[Keith Vetter] : 2008-12-30 : I was reading a WPF book trying to understand how to do control layout (and getting frustrated by how complicated it was). I did see one neat feature that I thought Tk should have: '''gridlines''' [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.gridlines(VS.71).aspx]. When turned on, they show dotted lines outlining the grid cells. So here's my version of ''GridLines''. You can show or hide them via: GridLines => show grid lines for GridLines 1 => delete grid lines for ---- ====== proc GridLines {W {delete 0}} { set thick 2 set fgClr black set bgClr white set prefix ".__gridline_[string map {. _} $W]" if {$delete} { foreach w [info command $prefix*] { destroy $w } return } foreach {. . width height} [grid bbox $W] break foreach {cols rows} [grid size $W] break set thick2 [expr {$thick/2.0}] set lwidth [expr {$thick+1}] for {set row 1} {$row < $rows} {incr row} { set y [lindex [grid bbox $W 0 $row] 1] set w "${prefix}_row_$row" destroy $w canvas $w -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -width $width -height $thick \ -bg $bgClr $w create line 0 $thick2 $width $thick2 -dash 1 -fill $fgClr -width $lwidth place $w -in $W -x 0 -y $y } for {set col 1} {$col < $cols} {incr col} { set x [lindex [grid bbox $W $col 0] 0] set w "${prefix}_col_$col" destroy $w canvas $w -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -width $thick -height $height \ -bg $bgClr $w create line $thick2 0 $thick2 $height -dash 1 -fill $fgClr -width $lwidth place $w -in $W -x $x -y 0 } } ################################################################ # # Demo code # set cells { 0,0,1,1,blue 0,1,1,1,red 0,2,1,1,green 0,3,1,1,cyan 0,4,1,1,navy 1,0,1,1,red 1,1,2,1,green 1,2,1,1,cyan 1,3,1,2,yellow 2,0,3,1,blue 2,2,1,2,navy 2,4,2,1,magenta 3,1,2,3,orange 4,4,1,1,cyan } proc ToggleGridLines {W} { GridLines $W [expr {! $::S(show)}] } set W .top checkbutton .show -text "Show Grid Lines" -variable ::S(show) \ -command [list ToggleGridLines $W] pack [frame $W] -side top pack .show -side top -pady 5 set W2 [expr {$W eq "." ? "" : $W}] foreach cell $cells { foreach {row col rs cs clr} [split $cell ","] break set w $W2.$cell label $w -bg $clr -bd 0 -relief solid grid $w -row $row -column $col -rowspan $rs -columnspan $cs -sticky news } grid columnconfig $W all -minsize 60 grid rowconfig $W all -minsize 60 foreach {cols rows} [grid size $W] break for {set col 0} {$col < $cols} {incr col} { grid columnconfigure $W $col -minsize [expr {20 + 30*$col}] } for {set row 0} {$row < $rows} {incr row} { grid rowconfigure $W $row -minsize [expr {20 + 30*$row}] } return ====== ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Debugging] | [Category Dev. Tools] | [Category GUI] |% !!!!!!