'''Someone nagged me, so here is an initial page!''' I am currently an Implementation Engineer for HMS Software. I also perform in ballets and operas. For the upcoming performance schedule, see Jefferson Performing Arts Society [http://www.jpas.org/]. I also maintain the dp.tcl [http://members.cox.net/gerald.lester/DpTcl.tar.gz] package and the TclDbf [http://members.cox.net/gerald.lester/TclDbf.tar.gz] package. I'm one of the first 1,000 users (or is it first 100) of Tcl/Tk. A better more complete page will come at some future date (maybe). Regular homepage: http://members.cox.net/gerald.lester/ ---- ''"The man who fights for his ideals is the man who is alive." -- Cervantes'' [Robert Abitbol] Geeze! Then I must be really alive! Thanks Lester for your cutting the crap on the George Staplin page. Let bygones by bygones indeed! I have good news for you. I am convinced you thought you were the only ballet dancer/programmer in the world. Well no! My first programmer was also both. He looked like a geek sort of like a younger version of Bill Gates. He was programming in C (great programmer incidently). He'd levae his code, take off his glasses, put on his contact lenses and his tutu and he'd become a ballet dancer! He performed in a ballet Company in Estonia and now he is in Germany. Quite a character that guy! For him ballet was a sort of mathematical happening. He loved maths. So there you are! You now have two guys in your programmer/ballet dancer fraternity! Cheers! ---- [Category Person]