'''TODO:''' Guidelines for use of branches (vs direct commit to trunk, etc.). <> ---- The Tcl and Tk source repositories can be found at * http://core.tcl.tk/tcl * http://core.tcl.tk/tk The version control system used for these is [Fossil]. The remainder of this page follows Fossil's generic [http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/quickstart.wiki%|%Quickstart Guide], modified to suit Tcl/Tk development. **Installation** Prebuilt binaries for the major platforms (Linux, OSX, Windows, BSD) are available at http://www.fossil-scm.org/download.html [http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/build.wiki%|%Building it yourself] is of course possible as well. **Getting Tcl and Tk Sources** Fossil works with repository files (a database with the project's complete history) and with checked-out local trees (the working directory you use to do your work). The workflow for Tcl and Tk looks like this: First, clone the repository ====== fossil clone http://mirror1.tcl.tk/tcl tcl.fossil fossil pull http://core.tcl.tk/tcl -R tcl.fossil fossil clone http://mirror1.tcl.tk/tk tk.fossil fossil pull http://core.tcl.tk/tk -R tk.fossil ====== We are using mirror1 because the repositories are large and http://core.tcl.tk/ is bandwidth-limited. To prevent fossil from remembering the wrong url for pushing we then follow this by pulls from the proper repository. This will also import all changes which were pushed while we were cloning around. **Make Ready For Work** Then create local checkouts to work with (using Tcl as example): ====== mkdir /somewhere/tcl cd /somewhere/tcl fossil open /wherever/you/have/tcl.fossil ====== Now you have the most recent revision of Tcl's trunk (ex-CVS HEAD) in the directory. Hacking can commence. **Keeping Up-To-Date** Move into a checkout, then pull all changes, at last update the checkout. ====== cd /somewhere/tcl fossil pull fossil update ====== The first time "fossil pull" is used you have to specify the repository (url) you are pulling from (as shown the first section of the page). From that point on fossil remembers the url and a simple "fossil pull" is sufficient. **Working In Branches** To fix issues in a specific branch, for example "core-8-5-branch", we have to create a local checkout which contains the sources of said branch. We can do this in two ways: '''For one''', create a new checkout and tell fossil which branch to put into it: ====== mkdir /somewhere/tcl-core-8-5-branch cd /somewhere/tcl-core-8-5-branch fossil open /wherever/you/have/tcl.fossil core-8-5-branch ====== '''For two''', reuse an existing checkout and switch it over to the desired branch ====== cd /somewhere/tcl fossil update core-8-5-branch ====== The set of open branches can be discovered by invoking ====== fossil branch list ====== from within a checkout, or via ====== fossil branch list -R /wherever/you/have/tcl.fossil ====== if no checkout is available. ***Porting Forward*** When fixing an issue start doing that at the oldest branch you wish to support. When the fix is done sequentially merge it up to the newer branches, following a stair-case pattern. For example, start the fix in "core-8-4-branch", after committing merge 8.4 to "core-8-5-branch", and lastly, merge 8.5 to trunk. Do not follow a star-pattern where the fix is directly merged from 8.4 to trunk. This messes up the ancestor-selection logic of future merges. ====== # In core-8-4-branch ... develop the fix fossil commit ... # Step I, merge up to 8.5 fossil update core-8-5-branch fossil merge core-8-4-branch ... fix conflicts, if any fossil commit ... # Step II, merge up to 8.6 aka trunk fossil update trunk fossil merge core-8-5-branch ... fix conflicts, if any fossil commit ... ====== ***Porting Backward*** When fixing a bug it is not always clear in the beginning what the oldest branch is, to support. This leaves us later with the necessity of porting a change backward, making the staircase pattern impossible. In that case cherry-pick the change to apply in the older branch. Assuming our fix is VERSION, and has to go into 8.4: ====== fossil update core-8-4-branch fossil merge --cherrypick VERSION ... fix conflicts, if any fossil commit ====== **Pushing Changes** To push changes directly to http://core.tcl.tk/tcl or http://core.tcl.tk/tk an account is needed on that repository. The administrators which can handle requests for accounts are Don Porter,, Donal Fellows, Richard Hipp, Jeff Hobbs, Joe English, Roy Keene, Kevin Kenny, and Andreas Kupries. This is primarily for Tcl and Tk Maintainers. Assuming that you have an account A invoke ====== fossil push http://A@core.tcl.tk/tcl ====== from within a local checkout. Fossil will ask for the password of A and then push all changes (if not [http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/private.wiki%|%private]). '''Note''' that the url has to be supplied only once, for the first push or sync. Fossil remembers url and hashed password, enabling future pushes to be run by invoking the simpler ====== fossil push ====== from the checkout. **More Information** For those which have worked on the core before, using CVS, please also see the [Fossil vs CVS Commands]. <>Community