Version 13 of GSoC 2009 Executed Projects

Updated 2010-04-30 17:46:29 by AK
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Student Project Title Mentor Status
Michael Aram SCORM Compliant Content Packaging for Wiki-based Content Development Gustaf Neumann ok
Sławomir Cygan TDBC Driver Development Kevin Kenny ok
Daniel Kloeck Regexp engine cleanup Jeff Hobbs ok
Krzysztof Blicharski Tcl/Tk Printing Support Clif Flynt ok
Alexandros Stergiakis Improve GIS support in Tcl. Steve Huntley ok
Łukasz Miądowicz Image Handling Enhancement Youness Alaoui ok
Radoslaw Szulgo Jacl modernization Tom Poindexter ok
Michał Antoniewski Graph Manipulations Andreas Kupriesok
Paraskevi Nikolaidou HTTP/1.1 support and Chameleon, native look for Tk widgets Pat Thoyts ok

The general download area for GSoC/Tcl 2009 is

Please nag^Wtalk to the Mentor for anything not found there.

SEH: it's nice to see that the status of the last project is rated ok. But I never saw any feedback about the results of that project, nor any pointer to where the code generated for it can be found. I would like to give the improved Chameleon package a try. Can whoever rated that project as ok give some information about how the project went, and some links to where the project's work product is? jdp: Take a look at the link to the general download area, that seems to have all the code for everything.

SEH: yes, that link was provided after I made my comment. Thanks, it was just what I wanted.