Fuzzy logic is logic with truth values that are not necessarily 0 and 1, but somewhere in between. Here's code, mostly by [dkf] as seen in the [Tcl chatroom] on 2003-12-05: proc fuzzyAnd {x y} {expr {$x*$y}} proc fuzzyNot {x} {expr {1.-$x}} proc fuzzyNAND {x y} {expr {1.-$x*$y}} proc fuzzyTrue {} {expr {1.}} proc fuzzyFalse {} {expr {0.}} proc fuzzyOr {x y} {fuzzyNot [fuzzyAnd [fuzzyNot $x] [fuzzyNot $y]]} proc fuzzyXor {x y} { fuzzyOr [fuzzyAnd $x [fuzzyNot $y]] [fuzzyAnd [fuzzyNot $x] $y] } proc fuzzyEq {x y} {fuzzyNot [fuzzyXor $x $y]} ---- [TV] Maybe you want to bound the range of the functions symmetrically by soft limiting them between [[-1,1]] using: set PId2 [expr acos(-1)] proc clampto1 x {global PId2; return [expr atan($x*$PId2)/$PId2]} Not distributive, the result would be, but fun. [DKF]: What on earth are you talking about? Fuzzy Logic works with (what can be thought of as) probabilities. The domain of each of the input values is [[0,1]], and given that, the range of the functions is [[0,1]] as well. Clamping is unnecessary. ---- [Category Concept]