[GS] (20100108) This little demo, draw a tree with interactive parameters controls such as tree height, trunk bending, branch level or angle. [http://wfr.tcl.tk/fichiers/images/gtree.jpg] ====== # growingtree.tcl # Author: Gerard Sookahet # Date: 08 Jan 2010 # Description: Draw an interactive tree with controls package require Tk bind all {exit} proc About {} { set w .about catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm title $w "About growingtree" message $w.msg -justify center -aspect 250 -relief sunken -bg blue -fg white \ -text "growingtree\n\nGerard Sookahet\n\nJanuary 2010" button $w.bquit -text " OK " -command {destroy .about} eval pack [winfo children $w] } proc Init {w} { global lcolor global rdepth bendangle0 branchangle0 trunkratio branchratio global bendangle branchangle global height H set rdepth 5 set bendangle0 9 set branchangle0 60 set trunkratio .2 set branchratio .4 set height 2.6 set lcolor {} set bendangle $bendangle0 set branchangle $branchangle0 set lcolor {#00ff00 #00e500 #00cc00 #00b200 #009900 #007f00 #006600 #004c00 #003300 #001900} DrawTree $w 200 400 $branchangle0 [expr {($H-200)*$height}] $rdepth } proc Main { N } { global lcolor global rdepth bendangle0 branchangle0 trunkratio branchratio global height H set w .itree catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm withdraw . wm title $w "Growing tree" wm geometry $w +10+10 $w config -bg darkblue set f0 [frame $w.f0] pack [canvas $w.c -width $N -height $N -bg white] $f0 -side left set H $N Init $w set f1 [frame $f0.f1 -relief sunken -bd 1] pack $f1 -fill x scale $f1.sc1 -from 1 -to 10 -length 360 -resolution 1 -label "branch level" \ -orient horiz -bd 1 -showvalue true -variable rdepth \ -command "RedrawTree $w" scale $f1.sc2 -from -60 -to 60 -length 360 -resolution 1 -label "bend angle" \ -orient horiz -bd 1 -showvalue true -variable bendangle0 \ -command "RedrawTree $w" scale $f1.sc3 -from 0 -to 180 -length 360 -resolution 1 -label "branch angle" \ -orient horiz -bd 1 -showvalue true -variable branchangle0 \ -command "RedrawTree $w" scale $f1.sc4 -from 0 -to 0.7 -length 360 -resolution 0.01 -label "trunk ratio" \ -orient horiz -bd 1 -showvalue true -variable trunkratio \ -command "RedrawTree $w" scale $f1.sc5 -from 0.1 -to 2.0 -length 360 -resolution 0.1 -label "branch ratio" \ -orient horiz -bd 1 -showvalue true -variable branchratio \ -command "RedrawTree $w" scale $f1.sc6 -from 0.1 -to 4.0 -length 360 -resolution 0.1 -label "tree height" \ -orient horiz -bd 1 -showvalue true -variable height \ -command "RedrawTree $w" eval pack [winfo children $f1] set f3 [frame $f0.f3 -relief sunken -bd 1] pack $f3 -fill x button $f3.ba -text About -width 6 -bg blue -fg white -command About button $f3.bq -text Quit -width 5 -bg blue -fg white -command exit eval pack [winfo children $f3] -side left } proc DrawTree {w xo yo a r level} { global lcolor global bendangle branchangle trunkratio branchratio height set rad 0.0174532925 set arad [expr {$a*$rad}] set rtr [expr {$r*$trunkratio}] set x [expr {$xo + cos($arad)*$rtr}] set y [expr {$yo - sin($arad)*$rtr}] $w.c create line $xo $yo $x $y -fill [lindex $lcolor $level] -width $level if {$level > 0} then { incr level -1 set a [expr {$a + $bendangle}] set rbr [expr {$r*$branchratio}] DrawTree $w $x $y [expr {$a - $branchangle}] $rbr $level DrawTree $w $x $y [expr {$a + $branchangle}] $rbr $level DrawTree $w $x $y $a [expr {(1 - $trunkratio)*$r}] $level } } proc RedrawTree {w v} { global lcolor global rdepth bendangle0 branchangle0 bendangle branchangle global height H $w.c delete all set rad 0.0174532925 set bendangle $bendangle0 set branchangle $branchangle0 DrawTree $w 200 400 90 [expr {($H-200)*$height}] $rdepth } Main 400 ====== <> Uncategorized