This is another window manager for [weeApps]. The code below sets up a main window with four [MDI]-like app windows, one anchored to each corner. There's a starkit at [] which adds a wrapper around this with Keith Vetter's [Rush Hour] game in window #1 and Steve Redler's [weeCalc] in window #3. The API for this is one big hack, basically it overrides the pack, button, etc commands - trying to make a script think that "." is the top level, while GooWee turns it into a frame. The illusion breaks down whem calling widgets directly, so ".t ..." needs to be changed to "gw .t ..." everywhere in the original script. A single line at the top ensures that the Rush Hour script continues to work when launched by itself, i.e. in the normal "." toplevel: proc gw {args} { uplevel 1 $args }; catch ::gw::init ;# GooWee preamble [] Anyway, here is "goowee.tcl", a (densely coded) GooWee wanna-be-a-desktop-manager. It presents a demo desktop when launched as is: # GooWee - A little desktop for little windows # jcw, 2004-10-07 package require Tk bind . { destroy . } ;# ramdebugger convenience namespace eval gw { variable version 0.1 proc layoutScreen {} { variable version wm title . "GooWee $version" set bg #fffff0 . configure -bg $bg pack [frame .desk -bg $bg -height 500 -width 750] -expand 1 -fill both pack [frame .ctl -height 50] -fill x -padx 3 -pady 3 text .ctl.t -bg $bg -height 2 -bd 0 -highlightcolor #c0c0c0 pack .ctl.t -fill both .ctl.t insert end "Press F1..F4 to switch or F5 to quit. " # fgcolor bgcolor -----arrow-bitmask----- hside vtitle createTop 1 #ffcccc #fff0f0 80/C0/E0/F0/F8/FC/FE/FF right bottom createTop 2 #ccffcc #f0fff0 01/03/07/0F/1F/3F/7F/FF left bottom createTop 3 #ccccff #f0f0ff FF/7F/3F/1F/0F/07/03/01 left top createTop 4 #dddddd #f0f0f0 FF/FE/FC/F8/F0/E0/C0/80 right top focusOn 1 } proc createTop {n fgcolor bgcolor bits hside vtitle} { variable arrows if {![info exists arrows($n)]} { set arrows($n) [makeArrow $bits] } set w .desk.f$n frame $w -bg white -highlightthickness 1 \ -highlightbackground $fgcolor -highlightcolor $fgcolor frame $ label $ -bg $bgcolor -text F$n -anchor w label $ -bg $bgcolor -image $arrows($n) -width 15 frame $ -bg white -bd 0 pack $ -fill x -side $vtitle pack $ -fill y -side $hside pack $ -expand 1 -fill x -side $hside pack $ -expand 1 -fill both -side $vtitle setSize $n 350 200 bind . "::gw::focusOn $n" bind $w "::gw::setColor $n $fgcolor; raise $w" bind $w "::gw::setColor $n $bgcolor" bind $ <1> "::gw::focusOn $n" bind $ <1> "::gw::focusOn $n %x %y" bind $ "::gw::trackSize $n %x %y" } proc makeArrow {b} { set d [string map [list #m 0x[string map {/ ,0x} $b]] { #define _width 8 #define _height 8 static char _bits[] = { #m }; }] return [image create bitmap -data $d] } proc focusOn {n {x ""} {y ""}} { variable rx $x ry $y focus .desk.f$ } proc trackSize {n x y} { variable rx variable ry set w .desk.f$n set ax [string map {1 + 2 - 3 - 4 +} $n] set ay [string map {1 + 2 + 3 - 4 -} $n] set nx [expr [winfo width $w] $ax ($x-$rx)] set ny [expr [winfo height $w] $ay ($y-$ry)] setSize $n $nx $ny } proc setSize {n nx ny} { #XXX cannot use winfo before geometry has been determined #XXX but winfo will be required to deal with desk resizing set sx [.desk cget -width] ;#set sx [winfo width .desk] set sy [.desk cget -height] ;#set sy [winfo height .desk] incr sx -3 if {$nx > $sx-25} { set nx [expr {$sx-25}] } if {$ny > $sy-30} { set ny [expr {$sy-30}] } if {$nx < 45} { set nx 45 } if {$ny < 25} { set ny 25 } switch $n 1 - 4 { set x 3 } default { set x [expr {$sx-$nx}] } switch $n 1 - 2 { set y 3 } default { set y [expr {$sy-$ny}] } place .desk.f$n -width $nx -height $ny -x $x -y $y } proc setColor {n color} { set w .desk.f$n $ configure -bg $color $ configure -bg $color } layoutScreen }