr], and I want to show them someplace where no internet is available. The pages at Flickr have a lot of links, icons etc., so a simple recursive download e.g. with wget, would fetch lots of unwanted stuff. So the first step would be [Downloading pictures from Flickr], as well as the titles and descriptions for the images. Then I want an offline photoalbum, suitable for presenting on a TV, i.e. video-output from a notebook connected to video-in on a TV-set. For TV, maybe 'medium quality' = 500x375 (according to Flickr) will be enough. But I want to show title and description with each picture. ... ---- See also: * [PhotoAlbum -A Web Gallery Creation Tool] * [Matthias Hoffmann - PhotoPrinter] * [Web pages with images] * [Polling web images with Tk] * - * [A little image viewer] * [Image Slideshow] * - * [Category Image Processing] * [strimj - string image routines] * [HTMLize an image] ---- [Category Application] - [Category Internet] - [Category Multimedia]